True, but with how easy it is to dodge all SAHR missiles i would say its much more valuable to have either a lot of them, or a lot of good IR missiles. F14/16 have a lot of good IR missiles for example.
I played on 27ER release. The 29 shit on the game for months. Combination of overpowered 27ER with cracked FM.
Depends on what is more important for you, for me its missiles, so again F16 wins everytime except high alt BVR
Except it doesn’t. 29 still wins that on live server rn.
I am not happy with the introduction of the R73 like it is right now, the Am9M on the other hand is much worse for balance.
Both are terrible for balance full stop. Don’t try to make one side look better. It shows your bias.
When were these last two dev patches implemented
It’s not. MASSIVE cope for you to say a 9L with slightly better resistance is an equal to the R-73.
if that the case dev should give ASRAAM AIM-9X and IRIS-T don’t you think? plus he didn’t even mention what variant of R-73 early or 90 upgrade because missile keep upgrading early R-73 and there is noway R-73 have flare resistance on par with stinger even 9M not in that level
Read the comment… Was talking about Magic 2.
I hate this shitty forum :) Way too easy to lose context
That being said, I do think the Torando F3 needs 9M ASAP.
would have to look through oshida mines
well from what some people saying the 9m right now is using placeholder stinger seeker so maybe that’s why its so flare resistant and does crazy shit it does
R27ER is a lot better than the Aim7F, thats a fact. 6 good missiles can kill up to 6 planes, 2 great ones can kill 2. Fly low and none of them hit. Mig29 vs F16 rn is balanced, but the Aim9L is objectively better, and the F16 is, IN MY OPINION, better in a df by a slight bit. I Also said that im not happy with the introduction of the R73, but a Missile you cant flare away at 3km side aspect is a bit much more than the russian turny boi?
one was 03.09 second was 04.09 both changed alot of R-73 stuff
None of those missiles is needed, an upgrade over the R60M is needed but not one that gets as good as R73 is rn. Aim9M just blows everything out of the water. You quoted a quote from my post btw.
well except there is nothing between R-60M and R-73 and R-60M got nerfed aswell from 35 deg/s to 30 deg/s tracking
Buff the R60 or a gimped version of R73 like they did with Magic 2 would be possible.
well seeing that flare resistance of R-73 is now more or less lil bit better than R-60M it is already gimped as you need alot less flares than you needed to get it off you
oh sorry anyway i agreed with you on the part R-73 shouldn’t be add at the first place (for me MiG-29SMT and F-16C shouldn’t even be add at the first place US can get F-111 or AV-8B N/A)
but here we are Russia get R-73 and other four nation get 9M for me well it is what it is now since we are in this point i hope gaijin fix magic 2 as well.
R-73 also has stupid resistance at close range currently except it can also do a 360 degree turn… highly artifically buffed from RL performance.
The 29SMT is tbh a good choice for the first R73 carrying fighter, as it is just a fat version of the current 29. 9M would be a viable counter for the 4 nations, just make it flareable like pre nerf 9L. But if the rest doesnt get anything compareable then both shouldnt be added
it can do 180s, im not in support of that, 360 is greatly exaggerated tho.