The AIM-9M with the current level of ECCM on the DEV SERVER is unacceptable

Straight up ignnoring 30+ flares vs a maneuvering target with %50 throttle at 3KM is not fine.


Sounds good to me. About time another nation to the soviets got something good


nah, it’s about time we move on in A/A tech
r73 should have it’s irccm as it is, it’s just a better missile


Best Jet in game
Best BVR missile in game
Only long range IR missile in game
R-73 (likely still WIP) was the best IR missile in game (probably will be again eventually)

Soviets: its unfair any other nation gets anything even on par to what we get, we must be the best.

Aim-9M are probably a WIP, have a shot of Vodka and wait. Im sure theyll get nerfed down to 9Ls level of FR in a week

Besides, R73s are the last time youll get anything even close to being better than the west. Wait till ASRAAM, then you can complain


With these new batch of missiles, we’re super close to top tier being pure chance based. Good job everybody! Super hardcore gameplay! Woohoo! 👏🙄


Flares are only effective against early missiles. Most of modern missiles need more than flares to be defeated. Also game is very forgiving to planes. In real life lock alone is enough to make a pilot do crazy maneuvers to save himself from lock let alone from missile itself. Don’t look in game where flare can also defeat radar lock. Real life SAM were not shitty and could kill you easier than you might think.


im getting killed with R73 always 100% death when someone shot at me with that missile my F104Asa stand no chance. So yeah its well deserved.

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you can fool it by rolling to a side and flaring a couple times

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just post it here


-Aim9L was way better than R60M in all ways except pulling off the rail and equal in pull
-6 Aim7F is arguably better than 2 R27ERs as SAHRs are easily dodged by just flying low
-A half decent F16 pilot easily wins against the current Mig29 which doesnt receive its R73, the new SMT is heavier with the same thrust

So the soviets didnt have the best jet, they did have the best BVR missile but only in limited supply paired with a radar that cant lock above 45km (Aim7F can do 45km shots as well, Aim54 can do 60km+ but is unlikely to hit so not a problem).

2 “Long-range” IR missiles arent nearly as good as 6 Aim 9Ls which can orbital strike you from 6km as well. 1 Flare and the shiny R24T/R27ET is going for it, doesnt even have to be intentional making long range IRs a worse option to the R24R/R27ER

“Aim-9M are probably a WIP, have a shot of Vodka and wait. Im sure theyll get nerfed down to 9Ls level of FR in a week”
And the R73 is finished and wont be nerfed to R60M levels of flare resistance in a week?

“Sounds good to me. About time another nation to the soviets got something good”. No the US got something to counter the R73, Britan is stuck on F4s, Sweden is stuck on the Viggen for now, Germany, while having a Mig29 is stuck on obsolete R60MK, Italy, China, Japan and Israel have their own F16 essentially making them US 2.0, and France is stuck with 4 Missiles, The Magic 2 essentially being a bit more flare resistant R60M aka obsolete.

So in conclusion your first post is complete bs and you are obviously just a typical US Main.


It was till they gave it the flare resistance of an SRAAM, 1 flare and it was defeated

Aim-7 and Skytrash were artifiically nerfed to not work at low alt, stay low and they are easily defeated. The speed differential means you win in a joust 99% of the time.

Mig 29 is faster and equally nimble to any F-16 and vastly superior to several nations like the F3 or Viggen

Soviet bias is strongm R73 will be buffed, 9Ms will be nerfed that is widely known and expected. Just look at western tanks vs soviet tanks.

Im a britain main… ive had to deal with Mig 29s ans F16s in the Tornado F3 for 6 months. So no, you are wrong. Besides, the F3 that needed it 6 months ago isnt even getting it.


So you’re telling me that my over BR’d Harrier GR.7 has a chance now?

I didn’t even share the video , learn to read


Only for the next few days

“It was till they gave it the flare resistance of an SRAAM, 1 flare and it was defeated”
R60M always had no flare resistance, Aim9L is still better it just seems worse because you can use it above 1.3km (flares are more effective as range increases against current missiles)

“Aim-7 and Skytrash were artifiically nerfed to not work at low alt, stay low and they are easily defeated. The speed differential means you win in a joust 99% of the time.”

  1. you forgot to quote the 6 before the post, the most important piece of that argument
  2. any radar missile will kiss the ground if you fly low (i used Aim7F and R27ER)

“Mig 29 is faster and equally nimble to any F-16 and vastly superior to several nations like the F3 or Viggen”
The Mig 29 will loose the low speed rate fight, DFs arent even common in Air RB making the slightly better F16 performance unimportant anyway. F16 also smacks the Viggen and similar planes, the 23 MLD or J7E do it as well.

“Soviet bias is strongm R73 will be buffed, 9Ms will be nerfed that is widely known and expected. Just look at western tanks vs soviet tanks.”

  1. The R60 being the first missile to have its flare resistance nerfed in “Red Skies”, the soviet themed update.
  2. The Mig23m performing bad enough to introduce R60M
  3. The Mig29 performing bad enough to add the ER noone asked for, as well as numerous FM and Radar buffs to make it even competitive. Its not russian bias, its crying till they get nerfed to shit on the dev server and at release they have to fix it
  4. Its about the Aim9M vs R73, not tank battles

“Im a britain main… ivr had to deal with Mig 29s ans F16s in the Tornado F3 for 6 months. So no, you are wrong”
For a british main you seem quite familiar with the 29 or F16s df characteristics. I played both, id pick the F16 any day


Nobody expects it to stay the way it is


Silly ass “main” take. There are more than 2 nations in game.


2 good missiles are better than 6 bad missiles.If you want to use your jet like a average F-14 user slinging AIM-54s then missiles arent for you.It’s a extremely dumb excuse to say 6 bad missiles are better just because they are more in number.

Currently AIM-7Fs have really poor tracking. Often they will wonder off in the wrong direction.

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Silly take. Game has to be relatively balanced to be enjoyable…


If you’re ok with nerfing the 9M you’re also ok with nerfing the R-73. trying to say either is in a good state rn is a hard cope take.