I never said i use Aim54, i even said they are so unlikely to hit that i take them out of the equation. And its not 2 good missiles against 6 bad ones, its 2 great missiles against 6 decent - good missiles. You will not win the joust if you dont have SAHRs left, and Aim7F are still a perfectly fine weapon.
Im a Britain main, A nation that has been totally forgotten this update. So… Yeah, I know. Whilst everyone else is running around in 12.3s we barely have a good 11.3
-Aim9L was way better than R60M in all ways except pulling off the rail and equal in pull
jets had other downsides and upsides to balance this. MiG-29 had better SARH and FM for instance.
-A half decent F16 pilot easily wins against the current Mig29 which doesnt receive its R73, the new SMT is heavier with the same thrust
Only on dev, live server rn the MiG-29 wins that fight.
So the soviets didnt have the best jet
Yes. They did. Sorry.
they did have the best BVR missile but only in limited supply paired with a radar that cant lock above 45km
hard cope to complain about a 45km lock limit when nobody is fighting at 45km. The 29 had a very good radar with tight notch angles with a supremely good SARH missile.
2 “Long-range” IR missiles arent nearly as good as 6 Aim 9Ls which can orbital strike you from 6km as well.
9L is shitty in comparison to R-24/R-27T when using the long range ambush style of engagement. You’re coping.
And the R73 is finished and wont be nerfed to R60M levels of flare resistance in a week?
Yes? Exactly that? Gaijin has made efforts to directly buff its flare resistance by reducing FoV greatly on final approach. This is intended behavior. The devs also think the R-73 is equivalent to 9X/IRST missiles and that the 9M is worse in every way. They’ve literally said as such.
The Magic 2 essentially being a bit more flare resistant R60M aka obsolete.
Lots of magic 2 bug reports just got updated to “will be fixed” so don’t expect that to last
I did not say that you use AIM-54.I said it as an example. Missiles are meant to be fired with caution.If you are cautious enough then 2 good missiles are enough. Also in current top tier situation you are never going to be able to use all 6 of your missiles.Either you will die before you can use all of them or the match will end.Also dont forget about frequent glitches.
2 good missiles are better than 6 bad missiles.If you want to use your jet like a average F-14 user slinging AIM-54s then missiles arent for you.It’s a extremely dumb excuse to say 6 bad missiles are better just because they are more in number.
These same people went onto that F-4C thread you’ve probably seen about downtiering it and said its fine because it has 8 missiles and the rest of the jets at 10.0-10.7 have 2-4 like it mattered at all even slightly.
I tbh never had any trouble with glitches (except invisible missiles ofc), the thing is, it doesnt matter if you miss with 1 Aim7F as you get 5 more. With a lower number like 2 for the 27ER you need to get those 2 kills.
Honestly they should lower F-4C’s BR.Just 0.3 decrease would be a great improvement.I haven’t seen a single F-4C get more than 1 kill.
AIM-7Ds are one of the worst SARH missile out there.Even AIM-9Cs are much better than those crap
No they should decompress.
Then it’s a good thing the kill rate is much higher on the 27ER right?
Muh it fine at least MiG-29 get R-73 R-27ER/ET and US/UK/IT just get 9M well R-73 still better dogfight missile anyway
now what I worry is magic 2 will be fix this patch?
Magic 2s suck right now
Yeah, they have a decent platform, but you have soviets complaining they only have 2x BVR and 4x IR missiles. Poor French have even less. France, Britain and Sweden have all been left to suffer for a long ass time.
“jets had other downsides and upsides to balance this. MiG-29 had better SARH and FM for instance.”
True, but with how easy it is to dodge all SAHR missiles i would say its much more valuable to have either a lot of them, or a lot of good IR missiles. F14/16 have a lot of good IR missiles for example.
“Only on dev, live server rn the MiG-29 wins that fight.”
Currently, in my experience, flying both, the F16 wins a lot more
“Yes. They did. Sorry.”
Depends on what is more important for you, for me its missiles, so again F16 wins everytime except high alt BVR
“hard cope to complain about a 45km lock limit when nobody is fighting at 45km. The 29 had a very good radar with tight notch angles with a supremely good SARH missile.”
Not complaining about it, high range kills are rare. While the Mig has indeed a good radar, the F16s radar is just better in my experience, which is fine as it only gets 2 Missiles as well.
“9L is shitty in comparison to R-24/R-27T when using the long range ambush style of engagement. You’re coping.”
R24/27 are better at range, but again the Aim9L is more numerous and by no means bad.
“Yes? Exactly that? Gaijin has made efforts to directly buff its flare resistance by reducing FoV greatly on final approach. This is intended behavior. The devs also think the R-73 is equivalent to 9X/IRST missiles and that the 9M is worse in every way. They’ve literally said as such.”
I am not happy with the introduction of the R73 like it is right now, the Am9M on the other hand is much worse for balance.
“Lots of magic 2 bug reports just got updated to “will be fixed” so don’t expect that to last”
Havnt heard of it, but now that i know i support buffing it
except R-73 already got nerfed in both tracking and flare resistance
The biggest thing about the Mig29 vs F16 on the Dev server is because people are doing 1v1’s a lot. ARB you don’t get to 1v1 a lot of the time.
since last 2 dev patches it takes along more time now to start turning and you need around 2 flare pops
It was a much better missile irl.If they give it’s real specifications then France wouldnt need a R-73 counterpart for now.
/ it is the R-73 counterpart already (when fixed)