The AH-1F is 9.7 with shorter range missiles than the Mi-24A, both have rocket CCIP

There are already ATGM helicopters even lower than 9.3, the AH-1F’s ATGMs are lesser range than them. I don’t understand this comparison.

AH-1F has thermals and that is what is important in it. Play HKP9A if You want 8 rockets without thermals.

This guy completely ignores all other aspects except ATGM range and asks to down tier it, its like if i was to ask to downtier T-72B to 9.0 because T-62M-1 shares same fixed 8.0 zoom with it. Or to downtier OF-40MTCA because it shares basis with OF-40.


Yes the thermals should be removed so it can be lowered to 9.3

Because You say so?

I didn’t advocate for the AH-1F to become 8.7 where the Mi-24A was, I said 9.3

I also recognize the importance of thermals I was just unaware that it had them when I created the post

It should lose its thermals and be placed at 9.3

Because it would be better for the game.

It wouldn’t.

You have UH-1C for 8.7




Sorry but I have used both vechicles and they are excelent at their B.R.

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yeah just give it up, you gonna lose your own intelligence arguing with the biggest idiotic troll in this forum

It would make far more sense to add the AH-1Q foldered with the AH-1G (it’s already in the game as the Tzefa B in the Israeli tree) or AH-1E behind the F (E also exists in the Japanese tech tree)

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Any helicopter with CCIP should be at least 10.0

Does it have CCIP for its rockets

Most are

1Q: No
1E: Yes

Let’s have that one

tow’s range is too dangerous in this br and mi24’s missile gives it better survivability. The russia team has such thing called 2s38 which have stealth 57mm vt rounds irst lock as well as 9k35 the first class ir sam in the game compare to stinger lavad have…