The 9M and the lack of MAWS for IR threats

Yeah im not gonna pretend im some sim god, im relatively new to sim as well, but pre-flaring the WEZ when in a BR where all aspect IR missiles exists is pretty much as basic as it gets…

I mean, the R-73 hits this in a different way. Its extreme maneuverability and hyper short range means you’re never quite safe from a launch until you’re outside its launch cone, and its gimbal limits are massive, which means it remains a threat even in a dogfight. For the most part, the 9M is a threat pre-merge, the R-73 is at its most threatening moments before the merge and during the merge itself. Pre-merge REDFOR planes rely on the absolutely busted R-27ER, and to a lesser extent, ET, but MP significantly mitigates their advantage vs good players. I’d argue there’s only a narrow band range where the AIM-9M provides BLUFOR the weapons advantage in air to air combat in-game.

I think its a bit of a toss up tbh. Seeker suspension + push ahead IRCCM is extremely reliable for both the attacker AND the defender. It will always ignore flares if flared wrong, and will always be decoyed if flared right, making it most effective in 2 scenarios:

  1. Against opponents lacking in knowledge
  2. Against aircrafts in an energy state or situation preventing them from properly defending

I’d argue the “accidental” flare situation is a fringe case. People don’t typically “accidentally” flare, its a waste of a very important yet finite resource. If a 9M was launched at you from an angle at which you were unaware of an opponent being, its likely an R-73 would’ve had the same effect, and no flaring would have occurred. There’s also the fringe case of a wingman notifying you of an R-73 launch in which the low smoke motor missiles would be more effective, but id argue that’s also arguably fringe.

This isn’t to discount the 9M/AAM-3’s effectiveness. Both are incredibly capable missiles, but as with the R-73, their specific effectiveness can be mitigated by effective positioning/tactics. I wouldnt say there’s any “best” IR missile at top tier currently, each missile tends to fit their respective airframes and accentuates their pros while mitigating their cons.

The 9M is fantastic pre-merge and for ambushes, leveraging the sensor/SA advantages the BLUFOR jets tend to have.

The R-73 has fantastic off-boresight capabilities and minimum range, allowing REDFOR jets to leverage their high AOA in a dogfight and try to end things before BLUFOR jets draw out the dogfight and win in a rate fight (as the BLUFOR jets tend to favor 2C over 1C vs REDFOR jets).

I don’t think either missile would be as effective as they are if they switched quite frankly.

They aren’t entirely smokeless, but they’re pretty close. it tends to be easier to see the smoke trail with dark backgrounds and decent light for the contrast. Gaijin could slightly increase the visibility, but I wouldn’t be against them staying as is either.

While it is true as some pointed here that there is much to be done regarding individual player skill and learning curve, it’s also true that WT requires of the average player much better situational awareness than a single person can realistically achieve, especially when we include the cognitive load induced by having to monitor certain parameters (fuel, flare count, and abundance of micro-management options).

The average player will perform, individually, much better, i.e. make fewer common mistakes, if matches are simply reduced in size to, say, a more manageable 10v10.


This is honestly like a get gud situation as much as I hate to be that person.

I have people avoiding my 9Ms with literally a single flare. A SINGLE flare.

Everyone complains about how great they are but the IRCCM isn’t as potent as anyone makes it out to be.

Wanna complain about something? Complain about the R-27.

Only americans have the smokeless (vv low smoke) 9M, the other low smoke motors arent modelled or are intentionally given more smoke (eg roland) for ‘balance’ bs

uhm… no.

  • Japs have reduced smoke AAM-3’s (arguably better than 9M, pulls more, better seeker gimbal, better track rate)
  • UK/Sweden/Italy have AIM-9M/RB74(M) on their Gripens
  • Isreal has AIM-9M on Barak II

The only nations that DONT have reduced smoke are Germany, France, Russia, and China, there are more nations with low smoke motor missiles on top jets than without, and all nations without have either R-73’s (GER/RU/CN) or Magic II (FR)

The Americans also have a missile that should have low smoke but doesn’t (AIM-54C) despite being very well bug reported, and approved for over 1y.

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Yeah but 9M and apparently AAM-3 are the only missiles with low or no smoke modeled.
Others are in game eg phoenix.
But low smoke isn’t modeled.
Roland smoke trails are obnoxious and shouldn’t be like that smh.

Sure, but thats largely irrelevant to air battles, and also technically effects the americans, who also have the roland as an AA system…

The ADATS is ALSO missing low smoke btw.

Edit: ADATS, Roland, and VT1/Crotale NG missiles missing reduced smoke motors?