The 12.0+ Stock Aircraft Issue

Hey there, gents.

With the addition of FOX3 missiles, the pain of stock grinding has become much more apparent. A top tier IR missile is, more often than not, not enough to help players through their stock grind in a quick or timely manner. Given the range disparity between FOX3s and FOX2s (and hell, even FOX1s), I think it’s safe to say that getting close enough to an enemy is becoming increasingly difficult. Players will have to endure flying at tree top height, bombing bases, or GEing their way to necessary modifications to be able to advance in their aircraft at all without dying dozens of times.

My proposal to assist with the stock grind is to add:

1. Stock Chaff.
Just like with the changes that happened at about this time last year with the addition of stock flares, 13.0 aircraft should have access to stock chaff. Having to rely solely on the ground or other team mates to be able to avoid a FOX3 is absurd and not even fool proof, given the various issues that ground clutter presents. I would propose something such as having a max of around 30% of an aircraft’s stock countermeasures being set out for chaff, with the max cap getting removed with purchasing of the Flares/Chaff modification.

2. Pushing FOX1 to Tier 1 modification/stock
The max range of most IR missiles (R-27ET not withstanding) is around 3-4km in most engagements (obviously, it can change dramatically based off of the criteria), and it’s just not enough. Having to wait until an enemy is preoccupied with a friendly to be able to score a kill is difficult and makes you feel like a rat.

And yes, I know that some jets (F-15C/J(M)/Meshupar, F-16AM, Mirage 2000-5F) get access to SARH at Tier 2 modifications, but aircraft such as the F-4F KWS LV, Su-27SM/J-11A, and the JAS39C and all of it’s variants don’t get SARH or ARH until Tier 4 modifications. Having to wait until you’re halfway done spading your plane to get access to ANY form of radar missile whilst others are able to get it as their second modification is absurd.

And since I know people will complain about the Su-27SM/J-11A, they’ll be getting the R27R/1 for a Tier 1 modification, since the R27ER is maybe a bit too good for a Tier 1 modification.

3. A modifications based dynamic BR.
This one is probably my least thought out idea, but makes the most sense. An brand spanking new Su-27SM that only has 2 R73s should not be going against a fully spaded F-15C MSIP II that’s running 8 SPAMRAAMs. What I’d suggest is having a dynamic BR of something like this.
A 13.0 jet with NO SARH or ARH will be at 12.3. Once the SARH has been acquired, their BR is set to 12.7. And after ARH is acquired, their BR changes to 13.0.

And yes, I understand that this is likely much easier to talk about than it is to balance, but the stock grind is just terrible.


agree with 1 and 2.
its better for fox-3 carrier have stock fox-1, aim7f for nato, r27r for wp, such like this

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having 2 fox-3 does not guarantee you kill 2 aerial targets

still doable, but i hate every second grinding mod for f16 and 27sm

Nor did I say it did, I was more so talking about the range disparity between IR and radar missiles, and how adding radar missiles stock would make it easier (but not 100% likely) to get kills.

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I agree with point 1 and 2, 3 not so much.
I GE´ed my way for the AIM-120 on the F-15C, because there is no way i am playing with x2 AIM-9M stock on a lobby with 6-8 FOX-3 each plane x16 players (small teams match doesnt exist).

this is the purpose basic of the missiles…
BVR (Beyond Visual Range)
WVR (Within Visual Range)

I’m not arguing that with you, I’m just talking about how the availability of a FOX1 SARH or FOX3 ARH early would help players with their grind more than a FOX2 IR missile would?

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I have no confirmation that such missile ‘X’ kills more than missile ‘Y’
If in doubt, the IR missile is killing more than the FOX3 missile
only the snail has deaths per launch of each missile…

I do: Radar missiles are harder to evade, for an IR, all you have to do is flare once or two times.

Just no.

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submit proof

I only use x8 AIM-120 on the F-15

I only have x4 AIM-120 + x2 AIM-9M

Not a single bot killed with neither of both

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HU3 you have only you data

My data comes from the experience I have acquired over time playing top tier, and with the new FOX-3, you asked for proof, i showed you how the F-15C performs (in my hands) with ONLY FOX-3 as my main armament.

If IR missiles killed more, everyone whould be using as many IR missiles as possible, something that nobody is doing because in order to use those, you have to get really close to the enemy.

Now i will ask you, show me proof to backup that statemen.

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i need a table like this (missile | deaths | launch | path )

So the proof to

is literally this

Got ya

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Are you so dumb that you don’t understand what a table is?

query in a database with (missile | deaths | launch | path) @Leinadmix9_ツ

My dude, you asked for proof, i showed my stats with only ARH missiles on a plane where i tryed the x8 AIM-120 and x4 AIM-120 + x4 AIM-9M, the best results were with full ARH missiles, now i would like to see your proof on that hot take where you said IR > ARH, i guess you already have a database with those stats to say such a dumb thing, no?

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