Team mates making the game impossible to win

Guys… make sure not to troll and inflame these types of situations… just report / flag and ignore them… Thanks!

Well, thats the whole thing isnt it ?.. it would solve much of the Trolling issues… tho, I am pretty sure we still have the Play to Post thing in place

The other thing is… people have more respect and responsibility for their actions for things that they pay for and risk losing privileges…

But anyway…

Reminder for everyone… War Thunder is very competitive, and so there are bound to be frustrations in one way or another due to the competitive nature of the game…

So… count to ten… and think twice if what is about to be said is worth losing your posting privileges for…

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I see this a lot.
Include the instances where 1-2 players bail at 1 death, or even before that…

While it’s a very good game, god it’s hard to enjoy WT when you keep getting saddled with clueless team mates. There are so many players that are playing BRs way above their skill level. So often you’ll be having a good game and it’s ruined because the rest of the team has been wiped out and you get steamrolled, or the team got killed early and simply quit.

I generally play between 4.0 and 5.0 and there are loads of players there that have no clue. Often the teams are very unbalanced and one team or the other seems loaded with numpties versus the other which is far more skilled or evenly balanced.

This is problem when you don’t need to spend time to learn the game and instead can break out the CC and buy Premiums to advance because you don’t find early BR tanks interesting enough.

Even more of a problem when they come here wanting to high tier stuff like the Abrams and Jets they see on the advertising. They play entry level vehicles and find that boring so out comes the CC and high tier gets spams with newbies with no clue.

A lot of War Thunders players has a weird resistance against doing anything new.

On some maps people ALLWAYS takes the same route, even though there might be better spots, but they keep on doing the exact same thing.

It’s so bad, that on some points, if the enemy have made a nice choke point, people STILL drive the exact same bloody route, right into the enemy ambush.

Im fairly sure goldfish and fleas are better at learning than the average TW player.


Agree 100%. They remind me of Lemmings. Spawn, rush in the same direction they always do (straight up the middle), die, rinse and repeat. Rarely do they cover the flanks or even go after enemy tanks on the flanks, or after dying quickly figure out that that’s NOT a good way to go and look for a better firing position, way to the cap, or spot to cover the cap. Just straight up the middle en masse.

100%, though I think that’s due to a lot of them playing casually and don’t have time to learn new routes or anything at all within 1 hr of gameplay or less. Need a lot of hours, possibly 2 to 5 hrs daily, to learn the best routes and what works and what doesn’t.

I also think a large part of the problem is that many players at low to mid tier are not there to “play” the game for what it’s intended and that is for two teams to battle it out with skill and see who the best team/players are. There are so many players who are simply looking to complete daily and special challenges only and simply grinding out tech trees to get to higher tier vehicles and these kinds of players have little to no interest in the outcome of battles along the way. It’s simply spawn, try to complete the challenge or fire a few shots, die, move on to the next battle.

Or, it leads to one of my other pet hates, players that spawn and then just hang around the spawn to try to maximise their time in battle to unlock rewards and contribute nothing to the team.

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Except Lemmings have an excuse since they wete being herded by a bunch of a holes. The “Lemmings” in matches decide to do it themselves.

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That is one of the core weaknesses of the game it lumps everyone together purely on the secret stats of the vehicles used nothing else, not even the difference between spaded and stocked, crew skills or player skills.
It is the laziest bare bones of a matchmaking system, but it is possibly the only one that will ever work for the game, there are two many tiers, modes and types and no way will it ever have enough players to make a decent matchmaking system with the game in its current ’ we must have every ship, plane and vehicle ever in the game’ attitude we are left with a turd of a matchmaking system.

AB or RB, it’s all the same, the amount of one death leaves is the main issue.

How tf does this get flagged?

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You should try top tier air, unlike ground they won’t just fail to kill the enemy, they will also just teamkill you every other match, and in that place that’s back to the hangar for you. Yet another reason to stick to props in air.

In general I’d say the quality of WT players has collapsed a lot.

you should NOT be able to team kill anyone…

(other than bombs and arti , and even then arti could have dmg to friendlies lessened)

Well…you may also be reversing cause and effect :) The players with 0 kills may simply have been killed by better players BEFORE they could kill anyone…which is the basis of warfare :) I know that i can kill enemies, but many matches i am killed by someone better BEFORE i can kill a target.

It is to be expected that the losing team has worse players and worse stats…odd would be if the better team loses :)

My style of play has changed from trying to win to maximum damage limitation …

Or this masterpiece of projection…

(Edit - Absolutely on-topic, and those false flaggers can go wreck themselves…)

yet again the weekend comes around and once again the idiots from air battles play ground forces just so they can bomb players ,but in doing so they 1 ,lose their tank while in the air
2 come into the game mostly with one or two tanks
and 3 do nothing in the slightest to even help win the game ,they die and bugger off .
This notion of grind one tier and move up is totally ruined .Players are learning nothing except how to fly and die ,spawn camp die and leave .What’s the point of playing at all if all we get are teams of players who haven’t a clue what the game is about

The game boils down to damage limitation …

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TLDR- Map layout, Down Teir players fumbling the bag, not having enough higher BR tanks on reserve, and players not having the right tanks for the map are strong variables that each cause this issue, and WarThunder, either by accident or by design, will absolutely punish you for it.

I know this is an old thread, but I wanted to add my input. I’m playing this game at rank 5. I expect at this point that most players have a grasp at the game. I think there are a lot of variables that are built into the game that end up making it majority lopsided matches. OP and some other folks get into a run where they’re just carrying their team, but they don’t mention when they also have days where they’re in the bottom half and getting carried. Say for example you’re in a upteir match. The burden of victory should fall more heavily on the ones who are in a full downtier. Some mentioned that the division of contribution is 6.25% but it’s really more 15-12-5% or however the spread may be. If that individual is taken down then the match is pretty much over seven times out of ten.

Now, I don’t know for sure if the game takes the average into account. Someone might be playing at 8br max but they have only one 8br and the rest are all 7.0-7.3. I’m getting into matches where I spawn a leopard 1 on a slight downteir and my teammates are busting out Panther Gs and VKs. One of the biggest challenges I run into is when someone pulls out a tank that is notoriously difficult to fight like the MAUS or the strv TD, or some fucking Russian tank destroyer that is somehow made impenetrable by even Sabot. Those will at the very least delay the advance of your team, and possibly get u killed because you waste time trying to engage. My other issue is how one sided a match becomes once a team manages to acquire a certain position. I know on one desert map, which they all seem to really suck overall IMO, the team was holding the objective which was a village that had all the cover and an elevated position while we were trying to retake from a wide open plain right out of spawn that was visible to the enemy on a uphill.

One thing I would like to mention about playing friends is that I had friends who used to play something goofy for a laugh and then inevitably get killed. You can bet that it’s another variable. I was doing an Assult Ground Arcade with my Leopard 1 and this guy brought out his Puma. We barely won because the bottom half had less then 10 kills each. I also think that the very concept of having a domination match with tanks just doesn’t agree with tank designs in general. German tanks are expected to snipe at objectives that sometimes are heavily covered, or play on maps where sniping isn’t a viable strategy. There are maps where German tanks do very well and some that I just hate because it doesn’t work for my tank at all.

All in all the game is pretty much meh/dogshit. Graphics cannot polish a turd and make up for the failings which have been there since the games inception and have been left to fester and in some case encouraged to spread and grow like a tumor.
It is in your best interests of mental health and psychological well being to put distance or a buffer between you and the game, it is an unbalanced, toxic relationship, it will take everything you have without a thank you and victim blame if you complain.
Most companies and the people who run them are not very nice people and projecting onto their product are at best narcissistic and psychopaths, all that matters is their enjoyment and not a care is given how that is achieved or what or who is hurt or damaged in the process.
You are not merely playing against other people in a broken system you are also playing against the game, it is designed to frustrate and a lot of effort has gone into achieving that, there are a host of patents concerning matchmaking, percentile outcomes that are used to achieve this.
Try not to engage too much time and effort in the game and think very very long and objectively about spending money, you own nothing no matter how much you have spent and it can all be taken away, changed or disappear in an instant with no refunds, compensation or even a sorry.
With the endemic cheating, broken matchmaking and BR system it is no wonder nobody cares it simply is not worth it, I always one death leave, feeding into a broken system will not change it and you have no idea what obstacles are being put in front of you.
Take care of you, your mental health and psychological well being because the game and company certainly will not and if they were they would charge you an arm and a leg for a sub-standard and below par service which would most probably cause more harm than good.

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yes but in arcade its more fun to shoot down tanks, in my case i love also to cap because the grind…