Team killing policy - follow up thread

Imho you need to distinguish between:

  1. Gaijin’s approach vs team killing
  2. Players committing Team kills

IIrc correctly gaijin claims that friedly fire is and will be also in the future an essential part of Air RB. And they claim that there is no harm for the teamkilled player as there are no repair cost since a while ago.

What i do not understand is why they disabled team killing in Ground RB - at least for friendly fire tank vs tank.

The other part comes either from wrong game mechanics (missile lock on a target in front, and the missile goes rogue right or left), reckless game play (= Pe-8 flattening whole areas) and team kills on purpose like in your example.

I claim that you can’t protect yourself vs reckless players and vs players committing team kills on purpose, so this “auto-ban-system” leading to temporary bans needs way lower thresholds - so 3 teamkills a day is a week off and a kind of 3 strike rule leading to a perma ban.

But those guys doing it on purpose (just to ruin your game) needs to face severe punishments much earlier than today - especially for these self-justice guys killing others for “base stealing”, “kill steals” and “i don’t like your nation / skin / symbol” - these guys need a 3 strike rule and a perma ban…

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Which nets you paying for the TKer’s repair costs.

I think they turned off the whole “forgive a TK” thing, because I got an accidental one* today, and there was no chat popup at all.

  • They really shouldn’t assess a TK if someone drives into your artillery…
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Once the battle is in motion than ye, risk of the trade. But trolling on the runway is just not it.

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I have zero problem with those tk fees. I report (ofc via server replay) the team kill attempt and declare that i shot them down, never heard anything from those reports.

Current team killing policy is absurd.
I’ve met a fellow decent player named Juno(insert smiley face here), after I have scored 2 kills, he simply shot me down (and I did NOT killsteal) so he could get more kills himself since I was in a bit better position for the job.
He received laughable penalty and proceeded to kill 2 more enemies.

It is clear that such behaviour paid off for him - once he was sure we’re in the “snowball” part of the match and enemy team was sure to lose, he elliminated the threat to his score.

And there’s 0 incentive to NOT do so. He won’t be banned. He won’t be punished. And he surely benefits from such actions, not only from SL he earned, by also improving his stats and reducing mine.

This is absurd. I remember back in the day, someone would have reviewed the replay and apply penalties so such things were not happening again.
But nowadays?


Even “killstealing” (which a non-issue in itself anyway) does of course NOT mean one is allowed to TK in return.

No, TKs were always mostly handled automatically, not per review.

Killstealing is a huge issue. It means to get a kill I have to dive after every clobbered to pieces plane to make sure he dies before my killstealer teammates get to him. This means loss of ammunition and energy/position. So I am forced to choose between being useful and getting to the carcass of my prey before the vultures arrive.

Furthermore, killstealers usually ignore enemies at similar/a bit lower energy state, that are actual danger to their teammates, in their pursuit of an easy kill.

So killstealing is a perfectly valid reason to shoot the killstealer down, since Gaijin hasn’t done anything to fix the problem since the very beginning. Killstealers are actively hurting their team’s effort.

Right now the game is constructed, so:

  • shooting other good player on your team is rewarded
  • being useless and stealing kills is rewarded.
    It’s a ridiculous situation. Of course it can all be fixed - but killstealers are an important target demographic for gaijin, and apparently so are teamkillers.

Whats up with the complain servers? Just got pushed around by a lvl 9 player who thought it would be funny do play with my ASU …


all I get is this …


There is NO excuse for TK’s and if you commit TK’s you will get punished sooner or later.


I met him too recently - flying for the enemy team. I checked his stats before i engaged him in this match - just by judging the way he was trying to drain my energy it was obvious that he knew what he was doing, seeing his k/d of 30:1 in the USSR 190 D-9 it was clear what will happen.

He actually managed to kill 5 guys (and all 4 guys chasing him in a 1 vs 4, imho 1 vs 7-8 in total) whilst i was fulfilling my daily task (15 ground units in a strike aircraft) as based on his location and the kill feed he would need ammo and a repair, so all i had to do was to cut him off from his main airfield. As he saw he was outplayed he decided to crash on purpose - just another form of griefing like team killing you…

I did not report him as i see no purpose of reporting such guys - the GMs admit that they do not interfere with the tk auto-ban system - griefing is more or less a much “lighter” violation.

Regarding lack of severe punishments for team killers / griefing players check this thread:


I killed over the years a lot of guys who tried to teamkill me and messed up. I always reported them later for a team kill attempt and stated that i shot them down using my universal right to defend myself. I never received any punishment outside the team kill fee…

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Thast’s a typical Gaijin logic in work here - punish the guy who is doing his best to help his team and just HAVE A FUN EXPERIENCE, while protect toxic leeches, who actually work against their own team and generally influence the game in a negative fashion, since chasing a burning carcass or a guy with most controls gone going down in a flatspin is NOT a productive way to play and not fun either.

Every decent player I’ve ever met simply avoids heavily damaged burning planes. So what’s the point of protecting killstealers?

Same with the Juno guy - he’s being absolutely toxic. But he’s protected.

And then pople wonder, why is this community so horrible?
And it’s simple. Being horrible pays off.

Well, that is the main reason why we do not have a maneuver kill implemented. Because that would make griefing v. difficult to pull off. I think it took Gaijin about 11 or 12 years to introduce the legendary “if you J-out, kill goes to the guy who’s the nearest to you”.
I barely every get such kills because people have stopped doing this!
And those who didn’t have switched to crashing on purpose.


What is up with those new players? Lvl 9 … the battle had just started …
It happens more and more …

No, he isn’t protected in any way. If he commits TK’s, he is being punished as soon as the TK algorithm is triggered, just like everybody else.

The TK algorithm does absolutely NOTHING if someone isn’t absolutely broke, and even then - if you kill the right guy at the right time you’ll get these SL back in no time.

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Well, you’re in no position to be sure, as you don’t have access to that data.

And, again, as the game rules clearly state, team damage and team killing is forbidden and a punishable offense. There’s no arguing around that.

It’s forbidden, but the punishment is not there.
And game rules are made to basically only work in extreme cases. Deliberat malicious behaviour like ramming teammates, killstealing, intentionaly crashing, AFK spaceclimbing, airfield camping? No punishment at all, only benefits.

This game is a heaven for trolls.
And the real malicious teamkillers who are simply doing this when it benefits them laugh at “no teamkilling” policy.
IMO every player who shoots killstelers should receive 100 golden eagles for their effort (excluding me, I don’t need those). But we can’t have nice things.

Do you consider people stealing kills from others in Air RB worthy of protection?
What’s the point.
Their actions drain away fun from the game, but surely increase the levels of frustration

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Report him for griefing (=unsportsmanship behavior).

If this happens frequently you might change your play style.

It is imho the same like pre-emptive measure to avoid getting team killed in Air RB:

  1. If you take off from the airfield: Extend to the side and always check your six - or take off as last plane or spawn in a last person whilst watching already spawned people via spectator mode.
  2. If you use an air spawn prop - spawn in as last in your cluster (so as #4 out of 4 bombers or other classes with different air spawns) and immediately extend from your cluster whilst checking your six.

So if you get bullied in your shopping cart you might think about spawning late after your mates have extended from the spawn location.

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I send ya the replay. It came out of nowhere. I can’t change more. I just write “stop it” and then I wait. And the reporting doesn’t work … servers are not there. Got a sticky note now on my desk to try it later … can’t believe that I have to do something like that.