Preach. I wanna wash my eyes after seeing those videos
yeah removing teamkills from SIM is just bad bad bad…they need to revert that part.
Bad but it makes it far more accessible so the sim communitty might see a revitalisation, I dont agree with the change for sim though, on the contrary its a massive positive for air rb
I’m sorry for bringing stealth rounds but, you can see that bot doesn’t get damaged.
100% Im telling you guy try to kill me because I was faster to base bombing and the missles just gone pass thru me…
Problem is you can still ram to teammates.
I assume teamkillers would ram after taking off.
I dont think so… tbh I would be soo mad like perma ban would not be enugh if that guy managed to kill me like 3 sec before I droped bombs on base…
So yeah those examples wil be rare cases
It’s a bug, should be fixed soon™
Can you like fix this in a month please?
Not a month, like a year or more pls
just disable team killing, the only people that want it are base bombers so they can team kill to secure a base.
I also want friendly fire to exist because I want people to fly sensibly and not spray blindly into a furball.
And barring copy paste vehicles, it’s a skill in air sim to be able to quickly identify who is friend and who is an enemy in a multi-plane fight.
This was confirmed as a bug further up. (I hope the hints in Sim too…)
Oke so how to deal with people that dont respect marks up on map, for example, I mark base I will bomb and also write in chat and then theres always a guy who just on purpose bomb that base before me… and then thats how teamkilling happens…so I wanna know since Gajin is pushing this fair-team play how to deal with that, can those people be repoerted? thanks @Schindibee
On what basis? Marking a base does not mean you “own” it. It may help other players to see if it’s worth pursuing it…
Marking a target in my opinion should always be accompanied by marking one’s own position (but sadly that’s rarely done). I do this all the time in Sim EC: Mark my target, call out “Follow me” so my position is marked as well. Like this the other players see what I plan, and where I am and can judge if they are closer to the target or should better switch to another target. So if they mark the target as well, and call out their position, and they are closer, good, no reason for me to head towards that specific target, so I go for another one.
What you for sure can’t expect is others to wait for you to reach “your” target, only because you marked it, and that one would TK because of this is not even a question that needs to be discussed.
Oke so that option is just useless in any mode except SIM? Good then I wont use it anymore. Thanks for explanation appriciate it.
How so? You can also mark the target and call out your position in RB, no?
But I see this aspect as well: Problem is that AB/RB matches are much more fast paced, with much more aircraft crammed into a very small space. This is one of the main reasons why I turned my back to it, and moved to Sim, where it’s much less of a contest who gets where first.
I mean since others wont respect it why should I do anything to hlep them? You think teamplay is only one way, me helping others?
Not how it goes… Again I have nothing against people just ignoring marks but then they should not expect me helping others in any way shape or form.
So I let my teammates die, wont help them with killing enemy plane until enemy kills them since they dont wanna help me when I mark base… simple