Team killing policy - follow up thread

I’d strongly recommend to believe what a Senior Game Master states about rules and punishments, yes.

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Alright, have a great day

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Wait what if the Guy fly’s into your ship?

It says so much about this forum that you get so much flak here while your stats say you are one of the best players playing the game.So much for knowledge counting for something on here.

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The game indeed punish and penalize those players who killing teammates, but in certain situations, these penalties may not be effective or might even backfire. This primarily occurs when malicious players use their vehicles to collide with others from advantageous angles or continually push and jostle them, leading to the regular players’ directly or indirectly death, damage, or inability to play normally. In these scenarios, the game sometimes fails to penalize the malicious players for their actions causing regular players to die or be unable to play properly (such as in airRB, damaging teammate by only knocking off their propeller or part of the wing instead of instant collision kill, or in groundRB, using a tank to push a teammate’s tank out of cover/into a wall or water/down a hill). In rare cases, the game may even punish the victim instead of the malicious player (for instance, in airRB, sometimes a collision is deemed as a self-crash for the attacker, while the attacked plane is considered a teamkill).

Those cancer players are already hurting players and damaging the environment of the game, but if players know that some of those cancer players won;t even get punishment get banned, it will damage the game even more.

Of course, I understand that refining the judging mechanism for these rare situations is very complex and challenging. Therefore, I suggest that Gaijin introduces a paid report system, costing about 100 Golden Eagles per report, with a maximum of one report per month (VIP players can report up to three times per month). These reports would be prioritized for manual review to verify their validity and penalize the malicious players. If a report is confirmed to be valid, it would not count towards the monthly reporting limit.

As written somewhere else:

Big yikes, we don’t need Pay2Report being brought in.

These reports should all be actually processed without the need to ante up.

What’s actually clear though is the automated system isn’t doing anything, and it’s even making it worse because of the false sense of security we have from it.

Absolutely not. I don’t know where you even got the idea that such a system would be a good idea but it’s a criminally atrocious idea to even entertain let alone suggest.

Pay just to have a report read? Are you serious? On top of all the monetization we already have going on in-game? Holy shit, dude. Absolutely not.

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Damn, it’s so hard to make explicit TKs on those pre-war planes, they can sponge so many shots.

  • You make tens of hits to each of two players in front of you.
  • Then they collide in air, and both register as just CRASHED.
  • Then someone TKs you (WTF?? Who assumed to be TKer here? :D)
  • Then someone else crashes trying to TK you.
    shot 2024.05.25 23.10.45

Next battle.

  • You crash due to too low speed trying to keep aim at target during takeoff.
  • Someone else finishes your target! Dude, why???
    shot 2024.05.25 23.21.42

Next battle.

  • Chain of TKing causes mess, so it becomes unclear who started all of this.
    shot 2024.05.25 23.34.59

Overall, i had to play 9 damned battles, and was erm… cause of death/severe damage of 20+ teammates on start - before i finally was able to score 3 explicit TKs and get… another 24hr ban.

@Uncle_J_Wick i’m starting to think that there is really some problem with lack of punishments for systematic TK in WT.
If one has tens of millions of SL on repairs, and is good at runaway bombing at take off (for example with something VTOL) - seems he can endlessly ruin game for hundreds and hundreds of players, via having 10-15 minutes every-evening fun, before another 24hr ban.

But, well, at least there is a chance that i turned away from this grind abyss to other games a pair of good people, before it was too late (into the grind) for them :)

P.S. I also TK now only at US server, using only US plane, and i shoot only US planes with clearly english nicknames - assuming that americans are more active at reporting for TK. Though, don’t see any difference so far, TBH :)

Even didn’t get “10 players reported you” yet since that 7-days ban. Probably new players use reporting much less often. Well, it’s a pity i don’t have SL for repairs anymore.

Thx for your update - i have this impression since several years.

I am not sure why you are still allowed:

  1. To team kill
  2. To give regular updates in this forum

The only logical explanation is that CMs, GMs and Forum mods are on the side of the players and see this team killing disaster also as an urgent topic to fix.

It would be great if a yt cc would pick this up, because currently it looks like the gaijin devs threat this topic like it is not there…


So, I guess I just post my latest TK match here?

It happened at the very end, when I tired forming up with H_UE. Yes, he had taken a kill that should of been mine, he was on fire, and I was going to go finish him if he hadn’t gone into the ground in a few secs, and yes, I had said that he was a kill stealer because of that, and yes I myself am guilty of it, but I only shoot at burning planes if I REALLY need it for a BP task urgently or I need assists but that’s besides the story. I reported him for TK’ing me but idk what it’ll really do. Had I wanted to TK him I could have very easily, but I decide to not do it, following my own advice to someone else on these forums to not TK a TK’er (this is a slightly different since, but the point should still get across). I mainly didn’t want to run the risk of getting reported and REALLY didn’t want to pay for his repair cost, plus the TK penalty. But end the end he was kind enough to pay for mine ;)

You played by the rules and he not - the GMs won’t interfere with the auto-ban system. End of the story.

You find earlier in this thread a lot of confessions regarding team killing. Also from me, as i fight back if a team mate shoots at me, as i the moment somebody shoots on friendlies he is not longer a part of my team.

And not rule can rob me from my universal right to defend myself -
neither in wt or irl…

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God I love those.


I was too lazy to read through it all. I’ve read most of it, but that was awhile ago. The match was about to end so there was no point in fighting back, and like I said I really didn’t want to run the risk of getting reported.


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Today 9 TKed newbies, and usual 24hr ban.

I think the outcome is pretty cliear - Gaijin never applyes any punishment except pathetic 24hr bans, and very, very seldom 7-days ban, for any amount of TKs.

So if you are OK with playing 10-15 minutes per day, having fun from surprise-killing unsuspecting teammates - you can do it infinitely :)

Well, from my side, since Gaijin is fine with it - i’ll continue playing in that way - because it actually works for me:

  • no risk of being carried away for several hours by game, because ban always arraives in 10-15 minutes
  • TK carnage in team initiated by your actions is quite fun

Why not, why not )


When taking off from 10.0-12.3 always watch what happens especially around A-10s, F-4S phantoms or Su-25’s. There’s always teamkilling

better smarter only need 1 and all solved problems: TURN OFF TEAM KILL

The game master tells me that i’ve teamkilling someone (and give ‘[T] Apologize to allies’ pop up) when i’m not do any damage to my ally, i don’t even in their back side to do any shot/ram damage.

I rewatched both client and server replay and both give same summary :
His wing was shot off by the other teammate and my account who takes the penalty

I’ve uploaded the video shows both normal and sensor preview as proof on Youtube

Server match replay :

Client replay :

Server replay :

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That doesn’t solve anything…

Almost feels like that should be reported as a bug. It needs literal urgency put forth as I don’t even think you can ricochet off a plane to make that kind of hit even happen.

Someone needs to really get into that replay and analyse it absolutely to figure out how that even happened.