PLS introduce premium-report in game.(100golden eagle per report)

i don’t understand just deal with it

What do u think about accountant or lawyer? People should do all paper works on tax and laws by themselves instead of buying service from accountant or lawyer?
What i propose is pay for “lawyer” instead of pay for “judge”. Premium report is to pay for the staff to check the report manually so that it won;t be put into “trash"or"later” by the bots if it is not "good quaility"enough, not to pay the company to say that report is valid disregarding the facts.

Correct me if I misunderstood you, but why should anyone pay to report someone? If someone is being toxic in-game (e.g., racist, xenophobic, or disrespectful), I do not believe anyone should pay 100 golden eagles to have that individual punished.


You are supposed to pay a lawyer to file a criminal complaint with the police or public prosecutor’s office?
That actually exists, but it is reserved for rich and prominent people to pay a lawyer for something like that. And in a functioning, fair legal system, it has no effect on the speed or outcome of the proceedings.
If it were otherwise, we would be living in an arbitrary system.

Sorry, @ [本好きの下剋上]

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Me, of course, don’t want to pay for that. But even hackers won’t be 100% punished in time, let alone toxic behavior. IF gaijin has 10k capacity on checking report, and there are 8k hackers and 18k toxic players, then the only way is to rise the capacity. And i think gaijin won;t rise the capacity without we paying.

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Imho your proposal looks kind of strange, but with some adjustments you might be able to create a rather interesting feature.

If you charge somebody for reporting another player - this makes only sense:

  1. If the reports would be actually be processed and reporting itself has severe consequences in case the report is actually reporting a ToS violation

  2. If a report leads to a severe consequence / punishment the reporting player gets a refund of his 100 GE and a bonus of 100 GE.

Imho you simply assume gaijin is actually interested in punishing malicious behaviour and would be interested in actual fair play.

If you see a guy with ~80 team kills in a short time period still active in the game - it is more than obvious that you follow an illusion…

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Imho the OP refers to unpunished behaviour in-game - and not to this kindergarden chat ban nonsense…

Firstly, I don;t seek the change on the outcome (outcome should depend only on facts).
But, about the “speed”, i think it is not simply “effect” or “not effect”. It should effect the speed, but in a fair system, the basic speed that is “not effected” is fast enough, and “faster” is for those in special need. Also the same thing on “convenient”, people can pay to be more convenient , but the basic without paid should be conventient enough.

Yep. The refund thing is smart.
How about, if the report is valid, then the reporting players get refund but in different cases different percentage. For instance, 0%if it is toxic chat, 25%if it is toxic behavior but don’t directly effect others, 50%if it is toxic and directly effected other players, 75% if it is light cheats and hacks, 100% if it is super toxic and hacks.

Sorry but this idea has gotten a little giggle out of me

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Thank you for your service, keep justice. I am going to bed now, bye.

how ridiculous.


I’m getting Vichy Regime vibes from this.

Thought collaboration was bad and all you know


Thank you, sleep well and i hope you have sweet dreams without any WT in it.


Holy shit, dude. Absolutely not.

You want Gaijin to monetize reporting on top of all the other monetization we deal with?

Are you out of your mind?

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I would like to add something to the changes you suggest. If a report comes back as not justified for action to be taken the player that paid the GE for the report be charged an extra 100 GE on top of the 100 original GE to prevent people from wasting staff’s time on expedited reporting and attempting to abuse the system. If it leads to a negative balance, then all normal consequences would apply.

Whats next, paying GE to fire special APHEFSDS ammuntion?

World of Tanks premium ammo, coming to a Warthunder match near you!


No one will ever get a response from Gaijin concerning any reports they make. As mentioned all of the reports are dealt with on an individual basis, and IF any punishments(or not) are meted out, it remains private between the game and the offending player. There is no “day in court”, or “victim’s rights” and no “revenge” factor concerning any of that. Again, as stated, you should file valid reports using the in game complaint system and that’s it, that is literally all you have to or get to do. That is the “duty” of every player if they wish to help keep the game on an even keel. No one gets to, or should ever be allowed to pay money to try to “make” things happen to other players, especially when it comes to the Game Rules. Those Rules apply to everyone equally and no matter how much money a player might spend on the game, they do not get special consideration, or a different set of Rules or “leniency” because of their spending habits. This has been a fairly common misperception by a good many players I have seen here in the Forum over the years as well. . . . just not how it works, nor should it ever be this way. Again, I understand your sentiments and sorry you had a bad go of it, but bending, breaking or changing the Rules to suit your desire to dole out some sort of revenge to some player because they acted badly is pretty ludicrous for the most part. Make your report(s), have some faith in the system(it is a trust thing after all) and give it another go. Hopefully you fare better next time. We all have to take some lumps now and then. But there is no logic or a good argument from your point of view that is going to change any of this, or sway anyone that can do anything about it anyway. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and carry on.

Imho the whole idea of the OP is based on wrong assumptions like:

  1. Reporting of team killers / cheaters (outside botters) has any effect and results in immediate action (imho zero effect)
  2. The reporting of anything chat related would not work (works imho pretty good)
  3. Gaijin would care about a proper game play experience for all and is hiring “real” and enough staff (so no volunteers and no excessive response times) - imho the current status quo proves that this is an illusion

A fee to provide a report makes only sense if those assumptions would be correct, as it would simply prevent fully intended “wrong” reporting and therefore reducing the workload in order to accelerate the processing of those reports.

So imho the fee in itself is already an entry barrier and should therefore prevent intentional “false reporting” by it’s design. Charging a fee for an “wrong reporting” on top of that is either sarcasm or a sign that the fee is too low.

Don’t get me wrong, but imho the overall feedback here should give you a clear indicator, that the old rule

The opposite of good is in good faith

is still valid.

  • If you would have read the entire posts of all official “Fair Play Communication” you might have noticed, that the majority describes reporting as ineffective and almost useless.

  • I mean hell of experienced players report real cheaters and simply have the impression that they are wasting their time.

  • So in order to propose a fee (with a refund) in case the cheat is clear visible and can be proven with the replay would require a functioning system in the first place - and would just prevent that the reporting system is abused by kids having fun with spamming reports.

  • Your focus on everything chat related is imho wrong as from my pov the GMs doing a good job with their chat punishments.