Team killing policy - follow up thread

just let us kill teammates shrug

Btw, yep - i thought a bit yesterday about that.
Instead of “no friendly fire” magic for armor in TRB, instead of bans, and any other “artificial” limitations - Gaijin could just introduce progressive fines in SL.

  • First TK - 10k SL
  • Second TK - 20k SL
  • Third TK - 50k SL
  • Fourth TK - 100k SL
  • Fifth TK - 200k SL
  • Sixth TK - 500k SL
  • Seventh TK - 1 million SL
  • Eighth TK - 5 millions SL
  • Nineth TK - 10 millions SL
  • Tenth TK - 50 millions SL

Counter resets every 24H.

Done - even SL billionaries would not want to do more than 7-8 TK per 24 hours.
On the other hand - 1-2 accidental TKs per day wouldn’t hurt too much usual players, since 10-50k SLs is a small and affordable amount.

With that “tax” i would be able to do just ~15 TKs instead of current ~100 - without any bans/reports :D

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Bombers get an air spawn…

I don´t really get the “project” you´re trying to complete here. So you teamkill on a daily basis because you cannot wait the 90 days they take to delete your account? Its kind of obvious why they have such a wait time implemented: A lot of people who get disappointed by the game and had a frustrating day playing the game might delete their account impulsively - only to think twice a few days or weeks later.

The reason why I cannot endorse your project at all is that you make a lot of peoples days miserable for no good reason at all.

The only positive - or rather disappointing - realization that came from it was that Gaijin doesn´t give a damn about punishing grievers like you accordingly in order to protect their players. Apparently they still have in the back of their minds that toxic players who populate the servers are a good thing and could be potential future customers.

According to what you wrote I might as well stop reporting intentional teamkillers because what does a 1 day ban do to make those people think twice?

Your question is like “Why prohibit free distribution of cocaine? Can’t people just don’t consume it?”
Well, the society decided, that it’s better to NOT have possibility to “change mind” in some questions.
So, here, i do NOT want possibility to change my mind suddenly in relation to my WT account 2 months later (like it already occurred one time in past, and i really regret it).

Say thanks to Gaijin, for they

  • violating GDPR (actually, because they must delete all my data maximum in 30 days)
  • not preventing me from TKing

Yep, nothing personal, just a business. Capitalism, this is the way :)

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2km above and ahead of runaway ))

So you´re addicted to War Thunder and your only way to stop playing it is by not actually playing but TK-ing all the time? This doesn´t make any sense. Just pull yourself together. War Thunder isn´t cocaine.

If you see any problem in that feel free to file a complaint at your national authority IF you´re a citizen of the EU. But I fail to see how the countless people you TK are in any way responsible for Gaijins misbehavior. If that is your approach to rebel against the Snail Overlord, you hit the entirely wrong persons.

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…force Gaijin to ban my account permanently. While TKing is just an instrument to achieve the abovementioned account ban.
Try to improve your reading/logic skills, you’ll have less issues with understanding text then )

Fortunately, no )

No, they are not responsible. They are just my “instrument” to achieve permanent account ban.

OMG i don’t care about Snail absolutely :D Just need a ban.

Another 6 TKs, another 24 ban ))

I wonder if that could be my new WT gameplay - just hop into game to make 5-8 super-easy frags in a few minutes, and “be free” for a day )))))

Then apparently you cannot complain about Gaijin ignoring the GDPR as you aren´t protected by it.

Don´t project on me. You made clear what your “plan” is - the problem is there is no logic behind it in the first place.

If your intention behind TKing is to stop wasting time on WT you apparently aren´t succeeding.

If your intention is to get your account deleted you have no guarantee that this will truly happen after a perma-ban.

And the fact that you completely don´t care about making other peoples gaming experience miserable prohibits any possibility to feel sympathy for you and your endeavor.

I´m not sure if you´re really that mentally weak as you pretend to be unable to simply uninstall the game or just a troll & griefer who attempts to disguise his true intentions of getting entertainment out of annoying other people. I tend to the latter judging by your behavior so far. There are multiple ways to easily stop you from playing permanently, which don´t require any money at all but which you somehow are unwilling to see…

So, you’ve read my posts, but you still just try to guess, what’s my intention.
I repeat - try to improve your reading/comprehension skills )

While i’ll give a you third try.

My intention is to:

  • make my account unavailable irreversibly
  • achieve this in much less than 90 days
  • do it without possibility to perform CreditCard payments to Gaijin or write anything in game chat (which is permablocked for me)

Are you able to read/comprehend this combination of facts and overall intention?
Are you able to suggest any other way to match described above conditions, except TKing?

Why would i?

Which i’ve never asked for :D
So - don´t project on me. If you are so mentally weak, that you always need some sympathy from others - that doesn’t mean that everyone does as well (and that everyone’s actions are dictated by that as well)

I see, by that, you say here, that “all religious people are that mentally weak so they unable to resist temptations of sins without being threated of falling to hell”.


Ok let’s suppose i’m just a disguising griefer.
But why would i try to disguise my true intentions and even post on forum about it, if i don’t try to avoid ban?
Do you have any ideas?

Or you just gush with demagogy without understanding/thinking on the matter of discussion at all :D

Today i already ended up on Reserves due to most of planes with crew being on lengthy free repairing.
And on Reserves it actually appears to be quite funny - due to all those weak machineguns and primitive planes surviving a lot of hits at low speeds - i often get shot down by few teammates who are right behind me, very quickly - even before i kill my first target.
As a result - others, who fly behind those who shoot me - open fire at those who are shooting me, thinking that they are TKers (since there was yet registered kill made by me - my target still flies, though heavily damaged).
The outcome is rather funny mess )

So today i’ve got just another 24hr ban again (fifth in a row, iirc), after making such chaos during takeoff on Reserves 4 or 5 times )

I wonder whether Gaijin will continue tolerating my TKs of newcomers at BR 1.0, turning them (potential new custoimers!) away from game right at the beginning, before they decided to purchase their first PA/prem :D

Mate, you´re a lost cause. Apart from the fact that your moral compass seems to be out of order you keep projecting your own lack of reading comprehension as you appear just too affected by the Dunning-Kruger-Effect and traces of Narcisssism to actually let it sink in. Any apples and oranges comparison with drug addicts or religions only reinforce that impression.

Apparently I tried to guess your true intentions as those you named aren´t those of a reasonably acting being.

If you thought that you would receive any support (why post here otherwise in the first place?) while behaving that miserable - you´re naive. As I said: the obvious solution to your “problem” is right in front of you.

If you thought you hold any right to see your personal data deleted which you freely gave away and that a permaban would solve all your “problems” thats equally naive. Apparently you should have thought about that before you give away your personal information.

Are you truly able to realize and admit the real reasons behind your behavior to yourself in the first place? Your last post has proven that you enjoy creating trouble and being a nuisance to others - even if it doesnt aid your “cause”. There are multiple reasons why you could attempt to make the reasoning behind your actions appear to others and/or yourself more noble or “reasonable” than they really are but what you portray is classic griefer mentality.

Anyway thats my last reply as I hopefully made clear that I don´t see any purpose in investing more time to make you question the reasonability of your own behavior. I cannot support your cause but will watch from the sidelines and sip my tea seeing how your little sisyphus experience unfolds… pushing your own bolder up that hill for 90 days straight…

Oh, more projections from forum “psychologist” here )

No, and i already wrote it twice here - try to improve your reading skills )

You “said” a lot of demagogy, but failed at any specific answer.
I’ll give you another try.
So, without having possibility to use CreditCard, and without access to in-game chat - how could i achieve in-game permanent ban in less than 90 days period?
Tell me your “obvious solution”, Cpt.Obvious )

It’s not naive - just because it’s true. You seem to know nothing about matter of discussion - Gaijin deletes account info. But does it 90 days later.
And as i already said, i want my account to be perma-banned during those 90 days. Simple. But you still failing to comprehend that :D

That i’ve found a way to enjoy a bit the way of achieving my main goal - nothing else. Rest of your speculations - are, well, your speculations.

Noted )

Not Sisyphus (it’s name proper, so should start with capital letter, fyi), because pretty close to my expectations - things do work. Today i finally got 7 days ban, after another few dozens of noobs TKed )
Permaban definitely approaches )

Boulder. Not “bolder”, but “boulder”. Ohh…

Even if it will take the same 90 days, or even longer - that’s fine, since 5 minutes TKing per day wasn’t much trouble for me.
And even less trouble - to spend 5 minutes on TKing once per 7 days (according to latest ban).
While @Uncle_J_Wick will get his answers about Gaijin TK bans policies, which i think is also good thing.

Btw, @Uncle_J_Wick, so far:

  • ~150 TKs in total (last ~50 are on reserves due to negative SL balance)
  • 5 bans each 24hrs
  • sixth one is 7 days now

Thx for the update - imho a very convincing example that the current “auto-ban” functionality is not suited to prevent team kills - it looks more like a placebo…


I wouldn’t call it placebo, as it isn’t entirely ineffective.

Though this fella has displayed that the system ought to be reviewed. At the same time, we have no way of knowing if there’s been any actual reports submitted by the players he has TK’d, as those are supposedly acted on faster than the auto-system.

He has been a purposeful menace, though. That much cannot be denied.


The thing is we’ve taken for granted that this system works as it’s explained, not how it is, so effectively it IS a placebo, as it keeps us quiet and thinking that it’s doing something effective.

Quite frankly, I’d be able to make a better system than whatever this actually is.


Not sure how often and how much polayers reported me, but i can say that during those 6 days since i started TKing, and till got current 7-days ban - i had “10 or more players reported you” message every login (so, once per day).

So i can assume that at least 60 players in total reported me during that period, providing at least 10 reports per day :)

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