Tanks with missing anti-spall liners

While it’s not an “Abrams”, the CATTB uses a spall liner inside the crew area of the turret which is 25,4mm thick and has a total weight of 1,250 lbs.

please give Abrams DU armor, make this game balance, the new update like the dev just copy and paste the M1A2 SEP and give to internship to do a improvement :(

Hey, I made something for you!

All hard, rigid surfaces. Some that even look like metal. Also, the ballistic glass you tried to dismiss earlier is actually tested with and intended to stop gunfire. The world has moved beyond exposed kevlar blankets. Catch up, Oog!!


It is hard for fanboys to understand. He probably thinks ad-hoc kevlar application as some sort of an achievement of T-90M.
But his opinion does not matter much since there is evidence and it has been getting collected on the issue reports.


I’ve been lurking here cause ya’ll are far faster than I could ever be finding spall liner info.
Good work to all.

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Spall liners have been a thing since the Merkava 1. Dupont was mandated for the Kelvar protection during the Merkava development. The problem is finding enough information to open a bug report since Gaijin won’t do it otherwise. Annoying to say the least.

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That’s just a foam coating above it.


For some, having spall liners exposed is a major achievement/breakthrough for them lol. Imagine being that country though lmao


Made a data dump for British vehicles feel free to add stuff Spall liners in British vehicles Data Dump

@_David_Bowie I updated my C2A1 report with new info Community Bug Reporting System



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Again sources say otherwise you really should take your personal bias somewhere else


i will say the non-mention is either an indicator there is no need for one in Abrams or it allready had one which wouldnt really come as a suprise.

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You mean the same license number that stated only 5 DU hulls allowed which was updated by giving the hulls the same permissions as the turrets as of Aug 24 2006? This official document that was proof for DU turrets now licenses the hulls in the same capacity.:

So there is an official government license authorizing DU hulls without limits, and some sources that show DU LFP. Massive fail on your part again. XD


Wait. Line-X makes anti spall?

Do you believe in flat earth?




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Time to make some home made armor plates.

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I swear the “Unknown Technology” meme is just the standard state of the Russian MOD now.


Like those close-ups of the exposed hardware store screws when they try to flex with the Su-57? Can’t even get hex screws, man!