Tanks with missing anti-spall liners

I swear the “Unknown Technology” meme is just the standard state of the Russian MOD now.


Like those close-ups of the exposed hardware store screws when they try to flex with the Su-57? Can’t even get hex screws, man!


What book is this?

Cant pressurize the weapons bay properly so we just leave it partially ajar, which totally does not fubar stealth.


I am an ex- 91A, M1 turret mechanic. Your source is wrong.
You see all that stuff on the turret wall of the loader’s position in your photo? Those are bolted to studs welded to the inner plate of the turret side.

Pure US propaganda copium.

Hello random internet stranger. Do you happen to have any evidence to support your claim? A manual perhaps?


You wanna see sekrut dokuments!!!
Ma 214?

his point still stands, evidence would be needed.


How do you prove a negative?
Why should I care if you stay ignorant?

Hello, I am Bob Abrams, inventor of the Abrams. Everything you see inside that tank is kevlar. Goodbye.


You could provide a counter source per example, it has nothing to do with ignorance but authority arguments in the interned are very week since there is no way of proving identity.

To come back to your initial statement that stuff is bolted to the turret, that does not contradict the existence of a spall liner.

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Maybe I’ll make a post but stuff is sensitive when we start talking about Abrams armor, only safe thing is the CIA declassified armor diagram and reports but that’s because it’s from a Foia request

From what I’ve been able to find from primary sources, I couldn’t find evidence of a spall liner for the Abrams

All Chinese tanks including export ones like the 2000/vt-4b have spall liners saw some imgs on beidu and Chinese websites

for the VT-4 its already accknowledged

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There isn’t going to be a source because no source is going to say “sorry we forgot the kevlar liners”.
You aren’t going to find UNCLAS photos of M1 turrets taken apart enough to show there is nothing but welded steel.
But if you insist on not taking my word for it, here is a CNET article about M1s being remanned to A2s that shows that there are no liners in the hull.

If that isn’t good enough for you then, bless your heart.

This videos talks about the lead spall lining of early Abrams, and DU layer that was introduced that also served to catch fragments. About 10:50 is where they talk about this. I have numerous books saying that both lead and DU layers serve as spall liners.

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There’s no pictures of the armor in that article.
Bless your heart.

The closest picture was this, and it’s too blurry around the driver’s port to tell anything about it.



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Anyone got anything for the Ariete and Leclerc ? I can’t find anything for the Leclerc from the internet (English and French focused), but I’d be surprised that it does not have it considering it’s one of the most recent design of MBT in game

I have the Hunnicutt volumes on both the M60 and M1. What page does he mention a spall liner for any M60? I only took a flip through so I could have missed it.