Tanks Sitting Back Taking Potshots Doesn't Really Help The "TEAM"

Another abismal day playing alongside pot shotting kids. At night time, it’s the toxic US kids invading and poluting the EU servers after midnight, when all our kids are in bed here. What makes me laugh is that when you winge at players sitting back, they start insulting you like they always know best.

ONLY 4 WINS IN MY LAST 12 GAMES! It’s the gameplay that players have no choice but to put up with that causes toxicity within the game.

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Another day of playing, and now it’s even worse. Only 2 wins but 10 losses. It’s getting beyond a joke and not fun anymore. This game is being destroyed from the inside.

Every single loss, I was watching my so called team mates hang back pot shotting. Of course, because they refused to move, the enemy homed in and killed them.

Pot shotting is loser gameplay. Not just my opinnion, I have seen enough games being lost BECAUSE of it.

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What BR are you playing?

And how good are you doing in those matches?

All my tanks are at rank4, just about to break into Rank 5 with the UK, US, Germany and Israel.

I normaly rush forward (not up to the zone) to the nearest bit of cover close to the zone so I can carefully advance to try to take the zone. I never sit back taking pot shots, I’m not a coward, it’s not my style. I don’t care one iota about my K/D ratio. Having 10 kills means bugger all if you still LOSE. There are a couple of reasons I have observed on many occasions that cause the losses.

  1. Players sit back taking pot shots, but whats worse is that once they’ve fired, they don’t move so the enemy home in, and kill them. That makes them sit even further back, away from the zones we are supposed to be taking. They are now so far away that buildings and slight hills are in the way so now they can’t even cover those of us that are trying to win by taking zones because they can’t even see us from under the rock they found to hide behind. I normally find “pot shotters” end up being 7/10 times base locked and spawn killed.

  2. This one is just as important for tactics. It amazes me how many players at rank 4 “STILL” have no idea what light tanks are for. They have no idea why they are light and fast with not alot of armour. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of players who DO know how to use a light tank, but given how many supposed tens of thousands of players that play every day, Players with the know-how are still in the minority.

Light tanks are for reconaissance. They can whiz ahead using cover to scout and spot enemies. They have a gun so they can defend themselves to a certain point with the paper thin armour, but it’s the speed that can get them out of trouble as quick as they got in to trouble. Without the spotting, enemies can dissapeare on the map just as quick as they appeared… BUT… if they are scouted and spotted for the team, they can no longer try creeping up on the team and flank and kill because they stay on the map to be seen, no matter where they try to hide, they can’t get away. Always know where the enemy is so they don’t get an advantage. It’s not complicated rocket science, can’t they see the “Scout button” on the bottom of the screen?

I’ve lost count of how many times i’ve been surprised and out numbered because 2 or 3 tanks come round the corner out of nowhere. I might take out one of them but the others just obliterate me, sometimes i don’t even get to fire. This is despite at least 1 or 2, or more, light tanks on the team. They refuse to spot for the team. If you have a whinge at the team, you get childish comments thrown saying “get better with your 1 kill”, or “skill issue”. It doesn’t register in thier heads that people lose because of a lack of TEAM WORK and TACTICS.

Yes, it’s only a game, but it’s a war game with war machinery, and YES, war tactics DO work in this game.


Anything that helps the team …helps the team.

Lets face it ,there is no team. It’s a number of single entities on the map at the same time. No formation,no communication and nothing to do with how tank brigades etc move in reality.
In reality flanking vehicles not only protect the main body of tanks but counter similar flanking vehicles of the enemy.In the game you are lucky sometimes to even have one other vehicle at your spawn point or just a big hoard wandering aimlessly toward the same spot.

On a very rare occasion something like a real formation occurs and it can lead to a game being over very quickly.I have seen this on Stalingrad a couple of times and it may be due to the fact the opposing spawns are set up diagonally opposing each other which means the teams pick up the wide spots naturally by attacking the A and C zone respectively while the main body take the center. Yes those who stay back and camp the zones do help win the game even if its only one per zone.Its a common occurrence to see a light fast vehicles come in behind an advancing line and steal the game because of the spawn zone rush.

A whole team moving as one is every hard to counter but it’s more luck than judgement in this game.Some good players do read the mini map and try to move them selves into spaces not taken ,most just rush to sit in their regular seat to rack up a personal score.

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yeah… I connot dissagree with anything you said. I do wish a lot more could read the mini map properly and use tactics. I don’t ever moan with close games, even if my team loses, because with a close finish, it means BOTH teams gave their best, and that is totally fine with me. I just hate the totall and complete whitewashes that end up with the spawn killing and base raping. That only happens when players refuse to be part of the team and are always on the retreat, sitting back pot shotting as far away from the front line as possible. When they get shot at, they run and hide under the nearest rock. Teams that advance don’t get locked in the spawn area for the simple reason being… they are NOT in the spawn area, they advance, they move out.

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Very playable game. Rush Spawn and camp/sniping from distance. It’s what the game has devolved too.

its what it always was ,its a tank shooter ,you shoot tanks from varying distance

No the campers who sit the entire match playing sniper or rush the spawn. Shoot a few then leave the game. They are useless. I get what the game is. Thanks for the heads up, Einstein.

if you have a unit killing the enemy before they get to CAP then that is valuable you ass hat .That is why we have fast units and 60s tanks in WW2 games.it is the game and Gaijin made it so you can play it that way. If you dont like it play another game.

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Asshat? Wow your basement-dwelling social skills are impressive. I see you one of the types that sit back and shot across the map or bull rush spawn to rack up your kills. GFY punk ass.

It’s game you twat and not a very clever one at that