Tanks Sitting Back Taking Potshots Doesn't Really Help The "TEAM"

I normally fly my planes but I need to get my tanks to rank 6 so I can use my helicopters properly at the correct BR, so I’ve been hammering tanks the last couple of days. I always seemed to be on the losing team a lot more than on the winning team and I wanted to know why.

Yesterday I did an observational experiment to see why I lose so, so many matches. I came to a conclusion that when I see players winging, about other players sitting back taking pot shots instead of moving in to take Zones, they are right.

I actually thought that snipers with SPG’s helped and quite often do, BUT, you get so many players using light, medium and heavy tanks to snipe too. Out of the last 12 games, I was on the winning side only 3 times.

I noticed that with almost everyone that sat back taking pot shots, they are not backing up properly those of us that actually try to attack the zones. You players that sit back, you need to back up your team mates that attack or they just end up out numbered and out gunned by the better “TEAM”, and very quickly get flanked and killed. YOU are helping no one but your own k/d ratio. That is NOT team gameplay. I always think that the Win/Loss ratio is more important.

Every loss I had yesterday was because the team just sat miles back from the action taking pot shots from behind the hills or from the base. Over half of those losses ALSO ended in being BASE RAPED.

Passive game play is totally counterproductive and does NOT help the team win. Stop helping your team to lose.


Check the gain on your reading comprehension.


Check your reading comprehension im literally replying to his stupid plea of “muh teammates arent driving face first into a cap point”


That isn’t what he wrote. Try again without projecting your own issues.


Wow you’re actually blind


I guess 1 out of 3 is pretty good for you.
Here let me help:
He is complaining about players who only play to rack up kills, not actually winning the game. This can be done in many ways, but his specific complaint is players who “sit back” and snipe passively. This does not imply those who flank, since… that isn’t passive play.
Even in a bowling ally map, this problem will persist because there will always be ways these selfish players will find to do their own thing regardless of how the game is (re)structured.


And guess what these are the same people that have whined constantly about map sizes being too big because they’re arcade players as such gaijin in their infinite wisdom decided to limit maps sizes and limit flanking i understand pattern recognition isnt your strong suit but come on its obvious


So… you are describing yourself?

No it doesn’t so stop.

Yeah why don’t you?


Sadly War Thunder (much like WoT), is all “me me me”, people don’t know what teamwork is, and just gun for the maximum amount of K/D that they can. Ever played Air RB and seen half your team dive in that single attacker at the deck? Yeah.

Additionally, some of the Battle Pass challenges don’t help this when they say “get x amount of kills” or “bomb x amount of bases”, people suicide straight away to “speed run” their tasks and leave to complete the next.


While it look like your playing lower-mid tier, unfortunately some tanks can only be played in a passive roll and the game’s meta favors mobility (the higher you go in tiers). So the tanks that are slower and unable to move around as much can’t do much besides get steam rolled by way better meta tanks.

I usually say first to hit all, loses… But many times it’s even the moaning about the team not doing what someone does that makes it a problem.

Some would want everyone to just charge with no care, but thing is no-one wants to be at the front of that charge.

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I said nothing about rushing headlong in to a zone. That’s just Hillbilly inteligence. I like playing with the teams that push in from cover to cover, getting nearer to take the zone. Not the one’s who sit back taking pot shots, who never even try to push forward.


The only difference between these situations is timing and the scenario itself.

I sit back scouting a lot, I’m not not doing anything, I’m scouting.

Same with when I’m SPAA and looking at the sky and someone fires MGs into me making me concerned I’ve been spotted and are being actively shot at… They think I’m not doing anything, but they’re absolutely mistaken.

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Yeah… I don’t expect some types to be on the front line, like the dog slow Churchill i’ve got at the mo and some SPG’s. I don’t count AA as they might as well be made with baked bean tins for armour, and yes, you’re too busy shooting down planes to look out for tanks.

But I would expect Tigers, Panthers, M4A?'s, Avengers, M36’s, etc, mostly the faster heavies and most mediums to help push the advance.

I do scouting as well, and I like to wizz around (so I can’t be pin pointed) behind the front line going over banks and slopes to see the enemy and spot them for the team. If I see a fellow light tank, then I will try to take him out too.


It is helping the team. It prevents the enemy to move foward and fixes him in place.

and what’s the problem?

The problem is when a teammate (enemy in blue) pushes you so that your gunsight starts wobbling everywhere when you’re about to shoot someone.

The problem is when a teammate drives infront of you so you don’t get the shot off and he does.

The problem is when 4 fighters with an altitude advantage cannibalise it to chase a lone ground pounder, only to get dookied on by the enemy fighters who held their advantage.

The problem is when your teammate shoots through your plane with no regard, killing you so he can kill the target you set up in an energy trap or BnZ.

Do you need a reminder that some will actively push your tank if they feel like you’re in “their” sniping spot? More prevalent in that other game than this one but it’s still a thing.

These behaviours are bad and contribute to a negative game experience.


If I ever see this abomination of a map i will 0 death leave. Sorry but i wont play this. Rather wait 7 minutes than this. Not in any BR.
I think i should take holland instead of seversk on the ban list.

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