Tanks Sitting Back Taking Potshots Doesn't Really Help The "TEAM"

That’s very easy to prove. Quit every single game without doing anything and show me a consistent 50% winrate. I doubt you’ll hit 40%.
And what do you think is the reason why some players have 60+%wr and others sub 40%wr? Some players just always get lucky on teams?

You’re just proving my point.

What is it that makes some players totally OBSESSED WITH K/D ratio. How can people not understand that I am just one of many players who carry out objectives and actually move forward and at least try to attack and capture zones. I move in between shots. I get closer if i see a chance. I don’t just put my tent up and camp there till i’m dead. What is so wrong with that?

I am quite happy, if I haven’t got the shell to penetrate, to take out a tanks tracks to make him a sitting duck for a team mate to take out. I don’t care about kills. I’m quite happy to scout all game and finish with no kills at all. I don’t care. I am a TEAM player. I play to win. What is so wrong with that?

Taking zones wins games, top K/D ratio just makes you BEST LOSER.

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I had a great game where one player was crying all the time that the team did not push (and die) and rather played more defensively.

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I dunno.
But I do know that when I work on spading a SPAA I loose most of the time (winrate around 40%), and when I play normally my winrate is way higher.

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Kills win you the game, caps just speed up the ticket bleed.

No kills = no cap

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Because you expect people driving Nashorns and similar open-top zero-armour, fixed-gun vehicles to do the same. Even without a fixed gun, can you really expect such a tank to do anything but find a safe spot behind friendly lines and rail-gun enemies to death?

Or in general “medium tanks” that use solid shot (thus have an inherent disadvantage in 1vsN and TTK over something like a tiger 1 that can one hit kill anywhere it pens), have 3km/h reverse speed, no stabilizer, a super bouncy gun due to said gun being shoved into a chassis as a measure of desperation. These tanks’ doctrinal purpose is to stick to the flanks and shoot the enemy without being noticed. Oh, and sitting hull down and executing shoot & scoot given their turrets do have good armour on their turrets.


Even a 3 year old Vulcan child has learnt better logic than this.

So… going by your completely backwards logic, Say… you have 20 kills and the enemy have taken ALL the zones and you have totally lost the match. Do you really honestly think you still won??? Delusional. It only makes you the BEST LOSER. A thousand kills doesn’t mean you win. Do you think you can swap kills for zones… 10 kills = a zone does it???

You could finish the match with a thousand kills, but losing is STILL LOSING. It doesn’t matter how many kills you have if you still lose.

Good players can attack the zones and get their kills at the zones and then go on to win. K/D warrior cowards only have kills and do not take zones because the are too SCARED to go near the zones incase they die. Good players can take zones AND kill the enemy. Good players will play for the benefit of the team and not just to benefit themselves.

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This seems to be one of those threads that proves what I have been saying my whole adult life, “Intelligence and common sense are 2 completely different entities”.

You can go to school and be educated and increase your intelligence. But common sense can’t properly be taught. It requires a different mindset to look at facts, and then look at it from both sides to fully understand the subject. Rocket scientists can be the smartest people on the planet, but they can still be socially awkward and still not have the common sense to problem solve and realise why they don’t get on with others. They can have the intelligence to solve complex equations (if you use the mathematical “BODMAS” system, equations are simple), but they might not have the common sense to realise that shaking after having a pee only flicks pee all over the place, where wiping is more hygenic.

Common sense should tell people, that if more or less the whole team is sitting back pot shotting getting kills, who is attacking the zones to try to win??? NO one. How do you expect to win if no one is attacking the zones you need to ACTUALLY win??? Where is the LOGIC???

The people who try to win and approach the zone, end up being out numbered and killed because their backup is sitting half a km away. They try again but, again there is no backup so they die being out numbered and out flanked again. That person has a winge in the match chat about having a bad team, and everyone attacks them by trying to belittle their no kills so must be a bad player. They died because of a bad team and having no backup. It has got NOTHING to do with K/D.

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Winning = killing enemies that cap and capping yourselves.
Sick and tired of unmoving and uncaring snipers on my team.


Exactly, totally agree. You attack the zones, kill the enemy, take the zones, continue to push forward, win the game. Simples.

I don’t understand what it is that people can’t understand. LOL

Perfect for pushing caps!

If it doesn’t, it’s played wrong.


Look, it has every quality of a CQC corner-to-corner brawler.


It’s not about the vehicle you use but the WAY you use it. I have still capped zones in light tanks and various tank killers and still survived. If you want to sit there in the open while reloading, you deserve to be killed. You can still be at a zone behind cover, wait for the enemy to fire, then pop out of cover and “BANG”, he’s dead. Once you fire, move to another position. If you don’t move, you just become a sitting duck whether you are on the map or not.

And can you tell me how the enemy team has taken all the spawn points ? I’m sure your team didn’t simply throw in the towel and call it quits.
It’s pretty simple, if one team is better at killing the other team, they’ll then push them back so taking caps is just a formality there.

You can definitely swap kills for zones in teams that know how to kill the enemy.

If the enemy team has 16 players and they spawn 4 times on average (which is probably way too generous for some tiers), it means you only need 64 kills in total to end the game. This might sound like a way too big of a number for a single player or even a squad, but when you look at it from the team perspective it isn’t that much at all.

Let’s say your team also has 16 players and they spawn only 3 times on average (less than the enemy) which results in 48 spawns. This means you’ll only need ~1.3 kills per spawn to win which isn’t all that much, as it equals to roughly 4 kills per 3 deaths.

Staying on the zones that are most of the times pretty disadvantageous positions isn’t a smart move. You’ll also be a magnet for CAS.

You know what’s better than defending on the cap ?
Defending in front of the cap point from advantageous positions not even letting enemies come close to a cap, but I guess you missed that one entirely.

Your logic is inherently flawed as you don’t need the zones to win.

Lemmings that simply spawn and go to the nearest cap are the ones causing the problems. You have many ways to approach the cap, but you still choose the same one every single time. No wonder you get clowned on by flankers.

They died because they’re nothing more than a lemming.
Have you tried to not bumrush the caps, you might not be such a deadweight to your team that way.



I see that you don’t want to be helped and want to remain a deadweight, which is totally fine.


Passive gameplay is like half of the gameplay after pushing, unless you want to keep advancing to spawn.

I had a match where half my team left after the initial push, I was sitting back in my M6A1 taking potshots at a panther F, hit out his turret crew on a cupola from over 1.5km’s in a dual moving shot. The issue is literally being AFK, not assisting team mates in crucial pushes is an issue. But the stem of the issue is 1DL’s.

Here’s one simple argument:

If Killing people did not win games, why is it that the side that spawns CAS first and starts camping the enemy team’s spawn will more often than not win games even if the enemy held all 3 objectives?

Quite often I witnessed it happening: We take all 3 points, skies turn into P47, F4U-4, F8F. Half the team gets bombed, rest get killed as they leave spawn.

Enemy wins.

Eh, I have seen games go either way. Really depends on the team/BR, as well as their luck with CAS loadouts.

I can agree to that point yes, but this is mainly about the players that dont even try to even reach the zones. Yes once you have the zones, you push a little further to defend just in front of the zones. I’ve had so many games when players in light, medium, heavy and killers don’t even leave the immediate spawn area. They camp up and pot shot across the map. I’ve had so many games when 2/3rd of the team sit halfway between our spawn and the zones and refuse to get nearer.

Thank you for the offer, but i definitely do not need to learn any battlefield tactics from you. I know how to get KILLS. I also know how to TAKE ZONES, but guess what else I can do… I also know how to kill and take zones AT THE SAME TIME. There’s lots of us out there, I know. I’ve tried fighting against them mostly, but every now and then I get to be on the same team and the team runs like clockwork.

Sometimes, I even come 1st in the team. I completed the “Unlimited Patience” battlepass challenge with no problem.

Just because I always seem to be on the losing team, doesn’t mean that I have to be last on my team. Points can be made not just by getting kills. The screenshot below was only taken last night. Note how I still didn’t get the most kills. I DID take the most zones though. But did you notice I had both kills and zones? That is why you can keep your tactics to yourself. I’ve said it before, and i’ll say it again - I play to win.