Tanks Sitting Back Taking Potshots Doesn't Really Help The "TEAM"

“…but you didn’t.” What???

Are you presuming again or have you seen all my replays??? How do you know that I dont get killed because of trying to move forward or taking a hit for a team mate? Which I have done plenty of times.

STATS ONLY MATTER TO STAT NERDS - not to people like me who just want to play, have fun and try to win the match.

I couldn’t care less if I spend the whole match time with no kills, for example, say I am spotting the enemy for the team and that allows them to kill any enemy that tries to take any zones and we win with me getting no kills. I DON’T CARE!!! “I had fun” tagging all the enemy and we won the match making me also get shit loads more SL & RP. This is a bad grinding game - K/D doesn’t help the grind much, winning matches for the extra winning bonus’s does.

You too need to see a quack. Unhealthy obsessions are bad for you. Especially an obsession with stats and numbers, you’ll end up with bad OCD. Your replies are now making me chuckle when I read them now because you are soooo rigid with your neanderthal way of thinking and it’s now amusing.

It doesn’t?

Skill bonus exists ;), and it is not affected by random teammates.

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AB gameplay is different to RB. You can’t flank/advance (Especially on these horrible flattened or CQC maps) so it must be even worse than before now, with all the red zones. I don’t really play AB anymore but when I did, it was hard to move around without smoke on some maps, which leads to the playstyle you mention. I tended to do it also as a German main their tanks are typically doctrinally designed for that sniper playstyle.

I played some AB with my T14 premium heavy tank and it’s absolutely cracked in that mode. People actually know less about where to aim for my weak spots despite the green armour penetration indicator. And the drop indicator removes any possible inaccuracy making a traditionally bad sniping tank a demon at that too. The traditional advantages of sniper tanks are not as apparent when everybody can perform that role even with terrible optics and muzzle velocity

Yes to a point. It was for a long time (I think it was changed a bit but not 100% on how it’s implemented) that anything over 800m? 900m or so was not having the aim assist marker.

That was for me the peak AB sniping days, if you were good you could hit them before they figured out how to hit you, even though you have a permanent laser range finder lol.

But yes it definitely does level the playing field in AB and positions that are OP in RB are instant death in AB. AB is about hard cover and positioning.
T-14 can have good matches but some people do know of the one easy weakspot. I’ve bounced multiple 88s in that thing though lol, its very good when angled to the correct side and distance.

Also you must have loved fighting the 60kmh T-34s that have volumetric hell armour when approaching angled at that speed.

*60km/h panthers.

Another example of how you know nothing about how the way I play or CAN play, like I said, stats mean nothing. I put the results up to show you that you know shit but you think you know lots, filling in the blanks with your own biased presumptions - just by looking at my stats - and just to show that I’m not a complete loser and a drain on my team.

When I logged on today, I was able to play a half decent match with a good team who knew what they were doing. I won’t give a running commentary, but there was 2 of us whizzing around the 3 zones spotting anything and everything that moved on the map. The team just anhialated everything by shooting, killing and moving, shooting, killing and moving, until we got the zones and kept them. And I lasted the whole match with just 1 light tank. Oh… the friendly kill was because a team mate wasn’t watching around him and drove into an artillery strike I ordered. Not my fault he didn’t pay attention to the orange smoke.

Now THAT was fun, and a win via co-operation from players that had not played together before, but knew how to play as a “TEAM”.

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To be honest Jimbo 4000 games is nothing .I imagine by the time you get to 8000 you will long since have given up on this team business and seen the game for what it is.
Just you on your own with some competitors fighting you for kills and cap zones.

Then you have the opposition.


As long as his gameplay doesn’t improve (talking about him being better), he will always talk about team.


I watched replay.
Finland AB

Your team had the basic competence of fanning out to cover more angles. I feel like that should be floor of basic competence. a natural expectation or something.

The other side. Clustered. :-
A great example for what happens when a team clusters and a piss poor match to use for teamwork.
They have no vision. They cant even shoot at position as a team because thier someone else in the way. Whoever was at the front stops near cover thereby= stoping the group…) Using number corretly is bearing more barrels at the otherside than they can return; The person at the front SHOULD push past cover to take a foward position and aggro fire. hopefully the people behind follow suit and dont post at initial cover slowing down the people in the rear. leaving the guy at the front exposed and essentially alone. the team needs to move past the intial cover minus the last guy. Last tank or an open top td-slow turret or no turret can post at intial cover. this is the lowest value position when the team is pushed out. its a very passive position.

They had, what 8 tanks? in one small area. all they had to do was step up past cover, take a hit and have the rest follow. kill whats infront which was mearger, and cleanup the eye which had 3 people posted all in the same area wall hugging. which makes them even easier to push once support from spawn side or cap side is destroyed… :- thats it. they would have the cap and equalize on the attrition of tanks lost. and top of being in a better position controlling the eye and the cap.

But Cluserting is the mob behavior of self preservation with safety in numbers.Taking ground and pushing not typical behavior of a cluster. They hunker down the first sight of a threat.
Which your own team did as well when they couldve just steped on the gas and pushed spawn. During your escapade with the puddle while trying to dunk a m36 with ap round. … bring some HE. a small love tap on any part, including the machine gun, you’ll get fireworks.

You got 2 intelligence early into match =2 air points
Paired with a kill on the m18 shortly after. =1 air point
Why didnt you spawn a bomber?
you had multiple opportunities with decent targets to hit. It would trivializedthe period when you were swiming or the cluster pushing the Eye bravo side. Im just going to assume you like your tank time.

Not that it matters, they were pretty brain dead ignoring the Eye on their first wave {eye - inbetween A/B) when pushing initialy. and even the ones that knew something was there, Didint adjust their postion to reflect that threat. :- leaving their sides exposed.
pretty brain dead. The ones died from there cameback to address that issue.

Every “Push” red did. Was in a cluster or a column format. Stepping on toes, contributing little to nothing, going one at a time back to spawn or hanger.

Not a good match to exemplefy teamwork. its like watching soccer, but you have red as 5years olds. and blue team as 10y olds? not exastly teamwork because thier most likely still mentaly of me me me.

Fanning out is basic competence. it really should be an expectation.

I dont actually see random players working together intentionally. in that sense, the clustered team had more intentional teamwork going on… moving together, covering eachother… the issue thier not activly using that to accmplish anything.
Smoke shot at entry of the eye. would allow safe space to push the Cap. Get better angles to fire at the eye without being shot from the spawn road.

If you have the cluster on your team. If you have smoke shells. if your cluster cant see a threat they will continue moving. its rare if the entire cluster remains still for the duration of the smoke. Smoke your team or theirs. it has similar effects as long the player feels safe enough to move up. just ahh,
for this match, for red team, if the intial rock were smoked early. its highly likely that they wouldve moved past itand engaed in open ground using thier numbers. Trivilizing that entire fight. thier are foward cover positions so even if thier outnumbed, they still have a preservation panic area to move into.

Thier was a lone T34-85 at the eye who couldve used help against 4? tanks, he got help very late. Which help was Jimbo here. The only reason the T34 lived is because the entrance was roadblocked by dead tanks. followed a blueberry firing at thier rear.

this is not teamwork. this is a basic result of fanning out, into a team that doesnt.

That’s why I play for myself : )

Manners dictates I stop and help a fellow player on my side for repair not some in game etiquette of which non exists anyway.


il’d wager your doing everyone a favor more often than not, by leaving them to repair by themselfs.

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Quite often ,no point giving a passing plane two kills for the price of one.


idk man killing 10 people in every match compared to having a 50% chance of killing 1 guy in a match seems pretty indicative of how good you are. this isnt even about the game mechanics as a whole its just common sense that kill more enemy=win more


It does depend tank to tank too. Some tanks are just more suited to sniping and are worse than their contemporaries at close quarters(which is more than fine,) but it does lead to people using those tanks to sit back and snipe. Perfect example of this would be missile TDs such as the “APC with missile on it.” Sure you can fight close quarters with them, but at their BRs almost everything is better at that job than they are. This also applies(albeit to a lesser extent) to light TDs like the nashorn, pvkv m/43, and some light tanks like the IKV-91.

Don’t like campers in your team? That’s what artillery is for…

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Gotta get close enough to them though to put it down… So many times I’m racing out from spawn with the artillery map up, opening and closing it to get a drop on some spot.


don’t mind me interjecting from like nearly a month later, but the Avenger and M36 don’t have much in the way of armour. Heck, most things British (I’m assuming you mean the 4.7 tank, because I can’t think what else you’d be referring to) don’t really have much armour for their BR apart from the Tortoise (which has gaping big weakspots), at least between the Churchill and Conqueror.

Anyway, getting back to what I wanted to say - OP has a point, there’s a limit to where camping is useful. I tend to find, “if i’ve been sat here for a minute, and haven’t seen something to shoot, I need to move”

If you’re holding a line of sight on an approach to a Cap (say, on Karelia (i think, lol), you’re on B point holding LoS on either North or South cap, on the three cap map) that makes sense. You are denying the enemy freedom of action, and providing covering fire for anyone pushing into the respective cap. Equally, you can’t cover all angles from that position on B. You need to either manouevre yourself as your “capper” advances, or you need someone else sweeping the likely enemy positions (behind that hill about 2/3rds down, that’s an early game rush for both teams on Karelia)

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I use it quite a lot on Ash River ;-)

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sad part is it used to be till toxic players that do nothing but spawn camp/kill after they rush