Tanks Sitting Back Taking Potshots Doesn't Really Help The "TEAM"

Just going to mention, I ignored your posts because of the fact it was at the end of having to defend myself from assumptions being made that were erroneous by misrepresenting what was said.

Still though, many aren’t playing with the team, there’s people who actively seek to tell people turn off their chat, and tell them not to bother about even trying to work with the team that isn’t there.

Commonly I do tell people to get in there, and if people think this costs tickets, then maybe it does, but thing is at the end of the day it’s just a game, which many take too seriously, and in the same breath, not seriously enough.

This message is probably gonna be deleted however try to read less of a soaring practitioner response. They are how shall I say this, hmmm…less gratuitous. Picking my words in this case.

On this at least, a not insignificant part of it has to do with… the quality of our playerbase. Ground RB is surprisingly more civilized despite the whole WW2 german tanks attracting a certain audience, but frequently in air RB I’d see players say some rather heinous takes about the (lack of) humanity of entire groups of people just because of what they were born as or which country they happen to live in.

This discourages the use of chat significantly.

For teamwork itself, it seems to vary significantly between day of week, time of day and what nations are on your team. As a rule of thumb I found as a middling player - when your team has mostly minor nation players, you’ll experience more teamwork and mutual support over the default big name big three. Italy tends to be, ironically (given their… questionable tanks), one of the better sources of “hey, these folk will carry a victory for me”.

There’s also counter-productive systems of incentives. For people wanting permanent service record scores - assists and objectives are not visible. You could be an amazing light tank player who gets over 10+ if not more assists each match and highlighting every enemy, but because you did not get any kills - none of that achievement is recorded. You could be a rat who maneuvers around the enemy to back cap them after they moved off the objective and finish a match with 5 captures, but again - nothing outside of maybe a better win rate.

And of course rewards for capturing as well. If multiple tanks are taking a single obj, everyone gets less rewards. If your tank is slow and you reach the obj too late - you traded position for essentially nothing. If you take the enemy objective in [Battle] mode and bring it to almost 75% captured and then die to a PE8 dropping a bomb on you - no reward either, even if your team finally rolls in and takes it a little afterwards.

Heroes & Generals - another WW2 F2P combined arms game with some frustrating P2W mechanics - improved incentives in objective gameplay. The actual capture zone and the bonus rewards areas were different - you’d get extra reward for actions even if you did not directly enter an objective. Killing enemies while holding point gave extra score, killing enemies on point from afar gave extra score too.

The above, of course, does not nullify my earlier point that Ansaraina had sort of said so themselves - position/locations tend to determine who wins, not the points captured. Sometimes these overlap, sometimes they don’t. During my 2nd battle of El alamein matches, pushing too aggressively to get a point tends to favour the team that pitches camp in various sniping positions and picks off the enemy team. Sinai also feels similar - teams that commit a lot of tanks to the town objective tend to lose to ones that took their time to drive behind the other team to farm them from a better angle. I’ve had many games that look like a guaranteed win suddenly turn into half my team gone while the enemy was still in full force, and games where we were 50% gone ticket-wise from caps but had a full team and won handily after the enemy team had a few players leave after 2 deaths.

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More on those who even suggest this as a solution to anyone to ‘avoid’ the chat and not actually report it being stupid.

That is absolutely a nonsense take. I main Germany, and I more often find others with stupid hot takes than anything you’re trying to insinuate.

Whilst thier points were valid, it was more about map knowledge and coordination than the idea of everyone sitting back doing nothing.

Its a forum. Someone down the road will find it informative. Cant mention how many old post on steam, reddit, here, or some other source that ends up being useful.

or from other games. That carry a lot of revelence.

They shut down servers unfortunately. Iiirc this was my third online game with such fate, first was War of the Roses (It slowly lost most of players and then they closed the game, I liked this game a lot), then some Asian MMORPG I don’t remember the name, then H&G…be careful War Thunder XD

Saving page on the Internet Archive, comes in handy for really anyone including lore writers.

Not surprising, Heroes & Generals wasn’t exactly alive by the end since it was completely different developers not the original team, so they made the game worse in almost every aspect while claiming it was a good thing.

After reading for the last couple of days, it’s nice to know I’m not the only one who thinks the way I do.

I believe this is one of the reasons why they are making maps smaller and removing/blocking cheesy spots, sniping hills, changing terrain etc…so players are forced to do the objectives. To many players cry about passive behavior from a player that just wants to snipe on a hill and get kills that way. Idk, its just what I believe. Wish people stopped crying so much sometimes…

With the greatest of respect, you’re talking nonsense. This might be true of RB but in Arcade mode, this is a game of fast-moving mobility. I find myself in situations where I’ve had to re-take CPs 2 or three times. I’ve also been left in the sickening situation of going towards a CP and finding myself outnumbered 6 to 1 because the other team isn’t full of idiots who think like you.


I’d wager with confidence most of us on the forums play realistic mode and default to talking about RB unless stated otherwise.

You’ll note that this is the section for discussing Arcade Battles?

In that situation, I’d rather be the cunt on the hill than the idiots out in the open on a cap with CAS potentially up, or god forbid actually pushing a 6v1 lmfao dude why are you even doing that? Pure lunacy. The games over at that point, just collect some kills and hit next.

CAS lmfao
Not an issue unless you are blind

You hadn’t heard of the players who hate teammates who hodl W and get blown up all the time, they drained the team’s ticket, and fed the enemy more sp on average, what even worse is they also complaints about passive gameplay while their playstyle usually cost the team more tickets than draining the enemy’s.

CAS are not normally a problem when taking a zone in the games I play. Enemy CAS scum are always bombing the spawn points to get free kills. Enemy CAS are only interested in killing fish in a barrell.

The problem is… your beloved K/D ratio doesn’t win the game… Taking the zones wins the game.

I don’t care about my K/D ratio one bit. I prefer to actually win the match. Win/Lose ratio is more important to me than any stupid k/d. This is not CoD or Battlefield. The extra SL and RP I get for winning more than makes up for it.

and? trying to win battles is completely useless and ass-burning rn.

it is winning the game as it prevents the enemy in holding the points. Have you ever seen a wreck take a point? No. Managing the incoming enemys is helping the team. Sitting in point blanck range on cap is not helping the team.Being shot by the enemy is not helping and giving the enemy a chance to strike back for sure not. There is many ways to win a match but doing a all in brawl is not the way. And surly because its the only thing you can do and forcing others to do it for sure not.