That first cap isint all too important. depends whats happening. and type of map. Pushing map as in vertical or a horizitonal map. in which case, figuring out where the important battles is, and removing spawn campers are more critical.
If for example the team stops because they see one tank. That one tank is buying anywhere from 15 seconds to 1 minute. maybe two. I dont know. some teams do a full stop, the moment they see an enemy tank. YEA, sure. I guess getting the cap or going past the cap and having them all see that person there is beneficial. But if they smell blood and bum rush the you or the cap anyways. That is just a dead tank+ plus loss of control near the zone. Once they swarm they are swarming.
Holding the point generally means pushing past it, or holding some vantage point to deny a push onto it.
Th most contested caps are the easiest to collapse by flanking, hammering, or cass. so long as they still have something infront of them holding their attention hostage.
Ambushes can be nice, to mitigate but its not a situation of win more when ahead. its more of a mitigation when behind. Kills early in match are more valuable than kills mid match. especially when the otherside is running out spawn points or spawning a bunch of AA.
When teams feel like thier losing, they will likely spawn their aa to get it spaded.
once thier two aa on the team, just expect more. :- not many players will use aa aggressivelyto lay down blinding fire to mess up any scope shots. to decap, or to flank. on top of being much less threatning and easier to kill giving spawn points back to the other side. not having enough tanks near the front really hurts.
The maps that have those advantages that favor a side to take it. and to be able to hold it. Its more a competence issue on the side of the playerbase not knowing how to approarch the map. If the general playbase is passive on a spawn side that is favored once it pushes past a certain point on the map.
Such as this one, where North spawn heavily favores hyper aggresion. and is heavily disfacored for defensive gameplay. Sightlines. angles. ease of flanking in the town inbetween C and A sporadic cover.
North side should just ignores C in favor of invading the streets. WIth the real objective of controling the intial two streets going to C. That should be the opener. Smoke it to get in there. Block it up if you all die. make it a mess. Once thier a brawl on the two streets. Controlling C is easy. and taking A is even easier. sometimes its even eaiser to take A then to fully cap C. 1 tank can hold up 4-6 tanks for a protracted period in those areas. in the streets.
For south side, it favors defense eithier on the two steets plus some tanks on the outside to discourage a push onto the two main streets.
Its a slight favor, its still easy to collapse on, and bomb it from how predictable positions will be covered. The better position is to push foward past C, into the town. And deny all crossing from the river and bridges. its defensible, hard to flank from north side, decent sightlines. plenty of soft and hard cover. having a strong foothold here, allows for a quick move to B decap, and once your there. spawn killing just gets easier once the numbers begin to drop.
Unlike the other side where you are fairly protect at spawn from how all the sightlines are. but you just cant get out its heavily pressured besides wasting a lot of time… :/
For north side. your trading C for pocession of the streets. If you can deny it early, great. but its not the main objective. The streets are. control that, and the match is much easier to dominate from.
Now. eithier side can royaly screw thier advantages. South side can decide to snipe along the coast. in whcich northside snipers typically have a vantage on that. with better cover and sight line breakage. Pair it with north side not being encourage to sit at thier spawn to snipe from where spawn is located.
where south side is somewhat enocuraged because plenty of people will spawn close to beachside.
see a tank. procede to snipe. :/ jeopardizing control of the two main roads because too many people are beachside sniping at moving objective that they can find.
A strong defense on the two main roads. are EASY to bomb/rocket or smoke at. So even if the defening team is ahead. it can still be bypassed, or demolished. by the 2nd half of the match. by the last third. is generally to late. the drive is way to long.
Going by this mans post. he was problably playing when North side players were passive. And south side players were equally passive. sitting on the roads defending C.
Not having the balance conversation on the map. More of approach to the map.How it favors diffrent mob behaviors of the playbase. Passive teams dont win north side on this map. the map plays agaisnt them for it. so during passive playbase periods. this map sucks northside. But when players are aggresive, this can be a fun map for eithier side. so long as your not a sniper. im sorry, thier not many sniping spots or areas where you will be highly valuble to the team. if you are, your problbaly with with a passive lobby.
now because of how the sightlines work on these streets. You only need the team to push on the streets. it can be done with a duo just fine. it just takes longer. it might be mid match by the time the main road supremecy is established with a duo, and holdable. compared to a 4 man squad where mid match is more likely a triple cap or a double cap from northside. with the double being eithier A+B or B+C
while realistic being able to cap the middle one, but hey, the enemies are infront. Leave the mid cap for the respawning teamates. decaps are fine to bleed those tickets.