As Jimbo said, those who sit back waiting are some of it.
Whilst I race off to go cap, quickly, to maintain the start of the match, people should still be pushing up and getting positions that are favorable to holding it, or to them moving up to recap it.
That’s actually really wrong as they could be getting assists via artillery, and scouting… Seriously, the KDR ‘’‘‘measure’’’ is critically flawed so bad, that trying to say that ANY measure of skill based on it is ignorant.
You get a hopeless team if they can’t even manage to kill anything, they can cap but they can’t kill then the enemy will soon take over, if you look closely at someone’s record, the lower the KDR the lower the winning rate, you won’t find anyone with shitty KDR has 70% winning rate or something because they don’t win matches if they can’t kill the enemies. There is a reason why people complain about AP being inferior to APHE, because one of them only gets a kill assist and the other one always finishes. Players who can’t kill will always be the sidekicks.
Because it bothers me that I kept seeing these “sidekicks” complaints about teammates being passive, while they are always the ones who barely did anything for the team, if anything they cost the team more to keep rather than helping the team, I mean they always die and couldn’t even survive their first enemy encounter how is that helping the team. Time to put these guys in their place bro
If someone is not able to kill enemies and need their team to finish the job for them then they are not important for that team as without them nothing would really change.
If someone is dying more than killing he is more of a problem to the team than help as he is giving enemy more points than taking, meaning he actually helps the enemy not the friendly team.
Skill mechanic and what gaijin said about it already finished the debate about „kills” being important.
It’s time you acknowledge that kills aren’t everything that gains a score… No matter what your head is filled with… Assists, caps, and roles all come to a stage to help the team, and thus, your claim that KDR is all that matters is woefully ignorant.
It’s a bit sad that people exist in this state so much so they convince themselves that they are ‘right’ ignoring everything else that gains score or performs a role, just to be so arrogant…
The only sad thing is seeing someone who played for a long time still fail to acknowledge their incompetence and failed to assess the significance of kills compared to less significant actions and is ignorant enough to put them somewhere as being equally important lol. I do agree that being cannon fodder in some ways is helpful to the team, you drive in an open to get shot, then defensive players return fire, that’s useful bro, only if death doesn’t mean draining the team’s ticket or feeding the enemy more sp, everybody can drive to a cap but some cost the team tickets to do so and some doesn’t, maybe there is no difference bro since ignorant people can’t see it or too lazy to learn the different.
What projection? it’s not like we can’t see there are numbers after you look up the profile to tell if someone is a cannon fodder, have you looked into OP’s numbers to see if he is being effective and qualified to judge other players? lol
The judgement is in blatant error due to the ignorance you espose by relying on kills and deaths being a measure of how well someone is doing, compared to actual score and contribution.
That’s how dumb this ‘Kills matter’ mentality gets.
Insurgency/Insurgency Sandstorm relies on score/mission rather than KDA or KDR.
But Warthunder for whatever reason only has KDR rather than score/mission.
I guess closest we have to score/mission is Silver lions/mission (since RP changes based on mission length significantly. A 2000 score battle done in 8 mins sometimes only rewards 900 RP, while a 1500 score battle over 15 mins can give over 2000).
I do feel there isn’t enough recognition in terms of those who do assist, and do other things in matches.
It’s also not so much the game making that KDR, aside from it being listed as ONE of the findable stats, it’s by far the most judged stat, which is ignorant to the point that you can respawn multiple times per match, so the KDR stat is further clouded and skewed.
WT does have this placement thing in the record, it says how often the player scores high mission points before a match ends, but it doesn’t account for how much he cost the team, as you could be placed at the top or second every other matches and having an equal amount of kills and death still get 4000 mission points and placed high, but having 5 kills and 5 deaths (1KDR) means you have to spend an almost equal amount of team’s ticket to drain the enemy’s, then it’s bad enough to feed that enemy so much sp to respawn and get into a space bombers, you are useful for the team but the amount of shit you left also jeopardize the team one way or another.
That’s ignorant of anything else they contributed to, hence why your fixation mentality with the KDR is so wrong and misplaced.
Whilst they exchanged the same amount of tickets, they could easily have assisted someone costing the enemy tickets, or preventing them from taking your tickets because they couldn’t hold an objective.
Understandable why cannon fodder being mad about getting called a cannon fodder whose playstyle mostly jeopardizes the team more than contributes, you should have change your name from FlyDoctor to FlyingTurrets because that’s the only thing you going to fly lol
I dare say a light tank that gets on the enemy team’s side of the map, hides somewhere obnoxious and practically tags the entire enemy team and consequently farms 10+ assists and places number 2-5 in the match by enabling their team to kill the enemy before the enemy could fire back has contributed significantly to victory.