Tanks Sitting Back Taking Potshots Doesn't Really Help The "TEAM"

That’s a really cheap argument to a broken game system

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Yes, thats true. And all of this game problems are caused by this:

If the said person couldn’t get any kills like you, then they lost the match EVEN quicker aka getting steamrolled. No one says its everything, it’s the most important thing for sure.


If one player has like 40% WRs across thousands of battles and another has 60%, I think it’s safe to say latter one knows how to win better.
That is, of course, if you don’t think the second guy is much more lucky with the teams across that many battles.

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Cool so those tanks sitting in position and protecting the flank and spawn rushes arent helping?
There is more to the game than rushing to cap sying and spawning a CAS jet…dying again to that single Pantsir and then leaving the game.

Or plays meta vehicles? But no show me how you rush to a cap in a CR2 and absorb shots on that thick armour while you destroy everything in your wake…Oh wait I said CR2 not Leopard 2…

Where have I said they aren’t playing the same vehicles ?

You didnt, WR is subjective because a team of Leopard 2A7s are superior to a team of Merkavas CR2s and Leclercs. So while the composition of the individual team members will be different skill levels those players WRs are being elevated by playing a meta vehicle in a meta nation. Now Gaijin tries to “offset” this by mixing teams but that doesnt work as Germany are often with Sweden and Russia.

You just have to compare Italian players stats in the Ariete compared to the Leopard 2A7HU.

Both are playing the same vehicles across multiple BRs. One has 40% and other has 60% WR.
It’s either a major case of luck or one player is better than the other.

No… I will not take it to PMs, as the fact is this was something they said in the public space.