Tanks Sitting Back Taking Potshots Doesn't Really Help The "TEAM"

You can clearly see the top four enemies were better, I mean look at the numbers and now look at the one in your team, notice any differences in killing power to death ratio? the top four in your team were performing mediocre and still think your team deserves to win?

No. That is the whole point. Why am I always on the losing side? Why do I always get the idiots? Why cant I be on the winning side as much as I am on the losing team? Imagine how much better I could have done if my team was actually usefull instead of behaving like noobs in Rank 5 tanks.

Yeah the mental gymnastics here is off the charts.Not to mention the lack of knowledge of game mechanics.

I’m not going to waste my time here with someone that clearly believes that Gaijin has personally rigged the game just for them so they don’t get a good team.

And yes you can win with just kills.

Ah yes, the old “move you’re not helping the team” meanwhile they have one of the higher K/D/R’s in the entire match. Which has severely hampered the enemy’s ability to bum rush your overly exposed spawn.

The scoreboard is pretty much self-explanatory as to why your team lost this one

Your team’s total kills/deaths:

Total teammates sent back to hangar: 11

Player left on the match: 5

Enemy team total kills/deaths:

Total teammates sent back to hangar: 2

Player left on the match: 14

If your team has a skill issue and can’t kill the enemies, how do you think you can hold the cap?? also you can cap and sit there, but the enemies are good at killing and not dying (like the first four players), they will have enough points to get into a bomber, then they come and bomb you defending the cap but your teammates can’t even jump into a bomber because they can’t kill worth shit to earn enough CAS points? I don’t know how many times people have to tell you that, killing more enemies and dying less is the best thing you can do for your team bro

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Than why have objectives if only kills win games? Kinda stupid on gaijins part. But hey it’s all good.

Objectives control where people go and create flashpoints of engagement. On better maps and specific BRs, objectives can even be used to pressure the enemy team to weaken a position.

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OK Jimbo, here you go:
If you are constantly on the losing team in arcade, then it is quite possible that YOU are the reason for this. You can test this if you like by writing down your current win percent. Then compare that with a series of games where you quit out of right away. If the games you quit from have better results then the ones you don’t, you have your answer. But do like 10-20 for meaningful results. Your overall ground arcade win rate of 45% is significantly too low.
If you now ask how it is possible that your presence reduces the chance of winning: When you die, you give the enemy spawn points for planes. When you die early, they come at a time when you team has no counter. When you die 3 times, an enemy player can spawn a bomber and wipe more players… avalance.

Another option is your actions in chat.

This is about arcade.

Actually do it! You’ll be surprised! It isn’t that low. Just doing nothing will soon make no difference. To go as low as 45%, you have to actively support the enemy with your actions.

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its an epidemic by mainly air battle players coming over to ground forces bringing one or two tanks to the game camp or move around till they get planes then fly bomb and leave to go on to other GF games and do the whole thing over again .
So many games ruined due to over half the team leaving after one or two deaths and even just logging out

Gotta use that SPAA… It’s because the tutorial here says to use a light, rush the point, and then spawn a plane…

Kill that light and you’ve got an ODL.

Again, this is an arcade thread. I don’t think air battle players play arcade ground to fly some random planes…

I think it’s about time people stopped gatekeeping on the mode itself being the catch, as the issue transgresses simple modes.

This is basically about what goes wrong with him in arcade. He only has 3 spawns, but they are guaranteed. And he can’t switch to air as he likes either. The many reasonings brought forward that may apply to realistic don’t apply here. Arcade is basically a very different game.
So indeed I think we should stick to the topic, which is about arcde.


To a point he can’t just spawn a plane in the same manner as GRB, thing is that they can more often get a disposable plane.

It’s not really a mode issue, compared to a player issue… Hence the team issue, and people not moving up… It’s shared.

I’ve seen some really bad players do under 45% even when trying:

That is my point! You can get a worse winrate by trying then by just doing nothing. Because you can actively help the enemy by getting killed.