Tanks Sitting Back Taking Potshots Doesn't Really Help The "TEAM"

No… I will not take it to PMs, as the fact is this was something they said in the public space.

Again today, the sit back pot shotting is absolutely terrible. I have played 15 games today so far and have only won 3 matches. A lot of the time, after just one death, I looked at the map and saw all my team sitting back halfway between the zones and our own spawn point. Totally pathetic. If I see sit back pot shotters, I always stop playing. I will not spawn again. I refuse to play with sit back pot shotting idiots. They don’t realise that sitting back allows the enemy to advance without any resistance. How stupid do you need to be to NOT realise this???

The absolute worst thing is… I am playing rank 6 tanks. How are these sit back pot shotting noobs STILL this bad at rank 6 ???

The sit back pot shotters must have played “hundreds” of games to get to a rank 6 line up. How the hell have they played “hundreds” of games, and STILL think sit back pot shotting is the way to play ???. I have played thousands of matches and see it all the time.

Sit back pot shotters ALWAYS lose. Sit back pot shotters mostly end up being stomped and then SPAWN KILLED… and then they have the absolute nerve to go on the forums to complain about people one death leaving.


thread necro

Yea the other day i was playing i think was mid tier ground and my whole team was surrounding the cap point but no one was going in to get the cap. People trying not to die, so no one ran in. I took the long way around to flank the reinforcements and just watching the map with no one else moving. no one really cares about winning the match ( even though you get more sl and rp for it ) and just care about the K/D.

I bet if they added a win rate % stat or something, people would be more inclined to work harder to win the match since everyone just looking at stats all the time.

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yeah… its terrible. I’ve seen it many times aswell. If you say something, they try to belittle lack of kills. I try to tell them that K/D means nothing if they still lose, being top of the team just makes them the best loser.

They don’t realise that the better players can take zones and get their kills from attacking and then defending the zones. The better players can take zones and get kills. Sit back pot shotters can only get kills and then think they are the best players in the world.

K/D ratio is not as important as the Win/Lose ratio but they are too thick to know this.

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I am a team player. Kills don’t bother me. In fact I am quite happy to give kills to team mates if it means we win.

If I am not confident of knocking out a tank because of armour or fire power, I will take out their tracks and then the gun so they become sitting ducks and my team mates can take them out instead. It’s called teamwork.

Here’s another perspective.

And here’s an experiment:

Take a tank, achieve 1000 score however you can and survive for as long as you can without gaining more score (hiding is a good idea, we’re doing science). 10 minutes altogether if you can get 1k score in that time works. If 1k score is not consistently possible within the studied time, go for 500 score.

Next game, take the same tank and achieve 1000 score (or whatever you can get quickly and consistently) however you can, but J out at exactly half the amount of time you survived last time and then hide in a second, different tank. When you survived as long as you did last time as a sum of both respawns, J out and wait for match to end.

Compare Activity% for first and second game.
Compare RP gain for first and second game looking at only the “Participation/Victory award.”

Remember the formula:

Coefficient X Activity% X time alive in seconds x 2 (victory)
Coefficient X Activity% X time alive in seconds x 1.34 (loss)

Coefficient for ground arcade is 0.56 RP per second before activity% and economic/victory modifiers.
Coefficient for ground realistic is 0.71 RP per second - || -.
Coefficient for ground sim is 0.88 RP per second - || -

Normalize the results for victory/loss (ergo, divide by 2/1.34)

You may notice something rather unusual, and honestly scummy in my opinion.

What I've observed doing this experiment

Your RP per session is greater from
500 score and afk hide until 10 minutes and J out

500 score, J out at 5 minutes and afk until another 5 minutes in a new tank with 0 further score then J out again.

lol seems like you are that type of player to play the game for 20 years but still learnt nothing all these years. Look Jimbo, find me someone who has negative KD like yourself with high winning rate.


There is no team, never has been, and never will be.

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Hahahahaha. What a joke, good one. I learnt quickly that if you camp a spot, the enemy know where you are, even if you are not visible on the map. The next thing you know, you are dead because the enemy sneak round and take you out. So before you tell me I am wrong, in my earlier days of War Thunder, I learnt because that is how I was often killed… PLUS… “I have done it many, many times myself”. If they don’t move, I kill them like the “sitting ducks” they are.

Also, I learnt quickly, that if the team sits back pot shotting and refuses to “Play the Objective”, they just simply “allow” the enemy to advance and take ALL the zones with no close up opposition to them what-so-ever. And then, while the sit back pot shotters sit halfway between the zones and the spawn point, or sometimes don’t even leave the spawn, they then “ALLOW” the enemy to advance even further and they end up always being “SPAWN KILLED”.

I just can not understand how people think that losing is “BETTER” than winning. I can not understand how they can be so stupid as to think that losing is the way to play the game. I just can not think that stupidly, so that way of playing makes absolutely no sense to me what-so-ever.

“YEAH… Lets all play to lose. It’s much more fun than actually winning.” (sarcasm)


I know I never saw anyone like that.


I am not doing some stupid experiment to find out if losing is better than winning. IT’S NOT AND NEVER WILL BE. I’VE got more important and relevent things to be doing, like completing my battle pass, grinding my research trees, and trying to win the top tank football prizes. I don’t have time to pussy around with teams that want to lose.

You refuse to perform the experiment to confirm the data you have been provided.

You have also been provided with a document presenting the findings of research into how this game provides players with silver lion and research points. Judging by your reply, you had failed to interact with it as well.

I have only prompted you to perform the experiment if you choose to be (rightfully) skeptical of the document provided. Being skeptical is good, hence the experiment.

You are replying to me, making claims, without demonstrating even an ounce of effort to provide due dilligence into your claims.

I can tell the intelligence level, because I have said a few times in this thread that “I DON’T CARE ABOUT POXY K/D RATIOS”. I couldn’t care less. I don’t give a toss. I’m not interested in stupid K/D ratios. Are you getting the message yet??? I Don’t Care. This game is NOT Call of Duty. This game is NOT any OTHER run around, run and gun shoot 'em up game.

If I didn’t HAVE to play with sit back pot shotters, my Win/Lose ratio would be much, much better, but it’s hard to win when your team just wants to lose.

How so that only your team is filled with people that sit back ?
If enemies behave in the same way then you should be able to contest caps easily and win games, thus increasing your WR.


so why are you promoting that playstyle as opposed to realistic tank combat, on one hand i support objective play, and tend to stick around capture zones or their flanks.
But on the other you cannot tell people in a tank game, that they cannot do what tanks are designed for, if your thesis is true then why were modern FCS systems created, or laser rangefinders equipped to tanks, oh right, because they are fundamentally designed to be used at range.


You care about rewards, yet?

Do you know how research points are awarded in warthunder?


You get RP for individual actions.

However, this RP you gain is modified by your Activity%.

Activity% is a function that takes time alive and score obtained as input and spits out a multiplier.

In Air RB, this comes out at a maximum around 95-97% at 12 mintues and 1500-2000 score then decays for staying alive longer while getting enough score to sustain 90+% becomes very hard to nearly impossible - yielding 80% activity games even for 2200 score (5 kills or so in a mode without respawns).

In ground, the activity system behaves really weirdly. If you stay alive for the whole match, it behaves as you expect for air realistic. However, if you respawn your activity% seems to become some form of averaging of the score and time survived across the different vehicles. I struggle to pinpoint its exact mechanic as my special interest lies in othher game modes for obsessive data gathering.

However, even without exact data it’s clear that with very high probability, the best reward for a match requires surviving to the end without respawning.

A single kill, assuming 100% activity and no victory bonus is equal to surviving for 80 seconds.
A single capture, assuming 100% activity and no victory bonus is equal to surviving for 167 minutes.

Even at 80% activity, we only need to survive for 200 seconds to get the same RP reward as a single solo point capture.

At 10 minutes of survival at 80% activity, you need to single-handedly capture a point ~3 times to get the same RP income. THREE TIMES.

And we havn’t considered the full formula.

Without victory bonus (1.34 loss multiplier, 1.0 economy modifier, 100% activity):
94 RP for cap= 1.34 x 1.0 x 1 x 0.56 x ? (using ? rather than x due to forum formatting)
? = 125 seconds.

If we lose the game, have 100% activity, we only need to survive a whooping 125 seconds to get as much RP as capturing the point! If we assume 80% activity, we need to survive 156 seconds.


What if we win?
94 RP for cap= 2 x 1.0 x 1 x 0.56 x ?
? = 83 seconds

With 80%, 104 seconds!

Do you see how little personal benefit there is to capturing a point if doing so means you die earlier?

If you stay alive, gain score to be within the 80-95% activity range and win? You’ve hit jackpot.

Now kills.

Kills get funny.

Kills give pitiful RP per kill - only 45. However. Kills give us a universal RP multiplier for all RP sources in the match (at least in air battles it applies for all RP sources I tested).


What’s the optimal ground battle in terms of progression?

Survive for 12 minutes in a single life. Get 8 kills for 100% RP bonus. Get ~2000 score and win before 15 minutes pass.

If you respawn, predicting how the activity% and time alive will reward you RP for your score gets really weird, but so far I found you get less RP for 500 score 5 minutes alive, 500 score 5 minutes alive compared to 1000 score 10 minutes alive.


The funny thing to me here is that - despite being 50/50 odds of baing on Red or Blue - you observed this behavior only on Blue somehow. Statistically I think that what might have happened is that - on 2 teams of 16 - on one side, 8 were sniping and on the other, only 7 were.

Anyway, there’s a much more proactive solution sitting at your fingertips when you’re playing longer sessions.

Normalize being social and just…hosting the party you want to attend - when you see someone pushing up and showing the sort of teamwork you’d like…throw them an impromptu Squad invite.

Some will ignore the invite. Some won’t see the invite.

Some will join you for a single game.

Some will join you for multiple rounds.

Heck, you might get a Squadron Invite from someone and find suddenly you’ve basically always got someone you can squad up with.

When you have 16 Rugged Individualists all working to try to achieve their own Rugged Individualist Goals - all it takes is just 2 or 3 people working in a team AND COMMUNICATING (There’s built in voice comms. Get that working) to gain a significant advantage in the match.

That’s - oh, so much easier than trying to exhort people who are playing all BRs and Time Zones different than you to exhibit the behavior you want. You’re well into Rank V, so there aren’t any newbies left on the field with you. What you see is what you’re gonna get.

Which is why it’s so much easier to change your own behavior (to become social and incentivize the behavior you want to encourage) than it is to try to shout at clouds trying to get everyone else to change.


This guy knows how to have fun and keep it going.

It IS only when these people see it happen on thier team that they have issue with it, compared to the red team they just steamrolled.


Great post and thanks for sharing. Is there a list that includes points for repairing, firefighting and scouting?

Only got for what I’ve linked :v.

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