I dare say a light tank that gets on the enemy team’s side of the map, hides somewhere obnoxious and practically tags the entire enemy team and consequently farms 10+ assists and places number 2-5 in the match by enabling their team to kill the enemy before the enemy could fire back has contributed significantly to victory.
I’m not mad, just annoyed that this is the level of discussion we can expect on the forum… A literal ‘You’re wrong’ even when you are confronted with the truth…
KDR isn’t the be-all and end-all of the game, and to fixate on that is willingly ignorant. You are the one who stated the ‘fact’ as you seen it, and we’ve been back and forth for numerous posts, where you’ve just ignored the points that those actions aren’t the only things that get scores.
It’s just moronic, literally, that you can’t accept that you’re fixated on a mere portion of the scoring mechanic, which leads you to make assumptions declaring how good someone is, based on your interpretation of those stats.
That is realistic, what are we even doing in a thread tag with Arcade? you technically just mark something most teammates already can see bro
I keep forgetting this is the arcade thread. My bad lol.
In my defence, this is what the thread looks on my screen:
All I really see is “Ground” and “Tank”, the “Arcade battle” part is… a testament to design principles.
It’s entirely FlyingDoctor’s fault lol
Gaijin already have said enough in that matter, some players just can’t get over it:
"What is counted as “skill” in War Thunder can be looked at differently depending on the player. It might mean the number of kills, assists and capture points you get, the total points earned in battle, or your map knowledge and the way you position yourself to lock down enemy positions.
As War Thunder is primarily a PvP focused game and getting kills is the ultimate goal to win battles…"
I have been obstructed deliberately many times by greedy players who only focus on kills. If someone drives in front of my gunsight as my finger is on the trigger, does it really make them better? For being an ahole?
Even had my tank rammed by some stupid kid who blamed me for his own death cause he drove in front of my hull down position… why? I don’t know. And he spent the whole game to try and obstruct me further.
K/D mentality only encourages toxicity. I’d rather be a so called “cannon fodder” who help my teammate repair and do some scouts than an ahole who obstructs my own team for some kills.
This thing is so rare how does it happen to you so many times lmao the last time someone intentionally drove in front of me and blocked me was probably last year if I could remember, and I don’t have issues with someone killing the targets I’ve critically wounded, it just saves my ammo and I know get ready for the next target if it shows up.
Do you have an emblem or text/words on your vehicle that is there to mock other player’s country or ethnic or something? that explains why players constantly trying to troll you, your ign looks fine
Judging from the forums this seems to be the most important stat in the game though?
I don’t know why it happens but I’ve given up reporting it on the replays cause I’m pretty sure they don’t do a fucking thing about it, cause it won’t profit maximise
Do you have an emblem or text/words on your vehicle that is there to mock other player’s country or ethnic or something? that explains why players constantly trying to troll you, your ign looks fine, or maybe constantly swearing in the chat could do it too lol
Yea, totally my fault for even trying to have a discussion in any thread without every tom dick and harry coming in to try tell me I’m wrong, and terrible at the game… /s
Some people unironically called me a “chink” cause of my username xD but honestly no offensive decals or anything, unless they are offended by triangles and the pretty normal inscriptions
Players with Chinese names had it worse lol, some actually think I am Russian lol. Maybe I’ll start using Chinese name to bait them into doing this then I can report them
ild still argue this being terribly useful. :- one, if its arcade, more than likely he will eventually get spotted. proceed to waste enemy time, Displacing what could’ve been reinforcements to some irrelevant portion of the map because they really want this light tank. if the player is capable at getting kills. More likely than not is taking favorable fights as their pushing to him. those that died, likely return for a second round.
Even if it’s a light tank that just sits in relative safety scouting all game long. Does not even try to kill anything. I am all for it. DO it. I want to know what’s happening around the map to make a better decision of where to go, and what to do. It is a strategy that doesn’t require a high skill level, allowing for the more experience players on the team to find match ending decisions and execute on them.
NOT SHOOTING also prevents the 3x multipler from taking affect on detection and identification. so hey, you might not even be rendered in for them, while your scouting out their team. Even if it is AB.
Detection distance is render, identification is the UI information. Absolute identification works regardless of obstructions.
if you know that reinforcements are coming in from X direction. type of vehicle should give information as to when they will be at a location when familiar with their speeds. sometimes knowing the username for regulars in the battle rating bracket is pretty important information. Scouting in ab shows usernames.
they get killed because they drive recelssly in to cap zone to get the money and RP and expect others to cover them. The sniper players covering there asses loose because of said racles capers that rush foward thinking they play the game while in reality the throw it for the whole team. Playing the game is your rubbish exucse by not thinking being patient and undestanding the game mechanics thata re supper easy. 99% the sniper players win games because of the high KD. THey kill all rushers and without a problem can cap and hold. Even in real battle you dont go point blank with the enemy and in real battle you dont give him a chance. Dont start with in “real life” because you got no clou about what in real life happens.
Lmao that’s very rare. If you watch any good YouTuber they will be in the thick of the action and what makes them get very high kills is their good map awareness and headset listening for engine noise coming around the corner…
“Sniper” is just another word for “sits back and lets the enemy rat tanks like wiesels and fox capture the point whilst checking instagram and jerking off” or at least that’s what the snipers do in my team, because I ping 8 mobile light tanks via scout and none of them get destroyed.
One of the best teammates I ever had was a fellow Fox or Bradley cause we actually flanked and slowed their team down significantly
youtubers dont play the game they play to get what ever makes them money. Taking any kind of streamers as metric is r.
you guys need to make up your mind, one day you say “watch videos to git gud” and the next “using them as an example is (Insert slur)”
Yeah right… 0.6 KDR guy knows better