T-series, CAS and Pansier overpeforming

The people who care about K/D are the ones who were refused a tit a birth, who gives a flying crap about how many deaths you have in a tank to kills ratio!! This absurd notion you have to be good at war thunder to have an opinion is literally ridiculous these are the same people yelling skill issue every time someone says anything because they are perfect and 15 percent of the player base in this game is cheating at any given time which is extremely high so don’t forget veterans with 8k kills hack to. No one cares about KD don’t defend your KD

Play the game to have fun not worry about stats or the grind

I agree, I didnt post my stats to show my KD I was ask about my t series 1-1 k/d. I never use the skill issue statement. Usually I’m more original than that, I agree have fun is a game, but I hate being force to play other nations if I’m trying to win. As a US main, is frustrating that after spending all this time getting my entire tech tree throughout time instead of becoming more enjoyable it just become more frustrating. From the addition of spall liners, overspalling of abrams, glitch mavericks, hellfires and overpeforming pansier. Then add the wolfpack, xm1, kvt, and clickbait? I being playing this since 2014, I have plenty game experience. I know whats balanced, and I know what’s broken. I am just seeking to make the game equal, balanced, in all terms. Lets be honest when you see an abrams, do you really become careful in how to procee to engage it? I will tell u this most people see abrams and first thing comes to mind is easy kill. Point and click anywhere below the gun and instead of USSR flying turrets u get abrams overspalling. Funny thing that even tho I have a decent stat card on US, lot of people still call me skill issue.

I see you’re Russian as you self-describe, which explains why you’re offended that I’m defending American tanks from disinformation and you’re coming to the defense of Russian vehicles.

T-90M is slower, significantly worse round, and has worse gun mechanics.
Its armor makes up for those short falls.

And M1A2 SEP, while “only” having the armor of T-80BVM, makes up for that with being faster, having a superior round, and better gun mechancis.
Abrams is slightly better in CQC than T-series.
Abrams is also quieter in-game than T-series tanks.

USA CAS has a 16km engagement range, and when going mach 1 nothing can hit you.

War Thunder is a Hungarian game.

Russia’s doesn’t have the most powerful military equipment.
I get that USA is one of the best tech trees in War Thunder, but calm down.

NATO is the entity that claims Relikt protects 200mm, not Russia.

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Shit takes aside, I just cant take the guy with a furry profile pic serious

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They are much smaller than nato tanks while also being some of the most modern vehicles in game.

Also heavy era is very efficient in its protection for its weight.

You are complaining about a feature not even in the live server yet, lol. I don’t even know what you are trying to say as well with this either.

The ADATS isn’t a bad spaa at all. It isn’t pantsir levels of good but it’s very useable.

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But why?

This you???

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This is not about me, my game, my stats when I register what my name says. I am just here trying to make the game balanced. What is your point? and why not?

I was just pointing out your claims did not add up. I don’t claim to be better.

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Quote me, find the sentence that says “I am better”. My point is I have experience in the game, I didn’t start playing last year when the clickbait came out. Don’t take me out of context. This is kind of pointless already, it is the reason why things stay static on the game. I made a post trying to bring awareness of things that are wrong with the game. Instead, I get people trying to actually compare my stats, find my account online and try to target things that add up or don’t. It’s whatever at this point.

Found it lol

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The T-series tanks are not as good as the 122s or Leopard 2s (look at my K/Ds in the T-80BVM vs the Strv 122A and 122B PLSS for proof). Yes the T-90M can be difficult to kill (if you for some reason specifically avoid hitting the LFP), but that’s where its advantages end.

Leo 2s have:
Survivability (more crew + no massive central autoloader + blowout panels)
Armor (especially the 122s, very very trolly and until recently even the LFP wasn’t a reliable OHK)
Firepower (better round AND better reload)
Mobility (better forward AND reverse)
Functionally equivalent FCS and targeting speed to the T-90M and T-80BVM


Hold up, lemme get the turret tossing gif-



They are good enough to bring CAS in and get 2-3 more kills if not more.

When the T-72A/M1’s, 2S38’s, T-72 TURMS-T, and T-80UD get shit on by a Doctrinal S-Tank player, they aren’t that insane.

Pantsir has 1, 2 things going for it; its radar is undetectable, and it has good range. That’s it, the missile is easy to dodge, similarly acting like the AIM-54C’s…

The Su-25, I will give it some positives, numerous positives, but it can only carry like, idk, 4 KH-52T’s, that’s 4 kills that have a 86% Kill chance. It’s pretty heavy, but catch it off guard, and it’s just a brick at that point. If you don’t hit it more than 3 times, it’s not gonna do anything to it for some reason.

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Which all other tech trees except Japan do better.

Ahh; okay, I can bring the A32A (Swe), in at 9.0+ and get 3 garunteed kills with my three 500-600kg bombs, no problem. Other day I got 3x kills from one 600 kilogramme.

It is about how you play the vehicle, not the vehicle itself. This doesn’t apply to all however, some vehicles are just vulgarly under or over tiered.


J35D anyone?

cough cough dying of FM nerfs

Yeah, so is the JA37C, which is already massively underperforming. (Unlocked, bought, and played today, stock grind is PAIN)

Gaijn on their way to nuke an aircrafts FM because of people’s skill issues:

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