T-14 Armata mod 2021

Big NO on this suggestion.

I am generally in favor of prototypes and even concept vehicles - as long as they’re viable in terms of production capability.
But the T-14 is not that. Russia did not demonstrate the capability to produce such a vehicle.

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ye while there is around 200+ of them “no capability to produce” its just expensive to produce


200 what?

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you know when its about russia I like to go with what we see.
We saw 8 T-14s, they have 8 T-14s.

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At the moment, when the western fictional vechicles comes (with the fictional capabilities), I say yes for T-14 Armata. But now its a hard NO. I think we have enough Russian fantasy vehicles and stats in the game (2s38 and a lot of obj. and concept, and so on…)…

As much as I want these vehicles, let’s wait a bit. Top Tier is a mess and Spall Liners need worked on. America’s win rate sits in the gutter and the minor nations aren’t receiving the content they desperately need.

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F16AJ and Mi28A for Sweden sends their regards:)


The F16AJ can be considered “fictional” since it was supposedly an F-16 export that was never sold (idk if would be modified someway)
But the Mi-28A is obviously real but Sweden just never bought it, just a trial but Gaijin wanted that sweet sweet money

Think it’s a bit early for this one and doubt we’ll get any accurate info about it unless russia gives up on the project and some of the documents are made declassified or we wait a few years
Either that or Ukraine could potentially capture one and find out some of the specs (doubt that will happen tho)

Unless Gaijin somehow gains access to said info, we’ll probably only get an unbalanced implementation of it i doubt it would be in favor of any other nations
I can see it being added in the future alongside other tanks such as the AbramsX and KF51 but for now, it doesn’t have a place in WT

There’s plenty of information to have it implemented.
Also this vehicle would be closer to the Leopard 2A8 and M1A2 SEPv3/4, vehicles like the KF-51 would be closer to the Object 195 or 477. When it comes to the AbramsX, I don’t see a huge gameplay leap there.

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more images

Hstvl challenger 3 panther 2 etc send their regards

I dont like them too. I am against the fantasy machines in WT.

That “plenty of information” is rather vague and it’s unknown how accurate the information provided even is

First off the armor that’s been mentioned

Right off the bat we got an issue which is the words “Claimed” and “Classified” in this situation
So what this means is that someone said it can handle this much but have they proven it in any shape or form?

Also maybe i missed it or you forgot to mention if this is in the front, sides, rear, I highly doubt it’s that good from every single side and wether the armor is angled someway, does it suddenly rise to almost 2000mm protection if we include an angle or do you have further information that won’t have us guessing

Do you have any clues as to what material this capsule is made out of, how thick it is and how much it would actually protect against?
I’m just wondering if blowing up the ammo in this case would manage to kill the crew
If not how, would this function in war thunder, does it get a pass and survive every single shell blowing up or would it still completely destroy the tank and possibly yeet the turret off

As for the speed i’d say you can get an estimate on the forward speed using the weight, engine and transmission but I can’t find any info about the reverse speed
“Supposedly” it reverses just as fast as it can drive forward but I can’t find one single video of this thing actually reversing at any point which makes me doubt it

If you can find anything that proves it can reverse faster than the usual 5km/h, it would be appreciated

Not saying this is inaccurate or anything but this amount of pen just does not have a place in WT for the moment, maybe in a few years or when other modern vehicles with similiar values are added
Speaking of shells, would you happen to know how quick the auto-loader actually is in this thing?

Maybe under different circumstances but given how Gaijin is treating the armor on the Abrams tank, i seriously doubt they would be a good competitor if added and they’d need a way better shell to compete if the T-14 supposedly have protection against 1000mm against kinectic

Abrams X would get more armor, have an unmanned turret and also use an auto-loader just like the T-14
it also recieves a new barrel which still is 120mm but improved over the current ones used so might make it better suited to fight it
Main issue here there’s less known about this thing than the T-14 but it would be a lot more similiar than the Sepv4

the Sepv4 adds LWS and better thermals but that’s not gonna make much of a difference, it was cancelled so not much more was tested
Sepv3 is bit better off since it has an armor package and trophy system but wouldn’t call it an equal to the T-14

Similiar type of issues with the Leo 2A8, the main upgrade there would pretty much be APS and a better barrel but doubt it’s enough to penetrate the hull of the T-14 if it’s at all valid

eitherway getting accurate info on the 2A8 and Abrams Sepv3/4 would be a lot easier

I feel like you’d get about the same amount of info reading up on the KF51, which would have the 130mm, add-on armor and un-manned version is being thought about

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The barrel L/55A1 is already on the 2A7V, but it lacks its real armor values

true but it’s currently missing the DM73 which is used for the L55A1
As for the armor, it would have been better to add the 2A7+ variant instead

The 2A7+ would have even more armor, the 2A7+ is the order variant of the leopard with all possible upgrades, look at the Leo 2A7Q and 2A7HU, those are both 2A7+, so it would be 2A7V + side add on armor + RCWS

I know it has more armor, that’s why i think it would be a better option over the 2A7V since so many people seemed to have disliked the armor on it

Okay, do we have info on whether Russia will be able to deploy an APS by the end of the 2020’s? Or even 2030’s?
Or maybe we can just implement a T-14 without its APS, no biggie.

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The Armata already has its APS, they’ve done testing with it too from what I’ve read.

Theres also a photo from the testing too

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