T-14 Armata mod 2021

I do believe that the T-14 Armata can be added to the USSR TT, and i don’t see any problems of why it shouldn’t be added. well i do said that it would be nice to be added to the game, it is just a matter of when, because if gaijin would add this vehicles ASAP, then it would be unfair to other nation.

so in short, my suggestion for future updates at top tier Ground RB, i think Gaijin should take it slow, they should add a more older vehicles but add something new element to it, like the use of APS systems in top tier Ground RB like the M1A2 SEP V2 / V3, Leopard 2a7, T90M Provy first before they add a more newer stuff in the tech tree, especially for the major nation.

again, while it is great if they added the T-14, but i think they should take it slow

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reverse speed?

Iirc It goes as fast in reverse as it does forward.
So, 80 km/h (50 mph), there was some sources claiming it could go 90 km/h, but that’s at full engine output.


And when there are so much interesting and unique vehicle in lower ranks waiting to be added, top br copy paste should be slower now.

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wdym unfair they added the challenger 3 before it even entered service



However it’s most likely that the Transmission used for the T-14 is similar if not identical to the one used on the Object 195. Which is believed to have used the same Transmission as the Object 187. And it has 6 forward and 2 reverse gears.


So if have to pull some numbers out of my Ass. The T-14 probably has a “Max Reverse Speed” of 12 to 24 Km/h

Объект 187, вариант 6. Обновлённая… | War Thunder Blog (vk.com)


I know, but to add the T-14 early is not wise (for now atleast), they may coused a bit of jealousy towards USSR mains and Gaijin itself being called sorts of things, you know how salty people can be, don’t you?

Besides, some of the things for the T-14 are mostly still classified, so we better wait till some of the things are known

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yeah lol.

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It isnt the ch3…

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Additional images



I’m not sure if adding the T-14 would be a good idea. The current gameplay loop is you aim for weakspots on the turret/hull in order to kill your opponents, but the T-14 has an unmanned turret, and the frontal hull would be near impervious to most current tanks rounds. The turret basically has no armor and if you sit hull down you’ll be near unkillable and just have to repair your turret. The only way this tank would die is from flanking shots or bombing it at that point.


As I understand where you’re coming from, there’s not much of a choice after the T-80BVM (2023) unless they plan on adding sidegrades or prototypes such as the Black Eagle, there’s always the possibility of adding Ukraines post Soviet era developments which could delay such additions for sure.


Shoulde be somthing “similar” to the Obj 187 since it’s the most “suitable option” but we still have many choices:

  • Add something basicly copied pasted happenning in USA/France/Japan like T-80BVM/T-90M/T-72B3 latest model in the conflict
  • Add a prototype with the same approach like UK right now is using hull of the T-90/T-80 with Burlak turret and better round (or even better gun like the 2A82/A1)
  • Or we just halt and wait for a minor tweaked like T-90M/T-72B3 (2021/2023 version) got buff reload speed like T-80BVM since BVM is from T-80B and the realoader is the same as T-80 but they buff it on T-80U/BVM but not on T-80B.

Eh, I dont think gaijins gonna touch anything Ukrainian for a bit due to the very… nature of it…

Probably, but I can see them caving in on it eventually.

Theres also the problem on wether or not to place it in the USSR tree…

That’s up to Gaijin, they’re a Russian company so do with that what you will. The nation being added will cause issues no matter how you do it, so there’s a chance it will be used as a filler nation.

They took a reload based on Greek trials, I suppose it has something to do with FCS, or maybe its slightly different and better, I don’t know for sure as I haven’t looked into that topic completely, but I might.

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It has better reload due to a better autoloader being used. Source I found states its reload was improved from 7.1 to 5.9 sec, but that source is just a website so I doubt I can anyhow credit it.
