Support for a No CAS Game option for GRB Poll

Like flagged, and hidden, or outright deleted?

Outright deleted, several posts and not just from me.
Even a post where I talked about Mozdok map got removed for some reason lmao.


@Uncle_J_Wick come take a look.

Yes, i know. For example, when i first made a thread about the Dicker Max and Sturer Emil having less ammo modelled as they can carry, the post was removed… I had to make a second thread, and if i am correct it is still there.

They have also removed threads discussing some issues with specific GPUs on the old forum…

It is a good practice to just save threads in the wayback machine from time to time…


Big post you did has certainly gone. I gave it a like so I remember it.


Just like to say deleting things is nothing to do with the OP.They were good pionts well made.Not sure they were removed.

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Wasn’t my intention to offend the OP. I think something is a bit off in general here and I don’t know why … but I suggest we better stay on topic.

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Sorry Oldie,wasn’t having a go at you mate.I am as baffled as anybody else.

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CAS at 5.0 - 8.0 should be disabled. It is too strong for the current game mechanics which do not allow interception of CAS before they’re over the battlefield. Interception will allow CAS to function without removal.

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False. So no need to disable anything.

me when the plane game(that added tanks) makes players want a tank only mode(war thunder was plane only)

Please list to me the SPAA before 8.3 with a range of 2KM.

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War Thunder added tanks, yes.

Why can’t we spawn SPAA in Air Realistic?


What good would that do?


Sadly all those polls are useless anyway.

The one you quoted mixes all gamemodes (AB/RB/SB) so you cannot assign the answers to which gamemode was meant. Also people have different opinions regarding which mode we are talking about. It only afterwards was moved to the RB section, so there are AB and SB answers in a RB poll. So that poll was a fail.

This current one is useless since the author gives his own opinion, so that already creates bias. Hell, he gives his opinion up front which is even worse than in the comments.
It’s a “do you agree with me?” Poll, which are always biased.
So it’s also useless.

Yes there have been sooo many polls on the subject but not a single proper one. It’s starting to become comical.


What would that accomplish?

I mean if they were added they would just be on the ground doing nothing.

Since most planes/players are unable to accurately shoot rockets at 2km I do not see this requirement?

And why SPAA when we already have CAP?

People do not just spawn CAS asap and can trickle through a match (adapt to situation), it is not all decided by first spawns.

We now can see SPAA can work and CAP can work, just like CAS can work and all the while Tank on Tank works.

I agree, this is a lot of open topics for a non-issue. I notice that every single time a team over-use CAS they lose the battle : they simply cannot capture.

I am playing almost exclusively light vehicles and I try to get cover when CAS is around, its adding a little challenge. But it means that the opponent team has a least one less tank on the field, which could potentially creates much more troubles.

I do not play top tier, it might be different there with all these assisted long range weapons.


To sit there and gain no RP and SL as they would be sat their doing nothing and every now an again one would get walloped by a chancing plane. Since we can all see one another in ARB what a load of fun that would be :D

At least in GRB the maps are much smaller and CAS can be intercepted/put off. In ARB SPAA would generally be a free death for no reward.

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