Support for a No CAS Game option for GRB Poll

I would probably never play a no-CAS mode. In my opinion, CAS is a critical part of ground gameplay, being the “great equalizer”. Often, CAS is the only way to dig out campers or deal with the heaviest vehicles at an uptier. Without CAS, GRB would be a much different, much worse place.

HOWEVER! I am for a no-CAS mode. I disagree with people who oppose CAS , but their opinions still matter. If they want a mode without CAS, let them, so long as the rest of us still have a mode with CAS. If anything, maybe it’ll remove those same campers that cause far more harm to the game than the CAS they hate.


Oh yes, CAS is good against spawn camping…

Yeah, all these craters were made by spawncamping tanks…


I think it could be a lot more fun for the tankers. The good news is you wouldn’t have to play it.

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I would certainly like to see some changes to this game mode, I think its fine to have aircraft, but i think i would maybe increase the SP or something, In some games ive seen players just capping a point then spend an entire match in a plane bombing, It defeats the purpose of the game mode i believe.

I think another issue is the “Kill Cam” i think its a joke, it gives them a reason to revenge bomb.

The other suggestion is to perhaps remove the ability to basically free look 360 around the tank, its way too OP, and with low end graphics you see alot more than you should be able to.

KDR and player ranks don’t affect player skill set. I’m around 73 to 80 don’t recall and I perform like crap unless I’m playing as Auxiliary/support and aerial in which I perform on the part. So yeah I agree with many of your points stated.

It isn’t mutually exclusive, obviously

CAS can prevent spawn camping as it can spawn camp itself… (crazy i know)

But CAS is op yes, however i don’t really think removing it will magically fix all problems in ground RB. I’d rather see SPAA being buffed across the board


It wouldn’t matter in a game with no CAS and on occasion we do have games with no CAS in GRB and they work

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we’re just going to agree to disagree here.

As much as the maverick / GBU spam can be annoying, it sure is helpful against the hords of t-80’s that can be present at top tier… (especially on small urban maps)

I dont play top tier

HI. If I have this right then nothing changes for the GRB as it is but a new game is introduced? This makes any argument for the usefulness of CAS irrelevant I guess. Is that correct? Excused me if I have misunderstood.

Would it not be the same as World of Tanks?

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Yes that is right.As for WoT,I have never played it

i dont think this comment section realises campers would be on the rise without cas

or that some really op tanks would be basically unkillable hull down

hey now that doesnt sound like a bad idea i camp all game anyways


Really the only issue with CAS, if it wasn’t for people being petty, it wouldn’t be as much of an issue.

We really need to get this implemented. Another GRB game totally ruined by CAS.
Got two in 76 Sherman at 5.0 then bombed by a Stuka having moved from sniping spot. Then M22 dash to take spawn ruined by CAS.

No way to capture lost points so I left the game after two. Not throwing anymore at that rubbish.
Pretty much the story of ground realistic at the moment which is why I play the game less and less. Also any good cover has been removed and maps are just big open CAS pits now, bland and featureless.

SPAA is just a tank that screams its position out to enemy planes louder than a regular tank as far as I can see at World War Two and early Cold war levels.

I don’t see why a tank game should be put into the hands of plane enthusiasts with joysticks and rudder peal setup costing hundreds versus tankers using a mouse or worse still a console.

Air arcade and Air Realistic is for planes, Naval is for the ships so where is our game?


no, literally none of this is correct or accurate.

sounds extremetly massive skill issue. omg…


Looks like my latest response to this thread was removed, and tbh I would like to know why. I explained my POV without saying anything offensive or breaking any rules that I know of…

Many other replies also seem to be gone.

Yeah what the hell just happened, my wall of text is gone lmao.


I have seen it extremely rarely. Usually ma teammates are also just going to spawncamp with their CAS, instead of going after the enemy spawncampers.

As i said, there are cases, where CAS was helpful, but i can count them on 1 hand from the last year how many times it happened.

And literally NOBODY wants for it to be removed. We just want a second mode!
That would make both camps happy.

That would still not solve the issue. You can not balance it at all. Let me just point out a few issues:

1, even in major tech trees, the amount of SPAA you can use in a BR range is limited to a few vehicles, while there are way higher number of avalible CAS even in a minor tech tree (or in best case, equal numbers).

2, There are huge gaps in the tech tree in terms of SPAA. Even in the US tree, there is no SPAA between 2.7 and 4.7, and then from 5.0 to 7.7. Yes, USA can have some experimental vehicles put in, and it would somewhat fill up the gap, but that will still not fixt the issue in the 1st point.

3, Many times SPAA is just useless against planes. This is especially problematic at lower BR, where a bomber can just climb up a few km high, and be outside of the SPAA reach, both vertically and horizontally, while the bomber can just drop the bomb from far away.
And then at higher BR, when things like Stingers can’t lock onto anything more than 2-4km away.

4, Busted danage models: This is just very simple. A tank where all the crew is in 1 compartment (so basically 90% of the tanks, except thinks like a Ferdinand, Maus) will have all of it’s crew die if an APHE with ~200g of THT in it pens, and explodes in it, or an open top is hit with the same explosive mass (either HE/HESH/APHE/HEAT).
Now compare this to planes/helis surviving a direct hit from a multiple kg missile warhead, and magically the pilot does not get overpressured.
Many times even if the plane is directly hit by a 152mm HE shell from an arty with 10kg of TNT equivivalent!
A great example if when said HE shell’s proxy variant with only a 3m trigger radius explodes next to a plane, and you get only a “hit”. And mind you, a plane has no all around armor for the pilot, and often there is just a single piece in the back of the seat, and bulletproof glass, and literally nothing in the rest. Yet said shell exploding 3m from the plane does not kill the pilot.
Now, for ABT-101 to stop 152mm arty fragments from 3-4m, it has to be ~53mm thick. Said alloy has an RHA multiplyer of 0.38. This means, you need around 20mm RHA to stop them. Which plane has that much RHA all around the cockpit? Yet from time to time, planes, and helis just tank a 152mm HE shell explosion from a few m away.
Here are some nice photos, or armored vehicles shedded by shrapnel:


And of course, i just talked about the pilot. Planes have many more extremely sensitive components, that will be shredded by said shrapnel and shockwave.

If this is not busted enough, planes have usually more than 1 guns (from low-mid-high-ish BR at least), with high rate of fire, while SPAA are usually unprotected (or have insufficient protection) against the barrage of 10s of shots per second. The likelyhood of one hitting the gunner is high.
Meanwhile the SPAA has the best chance if it manages to hit the enemy pilot, which does not happen very often. The CAS has to get the 1 lucky shot on the gunner, and then the SPAA is literally helpless.

Most of the CAS kills are not pilot kills, and in those cases, despit the plane being “shot down”, it can still shoot. Which ground vehicle can shoot after it was destroyed?

And in this case, i just talked about planes using cannons.
If they have rockets/bombs, they have to expose themsleves for way less time, since they have to just shoot the missile/drop the bomb near the SPAA, and it dies from overpressure.
meanwhile it is not even a guarantee that a CAS will be destroyed upon a direct hit from a missile.

5, Resupply: CAS can much more safely resupply in an airfield/helipad far away from the battlefield. They also get fully repaired.
What does SPAA has to do for get more ammo or crew?
It has to find a friendly cap, usually in the middle of the map, many times exposed to multiple sides, and sit there like a duck motionless for a long time in order to get a meaningful amount of ammo.
And it can be shot by another tank, CAS, or just destroyed by a random arty strike.
And this is when your team has a point captured. If there is no friendly cap, you are just doomed.

Oh, and the classic with large magazine SPAA, when you are about to finish resupplying the ammo, and a random teammate bumps into you and you have to start it all over again… Lovely.

6, 3D vs 2D: CAS can use a 3D space, which is also way bigger, than the 2D space ground units can use. They can either climb high, or hide behind a hill that is outside the playable ground area.
Even if you hide behind a hill/building in a tank, a big enough bomb will still destroy you, or the CAS can just fly over it.

7, Mobility: CAS can not only move in a 3D space, but they have at least 10x faster speed, and way better agility. They can easily dodge cannon fire, or even missiles, while a slow tank in a 2D space just can’t dodge it. Yes, you can use smoke,but that has also some major issues. It is very limited in number, and you can only get more on a cap (and it has the same issues as SPAA on a cap), but also it does not protect you from a bomb.


It happened to me too … at this moment I’m not really amused. Some topics and participants seem to have a fools license while others have to watch out what they say. Seems like I will think not twice but more if I write something.