Suggestions for flight sim joystick

Need suggestions for flight sim joysticks and throttles. Preferably one thats not too expensive but also reliable. I was looking at the “Logitech G 4021846 HOTAS X56” but there are a decent amount of negative reviews.

just get a good mmrpg mouse with all that buttons

Depends on a buget. The T16000 is a good choice if you dont want to spend to much. Throttle is great, stick is decent for the price.


My budget is $400 AUD so I should be able to get a decent one

I would look for VKB or WinWing.
I have a VKB Gladiator NXT and it’s way better than aby Logitech or Thrustmaster (except Warthog).


I had X56 some time ago (it was Saitek back then) and i was not impressed, everyhing was good except the single spring centering system. that is IMO major drawback of X56.

Do you want a pedals or are you used to twist? If you dont mind pedals, I woul look for Thrustmaster warthog + T16000 throttle and some cheap pedals. Ther also might be some good second hand Warthogs on a market due to release of Thrustmaster AVA.

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not looking to use pedals as this will be my first flight sim equipment but i might just say fuck it and get the winwing orion 2 metal warthog

VKB doesnt come with the throttle

There is a problem that most of decent joys don’t have z-axis.

If i get the winwing and it doesnt have one then ill buy some cheap pedals

Gladiator NXT EVO have the throttle, similar to Thrustmaster T.16000M

You can also buy separate throttle, there are mamy viariants to buy.


I didn’t even notice that. I’ll wait till black friday and look at some reviews for both of them and see which id prefer.

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I see it ha Z twis in the grip. Cool

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I like how HOTAS WARTHOG is down side no tail ruder control but can set it up also a lot more stuff for keybinding.

There’s only a few out there and they’re now more expensive than ever, but force feedback sticks are the best.

I use this (though I can’t recommend it as everything else that comes with it is rather trashy - especially the throttles but also every knob has poor accuracy.

The Stick and force feed back are really nice. I use an X56 throttle for the rest and I do use pedals, currently I am using the Logitech ones that came with the G940 because my Saitek pedals broke, I’ll probably replace those eventually again)

I use all this:


and I also use

2 of these
One of which is attached to this

and I use this for some extra buttons and the brake pedal is how I eject (instead of using J)

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I have an X-56. It was really good, but hasnt aged well. After about 3 or so years. I probably need to replace it. Real shame.

Things like the Thumb stick has a lot of ghosting and a few keys no longer work.

Issue is, I use the dual throttles, so If I replace it, I need to find a good equivalent. Which dont really exist for the same price range

With your budget the obvious choice is the VKB Gladiator NXT. It’s an intermediate stick that will last you a decade without being extremely expensive.

It has twist grip so you don’t need to buy pedals and a mini throttle so you don’t need to buy a throttle. The mini throttle might look stupid but it works well. You can also just use incremental throttle in your keyboard.

More importantly, you can now spend money on head tracking which makes the sim experience work. I think Delanclip is good and cheapish. Apparently there’s phone head tracking solutions too.

I had a cheap stick first, then a Saitek X52, now a VKB stick and I think I should have gone for VKB stuff right away. It’s much more fun to not be limited by your gear.

The WinWing Ursa Minor might work too, it’s a knockoff of the Gladiator NXT.

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For totally budget head tracking. Download OpenTrack and AITrack (both of which are free) The combo makes use of a webcam. Worked fairly well even with my super cheap £10 webcam.


Do want to note that you want good and clear lighting for the webcam one.

If you’re a goblin who prefers to exist in the darkest corners of the earth, do prepare to be disappointed.

I’m speaking from experience trying to set it up and being sensitive to bright lights.

Yeah, I can see that being an issue.