Submarines - WT Discussion

Recovered some of the screenshots I made of the Type 7 submarine in the assetviewer:


List of modules:




Of the two periscopes, only this one was modelled:

Despite that, the viewing apparatus for the other was present in the control room:


This post is for people who recently discovered naval WT and came from the other ship game where subs apparently have a bit of a balancing issue.
I never really tested this game, so i decided to check out some replay action from submarines.

Assuming the subs implemented by gaijin are as close as reality as it gets (which they’ll probably do), the list of difference between “the other ship game” (i’ll refer to it as TOSG for short) submarines and war thunder submarines are probably going to be as follow :

  • speed : in reality, ww2 submarines would be limited to 30-40 km/h on the surface and around 15-25 underwater (slower than battleships), in TOSG, they can go as fast as 55-60 km/h, on the surface or submerged.
  • sonar : ww2 submarines only used passive hydrophones to get a bearing of enemy ships surrounding them. They could also get a rough idea of their distance using the intensity of the signal heard and some basic geometry while in TOSG, they are apparently equipped with some active sonar to guide torpedoes, talking of which :
  • torpedoes : this is where it goes a little wild. In TOSG torpedoes can be guided (which didn’t exist during WW2 except for some german torps, but their guidance wasn’t that reliable). I also noticed they tend to go really fast in that game. So fast in fact, that they almost are as fast as some anti tank missile present in war thunder (>500 km/h) Oo. Torps during WW2 would usually run at around 75 km/h, more or less. Even modern torps don’t run that fast. The fastest guided torp to my knowledge is spearfish, with public figures giving it a ~150 km/h. Even the supercavitating russian one “only” goes ~350 km/h per public figures too, nevermind 500.
  • battery : one artifitial limitation in the other ship game is battery management. Considering a real sub would be able to run for several hours underwater, i don’t think we will see such a mechanic in war thunder, especially when this is counterbalanced by all the negative points stated above.
  • noise : in TOSG, there is apparently no malus on spotting distance depending on the speed of the submarine, while IRL, a submarine going fast will be easier to detect.
  • engagement rules : subs in TOSG can fire torps when submerged. While it works for modern submarines, ww2 subs would have to be surfaced or at periscope depth to do such a thing

With all that in mind, i think subs in WT are going to be just fine, and, dare i say maybe even a bit underpowered (at least the WW2 ones). Since they are so slow, and since they can barely keep up with battleships, i think they will require patience and some skill (how to set up an ambush for example).

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In terms of balance, I believe there will be a huge difference in the power of subs between AB and RB.

Since the main way of dealing damage with subs is their torpedoes, which reload infinitely in AB but not in RB. That’s present to some extent with destroyers, but DDs have a decent amount of guns and are very fragile and vulnerable, so they can’t linger next to a spawn and launch torps even in AB.

Subs on the other hand might be great at spawncamping, launching torpedoes periodically and diving to avoid detection/damage.

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There are some assumptions at play here, such as that submarines would reliably be able to reach a position where they can fire torpedoes unobstructed at the other team 's spawn at such a time in the match when players would still be respawning into the spread, and the idea that submarines will certainly be able to use AB reload mechanics while submerged.

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Anybody else wishing for a surcouf on PC and not only mobile 😭


while waiting for subs, i tried to do submarine exploration, just to check how the depths are currently modelled in the game
I just did some modifications on the very good u216 user mission made by polaska, you can find it at this link : WT Live // Model by Polaska001

Just changed the map to midway, and somewhat tuned my submarine (it can go 320 kph and can dive 1000m, making it easier to explore)

Here are some results :


interestingly, passed a certain point, the ocean floor (680m deep on midway) stops being modelled and the camera goes back to the surface, like this :


The luminosity under water seems somewhat correct, since it was already dark at 680m, but with some residual light (and it should be complete darkness once you reach 1000m)
Undersea terrain and bathymetry does not always correspond to what is displayed on the map however. I only tested Midway and Fiji. Midway was quite accurate, while Fiji wasn’t.
The terrain is quite simple (just like the terrain on an air rb map, quite angulous and not detailed), but overall it’s quite fine.

if you want more information, let me know.


It’s THE submarine i’m totally hyped for ! :D


I’m hoping that we will get submarines this year. I have been hoping since the navy beta. And the surcouf would be such a meme


Seeing the work of Gj on the French navy i’m sure only the more already advanced navy gonna have them.


Mobile is getting Ashm as well now.

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What’s that ?

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Anti ship missiles.

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Yeah, guess Germany gonna start with exocet before France, see that coming big…


The new year (2024) blog had a christmas tree with a few toy-like decorations.
One was a plane, an other a tank, and interestingly the last one was a submarine. Considering all the testing done in November, i really wouldn’t be surprised if the first subs come this year

So now we just got to merge the 2… Sub launched Antiship missiles when ? :P

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That would be epic. And watch mobile get Strategic bombers , anti radiation missiles and cold war interceptors before pc as well hahahaha. But submarines would be a dream come true.


Just thought I’d post my mockup of what Swedish and Finnish submarines might be relevant to War Thunder down the line. There are plenty more but I’ve limited these to roughly WW2 era tech

Hajen II-klass
Delfinen II-klass
U 3 rebuild
Draken-klass early
Draken-klass late
Neptun rebuild
Sjölejonet rebuild
U4 ubåtsjakt
Hajen III
Draken II
Draken II late

Vesihiisi (1942)

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Swedish Finnish navy hopefully soon as well.

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Sure, submarines have big advantage over ships but lets not forget that 1. they are very slow and 2. they usually had very limited amount of torpedoes.

Killing moving targets with torpedoes is not easy.


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