Off Topic Discussion

Should have angled and loaded stealth belts

French hater is a strong term, I prefer English ty

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D’accord, je vais m’améliorer.
I wonder how painfull this google translation is to native speakers.

Idk man, last time i checked Gripen had it worse. 1200 to 300 kph in 180 turn. And all this because i ripped both my wings in 17g turn. Not having wings do causes your plane to bleed speed very fast during turns.

Literally unplayable

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More details here

Sorry, that was the mendatory daily dose of submarine advertisement


is there any civilian version of this?

I am very annoyed that I haven’t seen my saber hog or the Aussie saber in game

Gajin forgot and lazy add F-86 Sabre with AIM-9B from USAF in USA tech tree for a long time 😔

Unsure Canadian Sabre add to Canadian independent tree or sub tree for british

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Considering they have a sub-tree and have denied the air side of that sub tree a Canadian sub tree for UK is impossible or that’s how Smin has made it out.

So if we want the Canadair Sabers under the Canadian flag a Canadian tree is needed.

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Gajin forgot F-86 Sabre with AIM-9B from USAF in USA tech tree for a long time and lazy

I might want gajin considered addition fighter aircraft 7.0 ~ 8.0 from USN, another F-89 Scorpion in regular tech tree and another F8F Bearcat & F4U Corsair better F4U-4B & F8F-1B

Uhhh- what dose that have to do about me answering about the Canadian Sabers?

I’m well aware things are missing but that wasn’t the section of the post I answered.

I’m not sure Canada maybe sub tree for british tech tree or own tree with Australia & New Zealand sub-tree

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Britain already has a sub-tree

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I said that to them. As he already asked about the Canadair Sabers and I answered about how that have a sub tree so a Canadian tree is needed for them to have a Canadian flag.

got it finally


And doing terrible

that the su?

just got the Event mirage, am terrible with it

Who is under the mask?



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Now who is under 5E mask?