SU25M3 Counter?

The issue for the Tornado, is that it cant turn fast enough. By the time you actually start flying perpendicular, with any kind of meaningful speed, you’ve already been hit. This is in part an issue with the Placeholder Tornado flight model. In part the fact the Tornado is designed for low level, not high alt. It struggles in that respect. Diving is basically the only option, but it means the PGMs and GBUs are a lot less effective. you basically have to over fly the battlefield instead of using stand-off weapons. Which is the main advantage of the AGM-65 and KH-38.

Yes, though the Harrier has a much better FM to the Tornado currently. Also dumping 700 CMs as you dive helps a lot. Tornado only has 56 (though should be more like 1576).

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I never flew the tornados and this confirms i made the right choice.
Didn’t they get lowered in in BR though for ground rb ?

The Tornado WTD61 and MFG which have no guided weapons at all, are now 10.3. But the others are all still 11.3.

Actually they screwed them over more than buffed them. They should all be identical in airmodes, but 3 have a higher BR for “reasons”

The Tornados should be really good. But Gaijin just screws them over quite a lot.

Current CM count: 56
Actual CM count: 56 Large flares, 1200 chaff (Tornado Gr1 can also get 2x BOL for 320 more CMs)

Placeholder FM that nerfs out instanteous turn rate by about 60%

Missing a load of weapons both those in game like Martels (found on the buc S2B) and those not, like CBUs and HARM.

Missing emergency combat thrust (found on the mig-21s)

Missing Sky Shadow ECM (granted not modeled yet)

Missing everything to do with its A2G radar.

The Tornados are in a kinda sad state currently. its a real shame. But soon™ we hope:


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so play a light tank and scout

Only counter is another plane… so for a large majority of the ground rb population its untouchable

There is something called Pantsir which is a great SPAA in game right now, able to lock and kill slower planes like su25 at 15km away easily. It’s the SPAA with longest range and it counters Su25sm3 hard as its survivability relies much on its engagement range.

It is also able to intercept rocket propelled air to ground ordnances with ease, due to its fancy nice AESA radar. So you don’t need to worry about “can do nothing but towatch doom KH38 fly in your face while Su25sm3 turned back to AF casually”

The only downside is:

Pantsir and Su25sm3 are both in USSR tech tree LOL

Pretty sure you can handle that small issue though :)

This is the entire problem. Whilst KH-38 and AGM-65 have comprable performance (though KH-38 has IOG and is faster) its the counters that are the issue.

They both have similar ranges, but most non-USSR SAMs have a range of about 8-10km, the Pantsir has a range of 12+km. Which means that whilst both AGM-65 and KH-38 can be generally fired beyond the range of most SAMs, there is 1 exception, soviets. so they have an overwhelming combination of SAM and CAS

LOL i was being sarcastic.

AGM 65 and KH38 are not even comparable. KH38 is much more faster, has better lock range, got IOG, takes a high-throw ballistic, and is rocket propelled for its entire flight. KH38 is so much harder to counter than AGM65.

Did I even mention that KH38 has much higher kill probability than AGM65 (except AGM65G) due to its massive HE warhead.

And yes, Pantsir is the root of all evil. It was not supposed to be added into WT. WT was not ready for it, is not ready for it, and probly never will be ready for it. USSR tech tree had other SPAA options.

Pantsir comparing to other SPAAs now is like comparing T80bvm to Leopard 2A4.

| agree (brit main here, ADATS is the best I have to try and counter these with )

But… Su-39 with Vikhrs vs ADATS is comprable to Harrier Gr7 with AGM-65s vs Pantsir.

All things in relative balance.

Su-25SM3 with KH-38 vs ADATS is like Pantsir vs Tornado Gr4 with Brimstone (which we dont even have yet)

we never will have anything good SPAA wise, we arent even getting a single one this update

The tornado is pretty sad at this point. It is more likely playable at lower br, but on uptier…meh. I don’t even know is it worth to use as CAS

Basically not at the.moment, but 1200 chaff should help a bit

17km Pantsir hit.

14km SM3 hit

Meanwhile in an SPAA I cannot even lock a jet I had to spot with my eyeballs 2km away.


Still no lock


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Watch it, some Russian and Chinese defenders will come and claim that both platforms are balanced and there is nothing wrong with that.

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Was that an actual vehicle lock with KH38 or did you just lock onto the ground?

(Genuinely curious)

“jUsT sPaWn A fIgHtEr” these russian mains are working day and night to defend their precious SU25SM3.

it gets lock when it reach 12km maybe 13, but you can launch the missile and easily guide +20km away.

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You don’t need a lock, you can fire from 20km out with laser guidance.

So you can still adjust the target then, if the target starts to move, its just not FnF

Yeah, just need to keep it marked, at least for the final stage… main limitation is visibility.

But considering you can splash damage a Puma whilst Mavericks can’t direct kill anything, you can get away with a miss.