Su-39: R77,R27,R73

They already said the SU-25T and SU-39 are up for consideration when it comes to implementation of the R-73E/A. It all just depends on how they actually perform on the SU-25BM as this is basically just meant to be a test platform for the missile itself.

Actually, the latest word on them is that there is no plan to add anything additional to either at the moment. At least not for a while.

Su-39, “Khod/Kinzhal” Thermal Imaging/Radar Container - #283 by Smin1080p
Su-39, “Khod/Kinzhal” Thermal Imaging/Radar Container - #266 by Smin1080p
Su-39, “Khod/Kinzhal” Thermal Imaging/Radar Container - #261 by Smin1080p

Unless they have made any contradicting statements that I have missed. Main concern would be the need to move them up in BR due to the potential strength of R-73s (regardless of airframe performance) , and thus nerf them in GRB.

The SU-25T and SU-39 are being considered to be equipped with the R-73 in War Thunder and you can find this in their new Su-25BM 558 ARZ strike jet aircraft blog they’ve posted.

The SU-25BM is meant to really be just a test bed for the R-73 I’m assuming (and a stop gap between the SU-25 and SU-25T obviously), but depending on how the R-73 performs they may or may not receive the missile.

Yeah, though I dont think it will be like the next major update or even the one after that though. When taken together I think its more likely you could see them added Q1 next year at the earliest. Though does entirely depend on what the rest of the year entails

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R-73 Pylons and APU-27 for R-27 added to the Su-39.

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So Su-39 could be 11.7 at rank VII if gaijin add medium-range SARH R-27R1

They go back on their word all the time to be fair, so it’s not like saying this means anything.

if they get them that early i am gonna make it my mission to just shoot R27ER missles at any su 39 i see

Reaching the point where I won’t bother playing anything besides Russia unless I actively want to lose.

If they do, im going out my way to shoot down every single su-39 in ASB. I usually leave fellow CAS alone unless they make it too easy for me.

I’m a big SU-39/SU-25 enjoyer (if you couldn’t tell) and seeing my baby possible get the R-27 makes me pretty happy BUT there should be raised concerns about which R-27 it may receive and if a premium should be even considered for 12.0/11.7 BR.

Everything is up to debate though and who am I to speak for the entire community?

this, this is my biggest problem with it the SU 39 getting it, would be less of a problem if only the SU 25T would get them

Yeah true that especially since the SU-25T is a non-premium but Gaijin instead of making the SU-25T a premium made the SU-39 one instead (which is pretty far fetch). There were pretty good recommendations as well like the Ethiopian SU-25TK (which I would’ve loved) and other variants as well.

I feel like Gaijin should’ve wait before introducing these types of missiles until the BRs go above AT LEAST 12.7 but we’ll have to wait and see.

Also silly to see Gaijin implement the most potent SU-25 variant as a premium.

I think the reason they made the Su-39 the premium was because having 2 premium Su-25s might get confusing. By having the Su-39 the Premium, it creates a clear seperation between the Premium Su-25 we’ve got already and the Su-39, Even though technically its also just another Su-25

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Su-39 being the premium means it frees up Su-25TM & SM for tech tree.

The issue is technically the SU-39 is a later sub variant of the SU-25TM, and on top of that only the SU-39 could carry the Kopyo Radar Pod. This basically means ONLY the SU-39 could carry both the R-27 and R-77 and the SU-25TM “couldn’t?”.

The SU-25SM is also just a cheaper version of the SU-25TM so currently the peak of SU-25 performances will come from a premium anyone can buy.

Su-25K is a sub variant of Su-25 in the tech tree.
Su-25TM has the radar pod as well.

I don’t believe the SU-25TM could carry the Kopyo Radar or R-27s (I think), this is because the Kopyo and Air ordinances equipped on the SU-39 was for advertisement in hopes of acquiring a export deal with foreign countries.

The last units of SU-25TMs were redesignated the SU-39 around the early 2000s and like what I said before, they were equipped with the Kopyo Radar and the R-27, R-77 and R-73 in hope of exports (which failed).

Basically the SU-39 is the export version of the SU-25TM

Might have been a “could but didn’t” situation. Like the Tornado’s carrying AGMs. Could be done, Might have even been done in tests. But they never officially carried them. Does sound more like Marketing than limitations.

Well if that’s the case I hope to see it in the tech tree to help the struggling F2P accounts (I’ve been there and it’s a hell of a struggle).

Hopefully someone opens a thread about the SU-25TM for recommendation.