SU-33 Balance Discussion: BR Adjustment and R-77 Missiles

My guy, the R-27EA has yet to be used in service. Just because a protective cone on top of the nose of a missile resembles that of the angular scheme of the R-27EA’s dome doesn’t mean its a R-27EA…

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I cannot say I agree. R-77 is far outweighed by the SpamRaam.

R27ers seem to be rather lacking luster now adays. The only time I’ve hit one recently was when a F-15 flew straight and didn’t chaff.

I mean do you have both because I do, the r77 isn’t bad and r27ers are maybe a little slower but data link still allows you to relock reliability.


I have every vehicle for Russia, and just got the F-15E, the F-15E is leagues better in game, due to how good the Aim-120 is.

The hit record of my Aim-9m / 120 is far greater than my R-73s or R-77s

Those are not protective covers, those are missiles being used in testing hence why they have red cones some are painted full red, the R-27EA hasn’t seen active combat but has been used in service and is still in service today, unfortunately it’s not widely used due to the cost compared to the Cheaper R-77’s

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must just be placebo the aim120 isn’t a super missile it can easily be defeated it just has the longest range of any medium range arh, again within visual range (~8 miles) the r77 will pull more Gs and has a far superior off boresight capacity. Honestly I feel like the r73 has a better range then the aim9m since they fixed thrust vectoring (although I definitely prefer gatesight irrcm) not to mention off boresight lol. I’ve gotten a lot more 6-8 kill games in the su27sm than the f15e if which I’ve only gotten 5 kills lol. Also it reminds me of the argument of the aim7m vs r27er.


Before the advent of the ARH aams for Russia, I would typically launch a R27ER upwards of 10-16 miles and it would usually land unless evasive maneuvers had been taken.
Now ? They just seem borderline useless.

R-77s only seem to hit sub 8 mile distance. Only problem is as you said, the Aim-120 will out range it.

Thus, if anyone with Aim-120s has a functioning brain, they will just evade a BVR fight.

Even in WVR someone flying radar off, engaging with Aim-9m (in sim especially) can be quite dangerous.

I have different experiences with the r27er, at say 30,000 feet I can hit 20+ mile shots if they’re braindead or just don’t notch right, but at lower alts I usually launch 16 max, 12 will easily hit. And yeah I wouldn’t launch an r77 past 12 miles since the r27er will get there a lot faster. I also launch r73s and hit consistently now at 3 miles.

I usually sit at 3800 meters if long ranging (12 mile+) with the R27s

If close ranging, I’ll stay at about 1800 meters.

Strangely, I’ve had circumstances of launching R-27ers first, and holding the lock… and it says it hasn’t reached the target yet… but then a magical Aim-120 kills me, that was launched after my R-27ER

the aim120 can easily hit 20+ mile shots if you’re at high altitude, honestly it’s just as long ranged as the r27er but slower getting there.

The Mig 29G and many others have had this problem for a few years now. I dont see the point that we have to make a loadout unrealistic if so, also give the r77 to the Mig 29G and the Gripen A (wich had a fox 3, wich is in my opinion a much bigger problem than this). The Su 33 does fine at 13.0 due to extremly high missle count, very good first turn dogfight performance and the best Ir and fox 1 missles in game. So I really dont see your point here.

Oh lol no the guy who killed me was between 1000-1500 meters up. I was hanging on I think 3400ish?

Should’ve been a clean kill on my part. But nope. Magical aim-120 said no

mig29g doesnt have fox 3 irl, it shouldnt even be carrying the r27er (germany never used r27ers)


The Su 33 never carried R77 irl so I dont see your point.

if you are saying that the su33 never carried them, then thats right and i didnt say anything about the su33, only about the mig29g.

Oh sorry I forgot to write 33 behind Su.

it could be your rwr just didn’t see it, you don’t pick up radar emissions directly below or above you

He was a good distance in front of me low, he wasn’t directly above or below me.

I was flying a Su-34

At this point, I think a Su-30 may be in order for Russia to compete.

I mean anything is possible with this spaghetti code, I have a clip of an aim9p2 from an f14a hitting a front aspect shot on my f14a lol

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Omg wait I did that the other day to an F-4EJ Kai

Yes I know the Aim-9 didn’t kill him, but the fact it locked, while he was flaring is Hilarious