Issue: Variant ingame
Reason: Su-33S (Variant seen ingame) was never Fox-3 capable, much like its brother and avionics donor when his younger brother came down with avionigitus, the Su-27S.
Cause: Era/Development
Fix: Don’t. Add a variant of the Su-33 into the tech tree, likely beneath the Yak-41, that was R-77 Capable around 13.7
Another issue with your proposal: The Su-33 has a grand 12 Pylons for missiles. According to my (unreliable) source, if the Su-33 were equipped with R-77s it could carry 8 of them off the same pylons as the Alamos. For comparisons: The JF-17 at 13.3 can carry 4 SD-10s, the F-16C at 13.7 can carry 6 AMRAAMs, the Su-27SM can carry 8 R-77s at 13.7
Non-existent missile.
And even if it did exist, it would not be 13.0, it would be 14.3 as the R-27EA would just flat out be the best missile in-game by a country mile.
Show me this variant IRL, good luck.
yeah I didn’t realize when I was writing I was operating fully under “It was revealed to me in a dream”
While trying to find any documentation the most reliable manuals I found were a DCS Flight Manual and one for the F-35A, for some reason
which version?
except for the test versions and prototypes, the SU 33 only has a 2 operational variant
Su33 and Su33UB/Su33D (two seats).
Unfortunately the su 33 never used the r77.
If you want the modern su33 with fox3 so much, grind China and wait for the j15 to come to the game
No Su-33 prototype ever had R-77s. The only prototype aircraft that did carry it were of the T-10M derivative, not the T-10K.
Didn’t do that either… The Su-35 was the only aircraft to carry R-27EAs, and conducted its only launch test.
It exists, though it’s nothing more than a prototype.
It’s has more leverage than the R-74ME at least, which was developed but never tested.
Not exactly. Amraams are pretty similar at long range
no lol, it would be 14.0, calm down
If you’re stupid… Sure…
no? because its still a flanker with a missile that is basically just slightly better than the amraam. you are overrating the package
It’s a substantial direct upgrade in every category over the AMRAAM, which is already moaned about as an OP missile, which you can carry the same max number of, in addition to 4 of arguably the best IR missiles, on the revised flanker FM, with a modern RWR, and a radar that while hampered by the big that effects all radars at this time, is still more than capable of allowing the R-27EA to stretch it’s legs to its full extent especially because it is the only radar that has the option of hprf tws for ““some”” reason.
and yet after all that something tells me the current 14.0s would keep up just fine
Hurricane could ‘theoretically’ be a jet in later versions… Just saying…
Su-30’s also tested and used r-27ea’s from what I’ve read but they most likely use the EM variant as the EA were much more limited in quantity
Show me some R-27ER goodness, boys:
You’ve chosen to grind and use a squadron vehicle. Make it work.
To my knowledge the R-27EM was never carried or tested, only modified off of the R-27EA mere weeks before funding was dropped and the R-77 was deemed the prevailing design.
Much like the K-74ME, it was built from a missile that did indeed receive testing, but simply added minor upgrades. It never had the time nor funding to go through with trials.
They did quite literally made a su-33 with Fox-3 capabilities and tested it, but that was one prototype, Russia used r-27EA’s on the su-33’s because the radar systems could work with the EA’s unlike the R-77’s
I mean if you are able to see the picture you can see that they are carrying R-27EA/EM. (Edit: one of the pictures shows both the ER and the EA being used on the plane)
Also No that’s not true multiple aircraft were able to carry the R-27EA’s The MiG-29 and Su-27 could both carry it as well as the Su-33
Tbf with how bad R-77s are… it wouldn’t make a difference.
The Su-27sm, Mig-29smt, and Su-34 really shouldn’t be 13.7, and instead 13.3 for sim / rb due to their “best” (not) aam performance.
So far playing the F-15E I’ve died I think 5 times? 4 of which were Rafael / euro fighters, and the last was 2x MiG-29smts firing R-73s at me.
So I haven’t died yet to an R-77