SU-33 Balance Discussion: BR Adjustment and R-77 Missiles

I know there are many players who enjoy flying the SU-33, but one recurring frustration is constantly being uptiered and facing opponents equipped with FOX-3 missiles. It’s understandably infuriating that the SU-33 itself doesn’t have FOX-3 capability in the game, despite evidence that the aircraft can carry such missiles in real life. After doing some research, I found credible information indicating that the SU-33 is indeed capable of using FOX-3 missiles like the R-77.

This raises the question of why the SU-33 is left at a disadvantage in its current state. The aircraft feels underpowered in its current BR when compared to its contemporaries. I’d like to propose two potential solutions to address this issue and improve the gameplay experience for SU-33 pilots:

Option 1: Raise SU-33 BR to 13.3 and Add R-77 Missiles

  • If the SU-33 is moved to BR 13.3, it would justify equipping it with R-77 missiles (similar to the SU-34, which is also at 13.3 and has access to R-77s).
  • This would bring the SU-33 more in line with other modern aircraft in the same bracket, like the F-16C, J-8F, and also the new additions, Eurofighter and Rafale, which have FOX-3 missiles and comparable performance.
  • SU-33 already has good flight performance and maneuverability, and equipping it with R-77 missiles would make it a competitive option in higher-tier matches.

Option 2: Lower the BR of SU-33 to 12.7

  • Alternatively, if the R-77 cannot be added, the SU-33 should be moved to a lower BR, such as 12.7.
  • At BR 12.7, the SU-33 would face fewer FOX-3-equipped opponents, giving it a fairer chance to compete in dogfights and missile engagements.
  • The SU-33 is already limited in its missile loadout compared to similar aircraft at higher BRs, so reducing its BR would better reflect its current capabilities.

Additional Points for Consideration:

  • The SU-33 is a carrier-based aircraft with a unique playstyle that combines excellent maneuverability and decent weaponry. However, in its current BR bracket, it often feels overshadowed by planes with superior missiles and better radar systems.
  • Historical and technical accuracy should be considered. The R-77 is a logical addition to the SU-33 based on its real-life capabilities. Ignoring this undermines the immersion and realism War Thunder strives for.
  • Balance across BRs is crucial, and leaving the SU-33 as-is creates an unnecessary skill and equipment gap when facing FOX-3 opponents.

Ultimately, the current state of the SU-33 puts it at a significant disadvantage compared to other aircraft at similar BRs. Whether through raising its BR and giving it the R-77 or lowering its BR to reflect its limited missile options, it’s clear that the SU-33 deserves some attention from the development team.

What are your thoughts? Would you prefer the addition of FOX-3 missiles to make the SU-33 competitive at a higher BR, or do you think a lower BR would be a better solution?


So show it?

Why would it be lower than the Su-27?

either way going to 12.7 is not even able to be brought up in discussion, compression is BAD. Please learn that.


gaijin won’t add fox 3 (equivalent) missiles
to any other nations except the us.
because the “us mains”


…literally every nation that isn’t china or russia has AIM-120s. Tf are you talking about?


yeah this update Germany got aim120b
at 14.0 this clearly solved everything

Given the number of players who are not even lvl 30 who play him, he will quickly go down in BR.
Without kidding, out of the 20 that I saw, 15 were played by very low level players.

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It never did at all… The only few aircraft to test ARH R-27s and prototype R-77s are Su-30s and the handful of Su-35/37s, with the Su-33 never once receiving either the R-27EA (it was never commissioned) nor the R-77 (it was unable to due to compatibility limitations).

Tell me… Why should a better Su-27 with more munitions be put below the base Su-27?

Again, never once used R-77s. Wasn’t even capable of using them to begin with.


They had them at 13.0 to begin with… That’s essentially unbeatable in some sim brackets and arcade.


1. Regarding the use of R-77 by the Su-33:

  • You’re correct that the Su-33 in its original form was not capable of carrying the R-77 due to compatibility issues. However, it’s important to note that the aircraft could have had the potential to carry such missiles in later upgrades, similar to other aircraft in the Su-27 family. While it wasn’t standard practice, the Su-33 could have theoretically gained the capability to carry the R-77 in later versions.

2. Why R-77 makes sense for the Su-33 in War Thunder:

  • The R-77 would be a logical addition to the Su-33 because, as part of the Su-27 family, it would have had the technical potential to carry these missiles, especially with later upgrades. Adding the R-77 to the Su-33 in War Thunder would not only increase the realism of the game but also reflect the aircraft’s development in real life, even if it wasn’t widely used.

3. Su-33 as a “better” Su-27:

  • Regarding the question of the Su-33 being “better” than the base Su-27, adding the R-77 wouldn’t make the Su-33 overpowered. War Thunder already balances aircraft based on their BR, so upgrading the Su-33 with the R-77 would place it in a higher BR category, ensuring it doesn’t dominate compared to other aircraft in the same class.
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you gotta provide some sort of hard proof document otherwise gaijin wont go for it
hearsay and theoretics aren’t enough


the amraam isnt in 8 of the 10 different nations?


germany had aim-120 since f4s kws…


It’s fine where it’s at.


If by fine you mean outclassed by most things in most ways then yeah

and china at some point when they add the f16v or decide to make the f16a mlu an actual mlu lol
literally only russia wont have access to any


No, it will staying at that BR because other aircraft like F-15 and Su-27 also didn’t have Fox 3 and still facing uptier everytime

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And why would it be the same BR as the base Mig-29.

I’d argue that currently there should be a 0.7 gap between the Su-33 and the base Mig-29, due to it having 4 times as many SARH missiles, as well as having 4 R-73s rather than the Migs 4 R-60ms.

The Su-33 also has better weaponry than the Mig-29G at 13.0.


I mean its peak compression when the mig29 9.12 with r60ms is 0.3br lower than the mig29g with r73s and that is the same br as the su27

there are 2 direct upgrades, the su27 even directly upgrades on the mig29g, within 0.3br

I love how at least half this game’s problems can be directly traced back to br compression and yet nothing ever changes
its so fun arriving at the same conclusion every time and then just giving up bc you know nothing will change