SU-33 Balance Discussion: BR Adjustment and R-77 Missiles

You’re right the e100 shouldn’t be in the game

Bro really thinks this thing needs to go down to 12.7? My man, if anything, it should go UP to 13.3.

It is a damn missile truck with some of the best missiles in the game, and it has a total of 12 of them. Nothing else at that BR has that - the Su-27 has a total of 10 and the F-15A has a total of 8 (all of which are much worse than what the Su-23 has).

For real, if you think the Su-33 is way too weak for 13.0, either you have never played anything above 11.0 or there is a massive skill issue here.

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ok so we add not only a fake missile, but a fake missile which would be op currently and we keep it at the same br it was without the broken missile?

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these people are delusional, the su33 is a good aircraft. 13.0 is a problem for all aircraft.


People are ignorant of the fact that you can take up to 8 R-27ERs (although 6 is more than enough, better take 2 ETs instead). These missiles are still very good at both BVR and closer ranges. Folks will just whine that it faces ARH missiles without itself having them.


I hope they add R-77’s to the SU-33 would make it so much more fun.

It never carried those.

“It COULD HAVE GOTTEN THE ability to use R-77s”

Well, it could’ve gotten the ability to use Aim-120 and aim-9X


This logic reminds me of Wargaming and their pan-american cruiser line.

“The US COULD’VE BUILT this ship and then it COULD’VE GIVEN it to this country.”


The Su-33 I see in gameplay are being used as CAS because grinding Su-34 can take a lot of time and the choice of rockets and bombs are enough to destroy the op team two times without problem.

The R-27EA isn’t a fake missile?

Prototype, not fake. It would definitely make it 13.7 tho lmao

I play the Su-33 in normal air RB. Trust me when I say the plane is absolutely capable of dominating even against 13.7 and 14.0. Going into the furball of course isn’t an option, you don’t have the countermeasures to dodge all the missiles that might come at you, but there are ways to make the plane work perfectly.

At the beginning of the match, you can climb to 5500m (just below the altitude where you start to leave vapour trails) and kill literally anyone in BVR - the R-27ERs are sooner to the target than any ARH missile the enemy might sling at you. Most players who choose to BVR usually climb to 10k and fire at other players at said altitude - as long as you don’t get too high to leave vapour trails, they usually won’t even notice, or care. Then, or while you’re in the BVR fight, you dodge incoming ARH missiles. Then you pick off enemies that are too preoccupied with dodging your mates’ missiles. And if you have to enter a close range fight/dogfight, the Su-33 is absolutely capable of dealing with most planes even in that situation.

One other thing I noticed with the Su-33 is that people forgot or don’t know anymore how to deal with incoming SARH missiles.

If you play air RB then is different story then playing GRB because the change you will ran into top tier planes like Su-27/Su-34/F-15 are rare encounters.

You mean that you rarely see those higher BR planes in ground battles? Or did you mean air battles? I can assure you, I see 13.7 and 14.0 WAY more often than 12.3 or 12.7 in air RB.

I see top jets in GRB do but these jets that you cost a lot to spawn so compare to helicopters these maximum i saw are only 4 in team.

Wdym they cost a lot to spawn? It’s the opposite, fully decked-out planes are way to cheap to spawn in my opinion. I can take as little as two kills tomget enough spawn points.

The only mention of an ARH on the su-33 I have found ( I’ll link or post screenshots if I find it again) were the use of r-27ea/em and only the latter. The ea was only tested on the su-30 and the em would’ve been used by the su-33’s still in service in the 2000. The su-33 we have in game is the initial one they had built and there isn’t much information on the upgrades they did when they used it in the 2000’s

It depend on the loadout you sending into battle if you reducing the loadout of course they are cheaper to spawn.

Also people haven’t realized but it gives no launch warning when you shoot r-27ER’s. In sim it’s 13.3 and it only plays the top bracket and I’ve been enjoying it seeing that the typical f-15/16 player climbs to launch aim120’s it’s easy to sneak up and launch an r-27, which they get no launch warning from, and typically get a kill as they’re usually waiting for a pitbull missile or launch warning to maneuver. It’s a fun aircraft where it is now