Su-30SM Nerfed

MiG-29K was developed from the M for use on carriers. Basically the same jet except better landing gears and one would hope a reinforced body…

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TVC all around is good, no?

3D means you don’t have to worry about needing massive vertical stabilizers like the F-22 has to aid in yaw movements.

Yes, as long as they make sure to never let the F-22 go out without drop tanks and radar reflectors.

There are no downsides to including extra capability through TVC, you can always turn it off.

F-22 never used drop tanks in dogfights.

No but f22 and 35 both use luneberg lenses that allow them to be radar locked in mock dogfights


Which does not impact flight performance, which is why I didn’t address that in the reply.
And bringing them up when the topic is flight performance is not helpful to that topic.

Oh and BTW the primary reason for that wing design is stealth, the 2nd aspect of low-speed stability is a nice to have, but the mass of the aircraft, partially due to the engines, cause it to suffer in efficiency which means it’s primary purpose would be BVR.

For every mock dog fight loss f22 has it has more wins in 2006 it’s win loss was 241-2

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And the context you omitted: It was fighting far more than F-18Cs, Rafales, and Typhoons in that record.
It also fought older platforms, and platforms not designed for flight performance & efficiency much like itself, F-18E, etc. The amount of F-18E vs F-22 dogfights is substantial, and of course F-22 will win against an F-18E, it’s the worst F-18 for flight performance, worse than even the first generation F-18As and likely worse than F-16s.

My bad I guess fighters it was 108 to 0
And it’s not the fact that I omitted information on the only information I looked at and saw was the ratio I didn’t look through an entire list of aircraft

The Russian mains would absolutely freak if their beloved SU series where unable to hit high AOA or if they had 2-3 G less STR.

The Harrier suffers both these issue yet the care is minimal as no one whines as much.

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wdym check this




What’s funny is that the Su-30SM STR’s almost as well as F-15E.

England is used to suffering


we literally have proof that the mig-29 was gutted for balance reasons its still underperforming compared to the f-16c bl40


There is no proof that Mig-29 was changed for balance.
In-fact there’s a bug report that was actioned as the cause of its corrected airframe performance.

So keep claiming that fairies exist when you’ll never have evidence; but that will never change reality that flight models are only ever changed due to evidence.

Zero vehicles in the game have had their flight models changed for balance, zero.

Oh, and as for your claim that F-16D performs better:
Mig-29 9.12 full internal fuel [5 minutes AB]: 18 degrees per second at 700kph.


As for the F-16D with 5 minutes of AB [FIF]: 17 degrees per second at 700kph.


The Mig-29 performs 6% better in energy retention/STR.

F-16A is ~18.4.


f-16c block 40 not f-16d block 40 it should beat the f-16c block 40 and be on par with the f16c bl 50

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I have the C Bl50 on an expert crew so I can test that.
I could barely get 16D’s result cause non-expert crewed but crewed.
16C Blk40 would be non-crewed cause not owned, so a 700kph shot would be difficult.

My leading theory is that the ramp-up in thrust starts about 200kph later than it should on Mig-29, but after like somewhere in the 600kph range it gets to its IRL equivalent thrusts.

I’ll edit this post with the Block 50 results shortly.

F-16C: 17.9 degrees per second. Relatively equal to Mig-29 9.12.


@CAMPER_REMOVER coming into say that Mig-29’s thrust is fine and everyone is wrong for suspecting an issue with low-speed thrust after takeoff.

to my knowledge the reason chinese flankers dont have thrust vectoring is cause you trade engine power for it which isnt a good deal for them so they focused on weight instead so this FM is accurate

The problem with you, Alvis, is that you don’t understand this. You make measurements but you can’t play. You compare irrelevant things and try to prove yourself right. That you are currently measuring xy data in str at 800. Who cares? It doesn’t change anything and doesn’t affect anything.