Su-30SM Nerfed

I want to see mig35:)

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It was missing its drag

F-15 STOL / MTD will be a really cool airplane to see also

The only thing the Su-30SM is missing is it’s energy retention like every flanker is and momentum during high AOA / Changing direction during AOA

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Mig29k or mig29m is all im really excited to see come to the game anymore.

I actually don’t know much about the M, is it as good as the K?

Basically a Mig 29 9:13 with R77 capacity similar the the Su-27S and Su-27SM

Unsure about Avionics

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Mig35 is essentially a further development they have both single seat and two seat setups and can carry kh38 kh29 r77 and r33 pretty neat plane

Mig29m has 8 pylons instead of 6 and the inner 4 can be used for r27er/et, SMT’s radar, 7% better engines, and doesn’t have all the additional weight of the smt. It can use r77 as well but since its from 2005 it should be able to use r77-1.


Never seen a single seater Mig-35

Yeah the first one was a single seat everything after was two but only like six sereal production mig 35s have been made because there only a little better than the k and m2

It will never have the energy retention & maneuverability of Su-27SM due to mass increases though.
SM2 is what I’m referencing due to the thrust increase.

This is a very late reply, but what Does SEP stand for? or rather what is it’s importance in the chart

Specific Excess Power. The dashed lines represent energy retention, essentially. You have to sacrifice/gain that much altitude per second to maintain maneuvering like that.

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Is this because the West has a different design philosophy focused on energy retention or because TVC has no applicable use in any scenario what so ever??? think you are being more than a little bias here. TVC has it’s advantages in certain situations…now these situations are not as likely to happen IRL because BVR is so strong…and that’s more of a reason I would imagine them not going with TVC designs.


Almost as if energy retention is NECESSARY for good dogfight performance, airframe, weight savings, cost, and general performance.
It’s why every thrust vectoring aircraft gets beat by F-18, Rafale, and Typhoon.

And F-22 gets beaten.
F-22 proves all my posts…

I agree…if your trying to use a gun to kill your target…but with Missiles it’s who has their HMS on target first and who has the better turning missile. This video is the last day of the Dev Server after multiple changes to the Su30 so its last flight model adjustment maybe??? Well have to see what the live server brings but as far as we know this is Gaijin’s thinking on how it is…looks kind good to me in terms of a 1v1 merge. ability to just slowly fall inside someone’s turn circle :/ and recover when you want given enough altitude…used 77-1. In a slow speed stat does TVC control help you point the nose of the aircraft…if the answer to that is yes…then I’m going with TVC in close in a 1v1 anything goes.

That’s maximum AOA which guess what? The F-14A, Su-27, F-18 all share an almost identical max AOA.
Oh and BTW, a thrust vectoring jet shares the same maximum AOA at merge speeds.

Oh, and the biggest limit to max AOA is the pilot.

How does TVC affect your control state in that type of falling stall…no other jet on the dev acts like the 30 did??? I guess that’s Gaijins interpretation…wrong or right that’s what it seems like! So if this is to be their interpretation of the 30…the F22 will be even better by a good bit.