Su-30SM Nerfed

Russia has long lacked a competitive air-to-air platform at the top tier. Currently Russia’s best jet is the Su-27SM. but anyone who’s played with it knows about its poor radar performance and the useless R-77. both in BVR against F-15s and Eurofighter and in close combat performance vs like the JAS39 and Rafale. It is inferior to the top jets of these countries… Same goes for the Su30SM. It was already worse than Su27SM in terms of energy control and retention and now you nerfed its vectoring control and its R-77-1. I know that KH-38s is controversial. Gaijin could have removed these mounts and strengthened Su30SM’s air combat performance. Russia doesn’t need more CAS right now.


Thank god it got nerfed.


Sorry, America has to stomp everyone at top tier so they had to artificially nerf all top tier russian fighters


Its FM and the performance of the weapons have nothing to do with “balance” its all based upon historical accuracy. So it got nerfed for a reason.

Quite funny given the EFTs radar is currently on-par with the Su-27SMs radar despite the fact it should be the best mechanical radar in game, but alas, only Russia Suffers


So what even the point to adding Su-30SM just to have 14.0 plane that can’t compete with it’s adversary ? Well GG i guess


The EFT and Rafale radars are a whole different can of worms
Gaijin usually bases things on what soviet stuff can do which is reasonable for the most part but like… When you get to the modern setting it starts to not make much sense

But the Su-30SM will by far be the worst 14.0 in the game
Don’t be too surprised if it drops to 13.7


I dont know how “historical accuracy” it was, but if it was accurate than go ahead nerf it and balance it by going down in BR, looking how F15C doing everything better then the Su27SM while at the same BR


This is the usual case for Russian jets, They show off something cool in the dev stream, in this case the su30 showing off it’s thrust vectoring with no missiles and min fuel, Everyone panics, screams to nerf it, they nerf it, every russian jet turns into a cow that isn’t worth using at it’s BR, the Su30sm is 100% going to be DoA now since it’s worse than the Su27Sm, and the R77-1s are nerfed so it’s really no different using the normal R77s, I wish they would stop making Russia Useless but here we are, in a game mode ran by U.S mains, and they can’t stand watching Russia have fun :')


Meanwhile the cosntant nerfs to western jets like the Gripen…


Well that’s because it’s not a U.S jet, you are not lucky enough to have your jet pushed down to 12.3 to feed on other nations


Yeah, its like the Mig-23MLD being 11.3 in SB when its equivalent aircraft are at 12.0


it was probably overlooked because no one even myself included plays simulator battles, people only focus on ARB


Sim isn’t really the shadow realm tbf and there are a lot of players there, ARB is most popular due to being a good blend of ease and difficulty, not as brainrot as arcade but not as hard as sim


Should be given AL-41


All I can hope for is a community manager sees it and test it so it gets Un-nerfed in some capacity in order to be an actual upgrade to the Su27Sm, otherwise gg, 14.0s will just farm it all day alongside with the su27s so no one will play russia yet again for another update haha


okay okay so it turns out they were using the old su-27 FM numbers for the new su-30sm its FM has been updated its still not great but its not abysmal now

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What did they nerf on the R-77-1?

they did a couple nerfs of the SU-30SM but they recently gave it a buff in another key area that seems to make up for the previous nerfs and some the r-77-1 has not changed to my knowledge

It lost sustainer motor, got overall less energy, from memory.


I do doubt it is historically accurate for the Su30SM to lack agility. I would curious to see the documentation. For clarification: I don’t really care if it has current agility or prior, I’d mainly use it for ground attack or BVR, so agility is nice but overrated.

Though it would be nice for Russians to cry out as much when their competition are ahistorically nerfed. E.g. Gripen.