Dude, if you have an issue with my well above average skill, then say so.
But claiming people that are skilled can’t play is silly.
STR at and above 900kph matters most in air RB and air sim where dogfights are less common; measuring 900kph STR is extremely difficult and time consuming due to needing to run trim, so a quick test at 700kph where most engines get their thrust up will get a close-enough result to what STR at 900kph will be.
STR at 550 matters most in 1v1 customs.
You are hopeless Alvis…. But okey you win!
Basic scientific experiments.
Su-30SM and F-15C/E all perform similarly to each other in STR AKA energy retention.
The only real difference is Su-30 will allow you to pull harder than the other two.
since you can pull harder wouldnt that make bleed energy faster?
and doesnt the f15E have better energy cause engines are upgraded ?
If you pull harder.*
Energy retention is measured one of two ways: Same pull G-load, OR same speed.
Also the F-15E has to bring more fuel due to those more powerful engines as well as weighing 2 - 3 tons more than F-15C.
oh i see i was not factoring extra fuel
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Think you spelled britian wrong son.
Not just England
Yeah but who really owns the island
Youve got to be kidding me 😂😂 who owns the island, lad last i checked youve got a country north of you and a country in your east coast.
Talking about “england” as if you represent the 2 other countried and a sovereign section aka NI.
See rather than make the English look like ignorant dimwitted fools, show a bit of solidarity with the other nations there.
There’s a reason its the united kingdom and not England.
No it’s all one country now United Kingdom
I’m also not English and pulling your leg
No, scotland and wales are still countries as is England, who all formed one sovereign nation as the united kingdom, they are still countries.
Northern ireland is not a country however it is in tbe uk
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I stated previously I’m pulling your leg
I’ve been to the UK mainly England, wanted to go see Hadrian’s wall but we ran out of time
Got to go to Bovington and Sutton hoo though as well as a small wwii aviation museum near York that has a Halifax as its center peace. Got to go to IWM London and the Churchill war rooms very nice trip
Su 27SM was outclassed on release? Never heard that before. I reached top tier jets when the Su-27 was released and it absolutely dominated matches. There were no fox 3’s anywhere but on F14’s and the R-27 ER was the scariest and deadliest missile in the game of which the Su 27 could carry more than any other jet. If the Su 27 happened to get into a dogfight, the r-73 was almost guaranteed to get you with a crazy off bore shot enabled because of HMD.
Idk what nation you play but people are very quick to forget when “their” nation dominated the air and silently ignore when other nation’s are suffering in air. Most of the big nations in air right now have one thing or another that they can utilize against their opponents and if you can’t see that then it is a classic case of skill issue.
Only one I see playing the victim here is you.
Su-27 never dominated on its own.
It came out with F-15s which were a bit stronger.
On top of that Su-30SM is not outclassed for air RB and air sim, and definitely not air arcade.
Maybe it was due to lower skill on average of USA players but I almost never struggled with how to fight F15’s but Su 27’s would consistently give me a hard time to fight. I just remember hating having to fight a J11, Su 27, or Gripen but wouldn’t worry that much about F15’s.
Hence why the F15A sat at 12.3 while the jets.of the same class, e.g gripen and su27 went to 12.7
It should be.
Just like 30SM should be competitive at 14.0.
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Su-30SM as of last dev server is a competitive 14.0 jet.