So EFT should have an artificially nerfed radar because it can out gunfight anything else in a meta where flight performance secondary?
Well the Typhoon likely has an [on-paper] inferior radar in general, even post-fixes.
BUT, that doesn’t mean it’s not on-par in-practice cause marginal differences making something superior doesn’t translate to a notable superiority in-battle.
Typhoon’s radar clearly is powerful and more than enough for the modern battlefield otherwise the Typhoon host countries would’ve demanded a newer radar much sooner if it wasn’t.
6 AMRAAM vs 14 AMRAAM is quite substantial as well…
You miss understand me. Yes we have UFOs in game.
I dont think TVC should be limited by air speed
A Su-30/F-22 pilot can use the TVC anytime
I hate when people make false equivalences, especially when it’s clearly tied to emotions. Not once did I allude to that. It’s the best at everything, not just gunfighting. Again, you already know this.
Be happy you have the classified EFT in the first place.
I’ll be happy when its modeled properly and not a buggy mess.
Wow I can’t imagine you saying something like “the Su-30SM performs better than the F-15E in general flight performance despite it being slower to accelerate”. I doubt you’ve even clicked on dev server and fly the Su-30SM.
Good to know you never played on dev.
F-15E has slightly worse energy retention at all speeds when bringing an identical fuel load of 5.5 minutes of afterburner time.
The R77-1 is only superior to the R-77 now in the aspect that it has no gimbal limtis anymore and it can be launched as long as you have a radar/irst lock
so whats the point of adding aircrafts that are too advanced so they have to be nerfed? R-77 is still far worse than it is IRL, just like SU-27 and MIG-29 FM, SU-30SM weight nerf is still very controversial.
The point is they are not U.S aircraft so they can’t be good in any regard, they have to be less agile, and have worse armaments compared to everything it faces because that’s what the U.S mains have taught themselves to believe ever since the Mig29 and F16 were released
A myth.
F-15E was not nerfed for balance reasons.
Typhoon uses a PD radar cause that’s what it uses IRL, NOT balance reasons.
The F-15E had the best thrust power in the game, was able to space climb, do a full hard turn while maintaining like 2.5 mach, and in a straight line was going 2.8 mach when the next best aircraft at the time (F16C wow who could’ve guessed it was another U.S aircraft) went like 1.6 mach, of course it got nerfed for balance reasons? what are you talking about lmao. Idk about the Typhoon because I do not own it, so I don’t know how it’s radar works.
typhoon radar? it feels like a placeholder, huh it makes sense cuz it probably is one
rip, is it all the euro fighters? or specifically the Typhoon?
all, but it just got tws+ on dev so maybe it will be finally fixed
yeah the f-15e nerf was valid and su-30sm is better in agility, its pretty obvious isnt it?
Where do you find these results and stuff? I tried to google it but went on a wild goose chase for like 2 hours before giving up