haha, yeah… They would have panic attacks if they had to deal with aircraft like the Tornado or the massive nerfs the Gripens got/has
This is a bit unfair to them. The mig 29s and flankers were heavily shafted (pseudo-accurately) whilst the yanks were barely dealt with. They have had a few rough spots similar to others.
Though for the most part, you’re not entirely wrong.
Honestly I saw no point to really nerf the thrust vectoring, You might get 1 funny kill but would get fly swatted immediately upon attempting it
Yea they overnerf the su30 and the f18 still ufo i call this usamain skill optimalization
TBH it was really questionable Su30 could be Space X rockets because of TVC.
F-15e was nerfed at release too, so what is the problem ? They have to balance somehow. Do you really want to play against 2.5mach f-15e ? Ef at the game still uses doppler radar, for balancing reason.
You mean the nerf that barely made a difference asides from making it Fly to Mach 2 instead of Mach 2.35? With CFTs on mind you
It was the drag nerf not the mach, drag nerf made harder to reach mach 1.5 at 3000 meters. Just saying that it was nerfed for a good reason that’s all. Currently f-15e cannot reach above 2 mach consistently.
Typhoon is also being nerfed “remodelled” this update.
No way a Su-30 can just hover on the spot like an RC plane.
I do think TVC should be a switch you can use at any time and not limited to airspeed.
Efs should be swinging brimstones like agm65, but gaijin made it like cheaper version of agm65 with lazer on it.
That’s a whole different discussion but yeah Brimstones are the weakest top tier ground attack munition right now.
They are slow require too much baby sitting don’t have reliable IOG
are very map dependant, opting to slam into buildings and trees.
They don’t always kill in one hit, you have just worked your ass off guiding this missile to slap that Pantsir or SAM and it just yellows the front cab leaving the Radar and missiles active.
Not to exaggerate but having a missile you can only really reliably use when there are no SAMs is not that much of a boon.
I don’t want to discuss off topic but i think that germany and other ef typhoon users deserves better brimstones. We have kh38 slingers f-15e has agm130a, rafale has equally good missile.
Gaijin is probably saving it for Tranche 4 EFTs with Captor-E
I don’t see that happening outside of Arcade as it’s highly unrealistic.
Imagine traveling 1.1M and suddenly turning 90 degrees without getting your plane ripped apart.
Raptor can use TVC at supersonic speeds.
No one is saying mach 1.0 cobras
I don’t see it in the game right now.
It’s like pulling 15-16Gs regularly isn’t enough, you’d want it to be even more unrealistic.
I would want TVC to work like it can IRL
So you want realism only when it suits you, while totally ignoring other unrealistic parts that are already in the game ?
Nothing notable has been nerfed about the Su-30SM.
Its flight performance has not been nerfed, and the Su-30SM performs better than the F-15E in general flight performance despite it being slower to accelerate.
Similarly how the Mirage 2000 performs better than the J-8F despite being significantly slower to accelerate.
Acceleration isn’t everything. It’s important for one particular maneuver at the beginning of the match, and semi-important for escaping.
Generally important for an indication of what the general flight performance will be, but that’s about it.
But alas, the EFT is still the best Top Tier in the entire game and will continue to be for (probably) this entire year. The SU-27SM was outclassed on release and even with the buffs it’s nowhere near a top dog. But you know this.
I get it, the EFT’s radar sucks. But you can’t just act like you’re a victim when you have an objectively better aircraft in every way besides missile count.