Su-30SM Nerfed

its statshark

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looking at the comparison it really is sad how badly they butchered the Su30sm, I am not even excited for it anymore, I would rather just play the Su27 at a lower BR


im pretty sure its heavier than the su-34 now, if this is still true then it confirms a fact or two


but still other jets are nerfed unrealisticly, on dev eurofighter was able to outclimb the f-15e so it got nerfed, now on live server it has few houndreds fewer thrust than irl (in kG), we are speaking about the tranche 2 with same engines

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Heavy aircraft are more focused on BVR rather than close combat. the F-15E doesn’t need to be compared to any plane in a turn performance because its playstyle is very one dimensional. You just need to be at high altitude ready to support your teammates at low altitude and launch your FOX 3s. Utilize your extremely good engine power to dominate at high.
The Su30SM can’t do that, so what about its agility? Any fighter like F-18, EFT, Rafale, JAS39 or even F-16 can beat the Su30SM in a dogfight. at one time you could rely on it’s AOA control to make some exaggerated maneuvers to kill the enemy in a 1v1. Now it can’t do that. It’s completely become just another Su-34.


I was looking into the engines on the Su30sm1 as well, apparently it’s supposed to have like 25k afterburn thrust but in game it only had like 22k I think? I may be remembering it wrong, I put in a report for it but it immediately got shut down in a matter of like 3 minutes saying it wasn’t enough evidence even though I provided 3 different sources all saying the same thing, idk who’s in charge of determining it but wow they are biased lmao

It’s not missing thrust. It loses thrust because efficiency loss from ducting and whatnot when installed vs on the bench

In fact it applies to all jets in game

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alongside R-73’s the su-30sm should be the best WVR fighter, also R-77-1 should be on part with AIM-120C-5 in range, while ingame it has less range than AIM-120A/B, it clearly should be able to fight welll at all ranges, while it cant and its much heavier than it should be


On the Su30SM this problem appears to be even worse, as the vectoring nozzle also loses some of the engine thrust during operation


uh maybe youre right, ty

I guarantee you it won’t get un-nerfed either, it’s crazy that the F18A got moved to 12.3 BR and all it had to do was give up like 4 missile slots, so it gets to eat other aircraft alive, while for Russia they nerfed us three times, didn’t lower our BR, and it is another Su34 which is awful in ARB, like where is logic gaijin


there are many sources to prove gajin is wrong, idk whats the deal but they doesnt seem to really listen to players aslong as they dont say it out loud together


2 missiles actually


about the f/a-18, the legacy hornets cant go supersonic on deck with even air to air loadout (idk about super hornets), but they can do this very easly in-game


I was going to make a post about the SU30sm nerf and why it made no sense, but I know the Nato mains on the forums would have a hay day and then gaijin just ignores it anyways


ah yeah even better, its on part in br with f-16A (aim-9l only one) and f-4ej, 12.0 aircrafts will have to face this beast every match, despite having worse and less missles, worse radar flight performance and basiclly everything, f-16 is still a big stretch at 12.3 but atleast it lacks scary ornament, f/a-18A on the other hand doesnt


not all nato mains are like this, i like nato aircrafts usa ones and even russian one equally (ever tho i have a big flanker bias), but it really seems like most vehicles outside usa are ignored


Agree, I literslly see no reason why the 18A is below 12.7 when it has SARH, at least the 16A is limited only to IR


phantoms can deal with f-16 as they have better weapons, but f/a-18A is just better in every single way, there is a huge problem with this - you cant ballance the player


Flight models NEVER get nerfed because of balance, that’s what the BR system is for.
F-15E got CORRECTED because of historical documents that proved it was over-performing.

Thanks for proving it wasn’t nerfed for balance reasons and agreeing with my post.

Nope. Typhoon was given its engines because until that point Typhoon was using PW-220s on the dev server, which is inaccurate.
Nothing is nerfed for balance reasons.
The Typhoon doesn’t use PW-220s IRL because they wouldn’t fit in the airframe.