Su-30SM Nerfed



Su-27 with 19.6 deg/s.

F-15A with same afterburner fuel time of 3.27 minutes: 18.8 deg/s.


I’m fully aware it is not that good in Pubs, but what makes it good is 1v1s, where most American players are so confident in their missile abusing strats, they forget one teeny thing: they’re within 5km, not really enough time to lock and spam multiple missiles.
Plus, I do unlimited fuel and ammo, which means I’m not running 20-30 minutes of fuel, afterburning my way to the front lines. Minimum fuel means maximum manoeuvrability. Something that BVR enjoyers cannot comprehend.
It honestly feels like I’m a final boss when I do 1v1s, just because my friends will be like, “noooo, not the Grippen” when they see the flags change to Sweden.

Although, I’m pretty sure the Su-25 came out with only dumbbombs and rockets when it first came out at 9.7, it didn’t have the funny AGMs that it now has. So honestly, that is understandable to why it was that low when the game’s max BR was like 10.0, although it certainly belongs around 11.0 now.

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Why would you even use the AGMs on the Su-25 when the S-25O is way better

Precisely man, like you said outwith the 1v1 area the gripen falls on its arse now adays, its still decent, but theres many, many planes that surpass it.

I got each of my planes figured out, to the point where i usually take about 16 mins of fuel and a tank, so for f16 i drop it about 10km away, and by the time the distance has closed im at an optimal fuel weight for both sustained fighting and dogfighting.
not like im arriving with 3 mins left and scared to afterburn.

Gripen the same idea just different fuel counts.

and if i cant take a fuel tank E.G for the F14A and IRIAF, i take about 44 minutes and burn it off so im at about 18 for when people are merging etc. a lot of folks cry planes cnat dogfight but then have like 30 mins fuel going into the merge xD

yeah the S250s are nice af though to be fair.

The 10.3 doesnt get the KH29Ts does it? only the damn laser guided ones?
Ive got the event su25 so ive got the big ol ATGMs with the S250s along side it

Because it’s funnier to slam someone with a missile from 5km away when they can’t do anything about it? CAS doesn’t require skill, but hey, might as well play with the least amount of skill if you want to smack someone. Work smarter, not harder.

Su-27SM, F-18 [barely], Rafale, and Typhoon… that’s not many, that’s 4.
Soon to be J-11B, but that’s 5.

No, only the upgraded Su-25s gets it

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Using the Kh-25ML and Kh-29L is actually harder with the base Su-25 because Klen-PS is only a laser designator. Flinging S-25O with CCIP is more brain dead

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Huh, I must be mistaken then. I’m probably thinking of the Su-25T then

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last I checked the F15A, F16A, su27sm, rafale, typhoon, all beat the gripen now adays.
I think even the mirages beat them quite readily, hence why so many people use them in the dogfights.

The J10A also beats the gripen easily.

Whyd you leave out the F16A and F15A? as well as that, the F15C and 16C both beat the gripen in every single aspect bar AoA, which Again i stated, in teh current meta at top tier.

The 16C, 15C, 15E, Ef2000, Rafale, su27SM, J10 and mirage all beat the gripen to the punch.

Yeah thay’s why br for br, A-10A is actually better because it gets Mavs (so better stand off ranges) and iirc 2 double racks of 9Ls?

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The TT A10 gets 4 x 9L yeah, however it is far slower than the Su25 (200kpmh)

but yeah teh A10 is also great due to the agms, and GBUs as well if u cant spawn with the mavs

F-15 gets its tail handed to it by Gripen, and Gripen still out-dogfights F-16A unless the F-16A gets fuel advantage.

Dealing with people who regurgitate the whole “Grippen OP” thing is a bit frustrating, since you know they are parroting what some obscure YouTuber (or TikToker) said. It reminds me when I talked bad about the Tor, and I was suddenly harassed by many about how I have a “skill issue” and that the Tor is “literally the second best SPAA after the Pantsir,” with their reasonings being… copy-pasted by the Wiki.
“You can literally lock onto two planes at once, bruh!” which is sound, except for the tiny problem of… you have to be in formation to get two locks. I don’t know about you, but no one flies in formation in Pubs… well, except for that weird guy who plays Nightcore music while rocketing people in a Ka-50 with his friend. You have probably seen the videos on Facebook or whatever.

Anyways, unfortunately we will always run into those people that will scream “skill issue” if we mention anything that goes against some personality’s opinion. The best part is when you look at their card, and they’ve never once played that plane/tank, much less ever played in that BR, but will still swear up and down YOU are the problem.

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again, the F16A can maintain its energy far better than the gripen can, also those charts as far as i can see actually show that in the top line that the F16 can maintain the harder turn for longer than a gripen can.

the gripen trumps it in AoA sure, but as far as sustained dogfights got the 16A will beat a gripen almost every time.

Genuinely it does not at all, ive hundreds of games in both planes, the F15A does not get its “tail handed to it” by the gripen unless you try bounce into an instant turn fight, the F15A has far better thrust and sustained rates than the Gripen.

Thats like saying an F5C loses in a turn fight with a mig21, well yeah dont turn fight it.

Edit: as well I stated in the current meta, unless your trying to turn fight the gripen is objectively worse than every plane I listed bar the 16A and 15A due to the lack of ARH missiles.

Read alvis arguing that the “F15A gets its tail handed to it by the gripen” which it clearly doesn’t at all.
The F16A also is comparable dogfight wise to the gripen completely ignoring the fact ive stated multiple times in AoA the gripen will win, but in any other aspect, sustained, or in the long run aka out pacing the gripen loses, massively.

That happens quite a bit on here unfortunately.

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Well of course the F-15 gets beaten by the Grippen… if we are talking about turn fighting. Usually by the time a Grippen and a F-15 see each other, the F-15 is sending all of its missiles at the Grippen. The only time I’ve beaten F-15s in Pubs is when I get the drop on it. Otherwise it’s twenty some missiles to the face, wings, back, and even below me.

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“F-16A pilots are more skilled in maintaining energy.” Okay, what does that have to do with the airframe?

The Gripen has superior sustained turn rate to the F-15A.

Let’s bring 5.5 minutes of fuel for each aircraft rounded down.

2900 419/m 2304, 79%. - J-10A.
3305 480/m 2640, 79% - F-16A.
2340 278/m 1529, 65% - Gripen.
5240 F-15. 845/m - 4647, 88% - F-15A.
Whoo, look at that fuel normalized mess of 4 aircraft.


At higher speeds Gripen falls off, of everything except F-16A.
J-10A is the closest, and F-15A gains sustained the faster it goes.

And the Gripen is sending its AMRAAMs back.
Unless you’re talking about the 13.0 F-15 and Gripen, which both don’t have AMRAAMs.

Go see who has the better BVR, then come back to me. Also, Sweden gets a max of 4 RB99s, how many AIM 120s does the F-15 get?

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I’m aware that the 13.7 F-15s didn’t go up with its equals at 14.0 and is currently OP.
Either way my points stand.
Gripen is a fine aircraft, one of the best aircraft. Not OP, not sub-par.