Su-30SM Nerfed

It’s good in an extremely niche way that isn’t really available in Pubs. This game favours missile spamming noobs, which makes a lot of sense when you realise this game caters to American mains (of which their aircrafts are so dreadful, they rely on hurling AMRAAMs at jets from the 1960s to pad their KD ratio).

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I don’t main USA. Actually I’ve only just gotten into their early jets.

Saying “dogfighting jet” is quite misleading since it is still one of the fastest (faster than F-15A at low alt), was easily the most maneuverable, and had arguably the best loadout with 6x 9Ms (the best missile then) and +640 CMs. Radar missiles were useless against it since not only could you bring endless chaff but multipathing was set at 100m.

F-16AJ is a Block 10 and tied for the lightest F-16 in the game.

It is faster.

And the Gripen had far more thanks to full effectiveness BOL pods which made it nigh invulnerable to 99% of missiles for most of the match.

Last i checked was heavier than the adf? With only the C and some of the isreali ones being heavier.
Seeing as theres a plethora of f16s in italy and such.

But maybe im miss remembering.

The gripen is faster than what? Its not faster than the F16s, or the f15s at all. Nor the su27s.

It also is severely lacking acceleration in comparisson to those jets as well.

700 cms and 120cms is a huge difference but to act like the american jets like the 15 and 16 were struggling for CMs is and was ridiculous.

As ive said the gripen was a baby plane at release, it is still easy to fly.
However after the nerfs, which went too far in the other direction it is not a top contender, especially not kow.

All Block 10s, AJ included, are 7570kg empty.

Block 15s (ADF) are all 7850kg empty, even the AM with MAWS.

Block 20 (MLU) is 7870kg empty.

F-16C Block 40 is 8860kg.

F-16C Block 50 is 9031kg.

And finally, the F-16D Block 40 is 9018kg. Despite being a 2 seater, carrying slightly less fuel means its not that heavy.



You were talking about the F-15A specifically.

The difference is that the F-15 and 16 had to maintain awareness because they couldn’t just turn on periodic countermeasures. The Gripen with 720 CMs could do just that, and the skill floor needed to use it was incredibly low.

Yes, this is about release state Gripen.

It was objectively, undeniably broken on release and shouldn’t have been added when it was.

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Ive yet to get my gripen to go faster than my 15A , the gripen acceleration attests to that, when it was very first introduced i had to grind it out so i only got the gripen just after the first nerfs to it.

Again ive stated it was a severe baby plane man, when it first released, now it just isnt it, they over nerfed it

However lets not pretend the f15A didnt sit a step below its relevant competition.

Much the same as the f15e, euro fighters, rafales etc.

Be that as it may weve moved past the stage of saying about pre nerfed gripen as it was excellent.

Are you new to gaming? The vast majority of new things in any game are broken on release. Oddly enough, the American jets are still broken, and haven’t been nearly as nerfed as, say, the Grippen, Eurofighter, MiG 29s, or Su 27s. The Su 30 has been needed to oblivion and it hasn’t even left the dev server, meanwhile the F-18 is recieving artificial buffs (American only, the Finnish F-18 gets nothing).

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so you tested it in a way where it looks favoarble towards the su-27 to not be wrong
when was the last time to players took the same amount of afterburning fuel time in wt,
(i know this is a thing in dcs but never heard about it in wt)
in wt players are most likely to take the same fuel % as it is alot simpler and you dont have to calculate how much fuel you should take

(both min fuel)

but sure i give you the dps but what is about the comical ITR of the F-15 compared to the “super-manouverable” su27
like i never heard about the f-15 being able to pull 40° of ITR

Players constantly bring fuel their comfortable with, which tends to be 5 - 7 minutes of afterburning.
Also you even admit that you put F-15 in a favorable position in your post in retaliation to me giving no favor to either plane.

i put both on min fuel because thats the achivable scenario where both planes perform best ,
iam sorry that i cannot select 5% fuel ingame

You do realize F-15A carried BOL right?

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People don’t bring same fuel percentage unless they’re going for pure speed and only care about going fast the entire match.

You know how old different fuel for different aircraft is? 2020 and prior.
No one brings minimum fuel with Spitfire LF Mk9s because using WEP causes more fuel consumption.
Just as no one brings max fuel with F-15C or Su-27, but people do bring max fuel with F-15E.
And IF you get to the reasons why, people want a fuel amount to where they can afterburn for their preferred amount of time.

well not normaly, true
but in the dueling community it isnt uncommon that both players take min fuel

The dueling community also bring the same exact aircraft.

not always, those duels just end in headons
and thats kinda boring if you ask me
(iam talking about sim btw)

Man, maybe I’m just wierd but gripen can still keep up with rafale and eurofighter in a dogfight. i think its fine for 13.7. its only real weakness is only 4 aim120.

Not in BVR games, Typhoon players will take 10-12 minutes
Climb high get fast, lock and fire off the missiles then barely make it back to base with 2 minutes of fuel.

Anyone taking full fuel in air rb is asking for problems.

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