Lmao, just lmao.
I know some of the tournament players that were looking forward to the EFT/Rafale mostly b3cause they hoped the Gripen would finally be pushed out of their meta.
Lmao, just lmao.
I know some of the tournament players that were looking forward to the EFT/Rafale mostly b3cause they hoped the Gripen would finally be pushed out of their meta.
i feel like alot of high/top tier stuff besides the US-Airframes are underperforming while especially the f16a and f15a are just overperforming
meanwhile we have the flanker that cant perform some of the manuovers it performed at airshows, because gaijins data shows that those manouvers are impossible
same happened to the digital russian RWRs they just kept slowly increasing the blindspot at the top and bottom
And the Gripen out-performs the F-16 in energy retention in-game.
What’s your claim? Gripen bias?
Yeah, and its really sad because its all because it was released way to early. If it was released with the euro and rafale there would have been no outcry to nerf it. (beyond the funny inconsistencies dev server models tend to have)
while I agree that the RU airframes are underperforming a little, Mig-29 and Flankers, its not that drastic, there are a shit ton of flanker variations and differences between each minor model, as well as limitations that almost all aircraft have been given
Su-27s are not under-performing in any metric according to graphs.
And the FMs of Mig-29s aren’t under-performing; most likely engine thrust from 400 - 600kph is under-performing on Mig-29s.
Big issue there was the fact 100m MP height was a thing so rendering every SARH missile useless was a pretty easy thing to do. Furballs on the deck were a thing and Gripen was meta for that, it’s pretty evident.
He’s definitely more right than people who claimed planes with 27ERs were meta back then.
Sooo on the dev server 30sm and iirc the EF aswell just recieved a feature which shows them the type of target being locked in both TWS and STT, wasnt able to properly test it yet, but seems like it should be able to differentiate between a misslie and an actual plane. Again, even in TWS. Which is god-tier on this thing. Doesnt do anything in GMTI though (doesnt show anything at all, cant tell apart SPAA and a warship I guess).
Edit: it also seems to have lost the NCTR on radar’s MFD in cockpit? The “Legeng” that had plane names is no longer there, but numbers (94,95…) near the contact are still present. Who knows, might be intentional, might be a bug. GMTI mode has been acting up severely on this dev build.
“Using a dogfighting jet to dogfight is cheating!”
My goodness, you American mains really are something. God forbid any other nation besides America gets something good. What’s next? Using a 88mm cannon at 5.7 is cheating since America only gets a 76mm?
Sorry what?
The gripen once it got nerfed long before Ef2000 and rafale were even anounced was towed way back in line.
Gripen at release was bonkers no argument there, but to act as if it was still some meta plane is just laughable, after its FM nerfs, acceleration nerfs and its retention, nerf it became substantially worse as a platform.
Hell i could beat the gripen in the F16AJ in a dogfight and its literally one of rhe heavier f16s.
Lets not even talk about when. ARH missiles were added and suddenly the f16C and F15C became the single best planes in game.
F16C has vbeen one of the top contenders in the game since its release.
While originally the 9g aoa limit was daft it was removed long ago.
You do realise the MiG 29s have been compared to, and out manoeuvred F-18s, right? You also do realise the MiG 29 has never carried R-60 missiles, right?
Seeing as the F15A could keep up with the gripen as well in most aspects and out do it all you really had to do was not get into a turn fight with the grip.
People just wanted to cry, 15A had 120cms, was faster, fantastic fm (when wing rips were fixed)
4x 9m, 4x 7M and could literally beat the gripen everywhere bar the instantaneous turning.
Like i got gripen after the nerfs and could not figure out why people still hated it so much.
Meanwhile F15A sat at 12.3 while the rest even su27 and j11 at 12.7 then 13.0 etc etc
I mean, I still believe it’s still fine, but I also just do 1v1s in Customs with it, so I’m a bit sheltered from Pubs. Although, I did think I was crazy for believing it was a bit sluggish, but it never stopped my friends from being absolutely terrified when they see the Swedish flag in the menu.
In tournaments the Gripen still hard dominated the F-16C though, I mean there is a reason why you pretty much never see an F-16C in most of these tournaments.
It’s interesting that you’re calling Mikoyan liars.
Mig-29s carried R-60s, they are a historical loadout.
And Mig-29s have been primarily compared to F-16s.
I used to love seeing it in the 16aj and 14a before the ARH update.
Even after which the south african gripen is absolutely dead weight man, id rather use my 13.0 f15a in a 14.0 match than the 13.7 gripen.
The issue is its Ahistorical now, they used the prototype FM as was stated above and wont bring it up to the C standard even when its been proven in bug reports.
They introduced it as if it was a UFO and left it as if its a slab compared to what a gripen should be.
Seriously the gripen in todays meta is just another meh plane, it went from being a baby plane, to being shelved pretty hard.
Tournaments as in 1v1 gun fighting?
The reason you dont see the F16C is its heavier than the 16A , and is worse than the F15A and i believe E, but is slightly better than the 15C.
And what tournaments , when? Before or after it was shifted to an early fm before the Jas39A was even in service ?
The 16C in an actual match slaughters the gripen day in day out.
The gripen cannot retain any energy nor can it build it up effectively now.
Meanwhile youve got the F15E that is still able to compete with the ef2000 and rafale
(I really think it was too early for the ef2000 and rafale with the brs how they are.)
Yeah, but go figure the American mains would cry for any and everything to be nerfed. I’m surprised the Pantsir survived so long as a top SPAA
Because its literally one of the only counters against US CAS.
While it is pretty good, US mains have a bad habit of headbutting missiles so
Just a caveat here, i dont want one nation above another, but the amount of people at top tier for jets that just want their nation to succeed is ridiculous…
Funny isnt it, all the german mains who wanted a top tier capable jet havent said much about how the EF2000 is absolutely kerb stomping lobbies. But were quick to point the finger at others.
(Quite rightly the F4F ICE was pretty silly to add as competition to the F15C), now itll be another plane takes top tier.
Not gonna lie man, id rather see a few updates that are just bug fixes ,br fixes aka decompression and qol.
Theyre ramming in newer, and newer planes without touching ones from even 2 updates ago.
I loathe German mains, but honestly, the Eurofighter dominating is okay with me because that’s the only good plane they really have at top tier. I dabbled in German air, and it was honestly very… underwhelming. Plus, what does Germany get for top tier air in the first place?
F4 (wow, so amazing… not)
MiG 29 (would be great if it wasn’t nerfed every update)
Tornado (enough said)
The other Tornado (yeah, AIM 9Ls and dumb bombs, what is this, 11.0?)
So yeah, I’ll let them have the Eurofighter. I’d just prefer not to fight the thousand Leopards that plagues GRB.