Su-30SM Nerfed

No change to Su-30SM.
Still a Mirage 2000 to F-16C, but in this case it’'s comparable to F-15.
Slower to accelerate, but more equal in flight performance than dissimilar.

Instead of insulting people for stating basic facts, maybe just be kind to others.

No one is insulting anyone, i’m saying that all you do is stating whole bunch of nonsense and maybe you are playing some other game that is not War Thunder which everyone plays

That claim only really works when he ignores that people were using very substandard platforms compared to the competition, then received a platform that was on parity (until it got nerfed past even the least credible documents) designed for situations that present similarly to war thunder. Shock horror, they did exceptionally when given a platform that kept up.

But hey, I’m sure people will continue to take Defyn’s word as gospel in spite of him being insufferably wrong about “oh this thing is performing inaccurately because I don’t like how it performs”. Gripen was fiddly to defeat with F16 on the dev server for it, but it was manageable, even for me who hates the F16 and plays ground attack primarily.


Funniest part is that the F-15A can carry BOL, and has

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And? I didn’t talk about the F15?

And most folk want the yanks to get it so gaijin pull their thumb out and fix the implementation.

Ppl wouldn’t have cried if they just gave F-15A BOL

I want it because it’s what we had/have

Why would the F15A be the only thing to get bol? Why are you trying to drag a plane into discourse it is irrelevant to? I get you’re a yank, but come on.

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And he was right. You could turn off your radar, turn on periodic countermeasures, send it into a furball and come out with as many kills as you had missiles, while being nigh invulnerable since the ‘secondary’ CMs were just as strong as regular ones and you had a near infinite supply of them.

“Parity”: outdogfights everyone else unless you’re a HUGE tryhard and use the best handling F-16s (which don’t get AIM-9Ms while the Gripen does), is one of the fastest fighters around, with incredible maneuverability and energy retention, and the most amount of CMs of them all.

And you couldn’t get radar missiled since multipath height was 100m and they’d all miss.

Yeah no, Gripen was stupidly OP and many more than just DEFYN said it.


“Historical accuracy for me but not for thee”

You want to know what plane is specifically noted as the one to keep up with early Gripen? The light F16s. The energy retention was the fault, instead they took a hatchet to the entire thing.


When did I say F-15A should be only one? It’s one of the jets that can have it, not only one.

tph it easy that time when people willing to coming and playing with you in your game without you even force them to
“Oh that’s a Gripen you know what let go and dog fight him in SU-27” good idea right?

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This concept evades them, it must be the light delta canard design isn’t as agile as insert_heavy_fighter_here.

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Only just woke up, read “just gave” as “just gave only”.

People would not have been overly bothered if the F15 got BOL, especially in its current state. And if America getting it caused the devs to fix it, people would have been pleased.

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Well, we have it on the F-14B and unfortunately it still isn’t fixed. But maybe if more popular jets get it (like F-15) more people will push for it to be fixed

I’m not stating it was accurate to real life or not. I’m stating it was one of the most handhold-y planes in the entire game and it was basically cheating.


if the gripen is not acurate, you probably have data to back up that view and if you have data on it you can just bug report it

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They chose a document from a competitor aiming to downplay Gripen amongst other aircraft in the face of documents with more credible provenance to appease the players like the individual above. You can bug report all you want, but if they choose that the less credible paper is the one most beneficial to their position, that’s that.

so jsut like the su27 where they used the flight performance of one of its early prototypes instead of the actual jet, and then ignored every single bug report because it didnt lined up with their “data”


Pretty much. Though the current state of Gripen is worse even than that document suggests it ought to be. Just keeps getting barely documented negative changes every other update (very slight exaggeration). Because folk didn’t like it being effective, so might as well do their best to kneecap it.

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